Dhaka To Manikganj Bus Schedule | Ticket Price | Updated [2024]

If you wish to know Dhaka To Manikganj Bus Schedule, in the article we have shared all the details of Dhaka To Manikganj Bus Services with Schedule with Ticket Price. There are many people are going Manikganj from Dhaka for their need. Now check the Dhaka To Manikganj Bus Schedule as well as bus ticket price, time schedule, bus companies, bus counters, bus names, bus types, seat types, travel duration and more from below at Wiki Of Info.

Dhaka To Manikganj Bus Schedule

Dhaka To Manikganj Bus distance is 53 KM and 669 meters and Ticket price is 100 to 120 Tk.There are two bus avaiabole in the Dhaka To Manikganj Bus Route. The bus name is Selfie Paribahan and Nilachol Paribahan. ‍So, you can check the name of Dhaka To Manikganj Bus from below.

  • Selfie Paribahan
  • Nilachol Paribahan.

Dhaka To Manikganj Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Now we have added Dhaka To Manikganj Bus Schedule & Ticket Price for the users. Interested people check the below table, here are to know Dhaka To Manikganj Bus Schedule with bus name, ticket price and more.

Bus Name

Ticket Price

Selfie Paribahan


Nilachol Paribahan


Manikganj To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Now we have added Manikganj To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price for the all. Interested users check the below table, here are to get Dhaka To Manikganj Bus details with Schedule bus name, ticket price and more.

Bus Name

Ticket Price

Selfie Paribahan


Nilachol Paribahan


Final Words

Hopefully to understand the Dhaka To Manikganj Bus Schedule with ticket price details from Wiki Of Info. If you want to more information, please let me know, we will give answer. Thanks