How To Earn Money Online In Bangladesh-180+ Ways

অনলাইনে ইনকাম করার ব্যাপারটি বর্তমানে বেশ জনপ্রিয় হয়ে উঠেছে। তবে অনেকেই সঠিক নিয়ম কিংবা প্ল্যাটফর্ম খুঁজে না পাওয়ার কারণে আর্নিং শুরুই করতে পারেন না। এক্ষেত্রে গাইডলাইন হিসেবে আজ আমরা এমন একটি আর্টিকেল নিয়ে হাজির হয়েছি যেখানে থাকবে How to Earn Money Online in Bangladesh সহ এই রিলেটেড বিভিন্ন প্রশ্নের বিস্তারিত উত্তর। সুতরাং চলুন তবে দেরি না করে মূল আলোচনায় ফোকাস করা যাক এবং জানা যাক বিস্তারিত তথ্য। 


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How to Earn Money Online in Bangladesh? 

Freelancing করে আয় | Online Income BD

Blogging করে আয় | Earn money from bd

Youtubing করে আয় | Online Earning Opportunity In Bangladesh 

Affiliate Marketing করে আয় | Earn money from bd without investment 

Drop Shipping করে আয় | Passive Income In Bangladesh 

Online Survey করে আয় | Online Income Bangladesh 

How to Earn Money Online in Bangladesh? 

যারা আজকের এই How to Earn Money Online in Bangladesh এর বিস্তারিত উত্তর নিয়ে সাজানো আর্টিকেলটির মূল অংশ সম্পর্কে জানতে চাচ্ছেন তাদের জন্যই মূলত এবারের আলোচনা। বর্তমানে প্রচুর চাহিদা রয়েছে এমনকিছু অনলাইন জব নিয়ে এবারে আমরা আলোচনা করবো। সাথে থাকবে এসব সেক্টরে কিভাবে কাজ করবেন সে-সম্পর্কিত বিস্তারিত তথ্য। সুতরাং মিস করতে না চাইলে আমাদের সাথেই থাকুন। 

Freelancing করে আয় | Online Income BD

ফ্রিল্যান্সিং হলো অনলাইন থেকে আয় করার শ্রেষ্ঠ একটি প্ল্যাটফর্ম। যারা How to Earn Money Online in Bangladesh প্রশ্নের সঠিক এবং সহজ সমাধান খুঁজতে খুঁজতে ব্যস্ত তারা ফ্রিল্যান্সিং ক্যারিয়ারের শুরুতে বিভিন্ন সহজ কাজকে পুঁজি করে নিতে পারেন। Online Income BD এর এই সেক্টরে Freelancing করে আয় করতে হলে আপনাকে বেশকিছু স্টেপ ফলো করতে হবে। 

শুরুতে কন্টেন্ট রাইটিং, গ্রাফিক্স ডিজাইনিং, ব্লগিং, ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং, ভিডিও এডিটিং, সফটওয়্যার ডেভলপমেন্টসহ বিভিন্ন ফ্রিল্যান্সিং সেক্টর থেকে নিজের পছন্দের প্ল্যাটফর্মটিকে বাছাই করে নিতে হবে। এবারে সময় বের করে রিসার্চ করতে হবে এবং সঠিক গাইডলাইন দেয় এমন সেন্টার বা শিক্ষককের কাছ থেকে কাজ শিখে নিতে হবে। সবশেষে মার্কেটপ্লেসে প্রবেশ করে নিজের ব্র্যান্ডিং তৈরি করতে হবে। অপেক্ষা করতে হবে ক্লায়েন্টের অর্ডারের উদ্দেশ্যে! 

Freelancing করে আয় করতে গিয়ে নিজের ক্যারিয়ারকে সফল করতে চাইলে নিচের টিপসগুলি ফলো করতে পারেন:

  • কাজ না জেনে মার্কেটপ্লেসে সময় দিবেন না
  • শুরুতে ফ্রি ইন্টার্নশিপ করে অভিজ্ঞ হোন
  • পার্মানেন্ট ক্লায়েন্টের কাজ করার চেষ্টা করুন
  • কাজের কোয়ালিটির সাথে আপোস করবেন না
  • মাঝেমধ্যে ক্লায়েন্টদের বিভিন্ন অফার দিন

Blogging করে আয় | Earn money from bd

Online Earning Opportunity In Bangladesh হিসেবে ব্লগিংয়ের কথা একেবারে না বললেই নয়। ব্লগিং সেক্টরটি মূলত লেখালেখির জগৎ। তবে আপনি যদি এই ব্লগিং করতে গিয়ে ভালোভাবে ওয়েবসাইট সাজানোর স্কিলও অর্জন করে ফেলতে পারেন সেক্ষেত্রে ওয়েব ডিজাইনার হিসেবে ক্যারিয়ার গড়তে পারবেন। 

ব্লগিং করতে হলে আপনাকে ব্লগার কিংবা ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস অথবা কোডিং করে তৈরি করা যেকোনো ওয়েবসাইটের সাহায্য নিতে হবে। শুরুতে তৈরি করতে হবে একটি ইউজার ফ্রেন্ডলি ওয়েবসাইট। ওয়েবসাইট তৈরির কাজ শেষ হলে নিয়মিত তাতে তথ্যবহুল এবং পাঠকের কাজে আসে এমন আর্টিকেল লিখে পোস্ট করতে হবে। শুধু আর্টিকেল লিখলেই হবে না। পাশাপাশি এসইও এর দিকেও ফোকাস করতে হবে। সবশেষে ২০/৩০ টি ভালোমানের পোস্ট করা হয়ে গেলে গুগল এডসেন্স থেকেই ইনকাম করা যাবে। পাশাপাশি বিভিন্ন প্রোমোশনাল কাজে কিংবা অন্যান্য অ্যাড কোম্পানির সাথেও কাজ করা যাবে। 

Blogging করে আয় করার ক্ষেত্রে নিচের টিপসগুলি ফলো করতে পারেন:

  • প্রচুর পরিমাণে সময় দিন
  • কোয়ালিটি কন্টেন্ট নিশ্চিত করুন
  • কিওয়ার্ড রিসার্চ করে টপিক বের করুন 
  • তথ্যবহুল কন্টেন্ট আপলোড করুন
  • নিয়মিত কন্টেন্ট দিন

Youtubing করে আয় | Online Earning Opportunity In Bangladesh 

ভিডিও ওয়াচিং কিংবা আপলোডিং প্ল্যাটফর্ম হিসেবে বর্তমানে ইউটিউব বেশ জনপ্রিয় একটি সেক্টর। এই সেক্টরকে কাজে লাগিয়ে আপনিও আর্ন করতে পারেন। Earn money from bd without investment এর ক্ষেত্রে এই ইউটিউবিং হতে পারে পার্ফেক্ট চয়েজ। 

Youtubing করে আয় করার ক্ষেত্রে সফল হতে হলে আপনাকে ভিডিও কন্টেন্টের প্রতি জোর দিতে হবে। এমন টপিক সিলেক্ট করতে হবে যা সারাবছরই চলে। যেমন ধরুন বিভিন্ন ক্লাসের টিউটোরিয়াল ভিডিও, অনলাইন রিলেটেড কোর্স, যেকোনো একটি স্কিলকে ঘিরে ভিডিও কন্টেন্ট তৈরি, ফ্যাক্ট রিলেটেড টপিক ইত্যাদি ক্যাটাগরির ভিডিওয়ের চাহিদা বর্তমানে বেশি পরিমাণে লক্ষ্য করা যাচ্ছে। আর এই সেক্টর থেকে আর্ন করতে হলে একটি চ্যানেলকে মনিটাইজ করিয়ে গুগল এডসেন্স কিংবা অন্য কোনো অ্যাড নেটওয়ার্ক বা প্রমোশনাল কোম্পানির সাহায্য নিতে হবে। 

Youtubing করে আয় করতে হলে নিচের টিপসগুলি ফলো করতে পারেন:

  • সারা বছর চলে এমন ভিডিও তৈরি করুন
  • মাঝেমধ্যে ট্রেন্ডিং ভিডিও দিন
  • ভিডিওতে কমেন্ট করা প্রতিটি অডিয়েন্সের রিপ্লাই করুন
  • নির্দিষ্ট এবং নিয়মিতভাবে ভিডিও আপলোড করুন
  • ইউটিউব গাইডলাইন্সের ব্যাপারে সতর্ক থাকুন

Affiliate Marketing করে আয় | Earn money from bd without investment 

Affiliate Marketing করে আয় করার মাধ্যমেও ঘরে বসে নিজের অনলাইন ক্যারিয়ার গড়ে তুলতো পারেন। Passive Income In Bangladesh হিসেবে বর্তমানে এই সেক্টরটিকে অনেকেই ব্যবহার করছে। How to Earn Money Online in Bangladesh রিলেটেড আর্টিকেলের এই অংশে আমরা জানবো অ্যাফিলিয়েট মার্কেটিং সম্পর্কে। 

অ্যাফিলিয়েট মার্কেটিং হলো মূলত কমিশন ভিত্তিক ইনকাম। বর্তমানে অ্যাফিলিয়েট মার্কেটিং সেক্টর হিসেবে সবচেয়ে বেশি জনপ্রিয়তা লাভ করেছে অ্যামাজন কোম্পানি। এক্ষেত্রে আপনাকে একটি মিডিয়া প্ল্যাটফর্ম দাঁড় করিয়ে কোম্পানিটির বিভিন্ন প্রোডাক্টের প্রমোশন করতে হবে। আপনার প্রমোশন করা প্রোডাক্ট লিংক যদি কোনো সেল আসে তা থেকে একটি নির্দিষ্ট পরিমাণ অর্থ আপনার হবে। অ্যামাজন ছাড়াও দারাজ, ফ্লিপকার্টসহ বিভিন্ন কোম্পানি থেকে অ্যাফিলিয়েট মার্কেটিং করে ইনকাম করা যায়। 

Affiliate Marketing করে আয় করতে হলে:

  • নিজের প্ল্যাটফর্মে সঠিক রিভিউ শেয়ার করুন
  • সেল করা প্রোডাক্ট নিয়ে রিসার্চ করুন
  • এমন প্রোডাক্ট সিলেক্ট করুন যা অনেক পরিমাণে সেল হয়েছে
  • ফাইভ স্টার রিভিউ আছে এমন প্রোডাক্ট নিন
  • গ্রাহকের সুবিধার্থে বিভিন্ন হেল্প টিপস শেয়ার করুন

Drop Shipping করে আয় | Passive Income In Bangladesh 

একদম বাংলা কথায় সেলারেরা নিজের খচর বাঁচিয়ে ইনকাম জেনারেট করতে ড্রপশিপিং এর ব্যবহার করে থাকে। সুতরাং বুঝতেই পারছেন, ড্রপশিপিং এর বেশ কিছু সুবিধা বিদ্যমান। বিশেষ করে বাড়তি খরচ থেকে মুক্ত থাকা।

ড্রপশিপিং বিজনেস করে ইনকাম জেনারেট করতে চাইলে আপনাকে ডোমেইনের ব্যবস্থা করতে হবে, হোস্টিংয়ের ব্যবস্থা করে নিতে হবে, একটি সুন্দর E-Commerce ওয়েবসাইট থিম কালেক্ট করে বা কিনে নিতে হবে, আলিড্রপশিপ Plugins এর ব্যবস্থা করতে হবে এবং সবশেষে আলি-ইন্সপেক্টর সফটওয়্যার নিশ্চিত করতে হবে। মনে রাখবেন ড্রপশিপিং বিজনেসে কোনো ইনভেস্টমেন্টের দরকার নেই। যেহেতু আপনি এখানে মোটামুটি একজন রিসেলার হিসেবে কাজ করছেন সেহেতু আপনার নিজের কাছে কোনো প্রোডাক্ট থাকার বা স্টক করার দরকার নেই। যখনই আপনার সাইটে বা আপনার কাছে কোনো প্রোডাক্টের অর্ডার আসবে তখনই আপনি তা আপনার সাপ্লায়ের কাছে জানাবেন এবং গ্রাহকের কাছে পাঠানোর ব্যবস্থা করবেন।

ড্রপশিপিং বিজনেসে সফল হতে হলে:

  • ভালোমানের একটি ই-কমার্স ওয়েবসাইট তৈরি করে নিন
  • প্রোডাক্টের প্রমোশন করুন
  • গ্রাহকের চাহিদা কথা মাথায় রেখে প্রোডাক্ট সিলেক্ট করুন 
  • বেশি বেশি এক্টিভ থাকুন
  • সবসময় লেগে থাকুন

Online Survey করে আয় | Online Income Bangladesh 

সাধারণ কোম্পানি অথবা ব্যক্তিগত রিসার্চের কারণে নেয়া গ্রাহকের মতামতকে মূলত সার্ভে বলা হয়। আর কাজটিকে যখন পুরোপুরি অনলাইনের সাহায্য নিয়ে করা হয়ে থাকে তখন তা অনলাইন সার্ভেতে পরিণত হয়। আপনিও চাইলে এই অনলাইন সার্ভে এর কাজ করে ঘরে বসেই বাড়তি ইনকাম জেনারেট করতে পারেন।

Online Income Bangladesh সেক্টর হিসেবে এই Online Survey করে আয় করতে হলে শুরুতে আপনাকে বৃহত্তম এবং সবচেয়ে নির্ভরযোগ্য সার্ভে সাইট খুঁজে বের করতে হবে। তবে কাজ করার আগে কিংবা কোম্পানিতে জয়েন করার আগে অবশ্যই তাদের পেমেন্ট পদ্ধতি দেখে নিবেন। নতুবা কাজ করার পর হয়তো পেমেন্ট দেশে নিয়ে আসার ব্যাপারটি নিয়ে জটিলতায় পড়তে হতে পারে। মনে রাখবেন বিভিন্ন সার্ভে সাইটে সার্ভে এর কাজ করে ইনকাম করার পাশাপাশি প্রতিদিনের চ্যালেঞ্জ, গেমস, র‌্যাফেলস সহ ইত্যাদি অনেক মাধ্যমে পুরষ্কার অর্জন করেও ইনকাম করার সুযোগ রয়েছে। 

Online Survey করে আয় করার ক্ষেত্রে সফল হতে হলে যা করবেন:

  • বৃহত্তম এবং সবচেয়ে নির্ভরযোগ্য সার্ভে সাইট বেছে নিন
  • সার্ভের বিভিন্ন টাস্ক সম্পন্ন করার সবচেয়ে সহজ পদ্ধতি বাছাই করে নিন 
  • পাবলিক রিলেশন গড়ে তোলার দিকে ফোকাস করুন
  • বাড়তি সময় দেওয়ার চেষ্টা করুন 

ইতি কথা

আশা করি How to Earn Money Online in Bangladesh কিংবা অনলাইনে আয় করার টেকনিক কি…এই রিলেটেড বিভিন্ন প্রশ্নের উত্তর দিতে সক্ষম হয়েছি। তবে পরামর্শ থাকবে যেকোনো একটি সেক্টরে ভালোভাবে কাজ শুরু করার চেষ্টা করতে পারেন। অনেকগুলি সেক্টর নিয়ে একসাথে কাজ করতে হলে প্যানিক হতে হবে। এক্ষেত্রে আপনার যে রিলেটেড কাজ পছন্দ করেন সে রিলেটেড সেক্টরে প্রবেশ করে বিগিনিং লেভেল থেকে প্রো লেভেলে যাওয়ার ব্যবস্থা করে নিতে পারেন। হ্যাপি অনলাইন আর্নিং!

The number of unemployed educated people is rapidly growing in Bangladesh. Many people are becoming frustrated by searching Govt. and non-Govt. job.  And thus they are looking for a way to be self-employed. Thus out of query and self-employment motivation, many people search for how to earn money online in Bangladesh.

Most people, especially students, are searching for how to earn money in Bangladesh online. Actually, by working online, they want to manage their self-expenses. However, with the blessings of technology, there are several ways through which you can make money online. Below we will discuss all those ways through which you can earn money online. So, keep reading till the end.

How To Earn Money Online In Bangladesh – 180+ Ways

Through several ways, you can make money online in Bangladesh. Even without any investment, you can earn a sufficient amount of money just with your skill. So now let’s go through what are those options through which you can earn online.

1. Earn Money From Affiliate Marketing

Nowadays, one of the effective ways of making money online is affiliate marketing. Look no further or don’t be frustrated by searching how to earn money online in bd. Affiliate marketing is an effective way of earning money, especially for students. Affiliate marketing is the best money-making option for those who have a YouTube channel, website or Facebook page.

2. Become An Online Reseller & Make Money

Whether you are a student, unemployed person, housewife or anything else, you can start your reselling business today and earn money online. Do sufficient research before starting the business. Choose carefully which product reselling can be bought benefit for you, and then find the right reseller to purchase the product. Then earn sufficient profit from the reselling business by setting the correct price and profit margin.

3. Do Freelancing & Earn Money Online

Do you know the way how to earn money online for free in Bangladesh? In today’s high-speed internet and technology era, freelancing is one of the best money-making ways for students.

Freelancing is a good chance to make money for those students who desperately search for how to earn money online in Bangladesh as a student. However, some of the great freelancing scopes for the students, homemakers or any educated person through which they can make money are:

  • Freelance writing or content writing
  • Data entry
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Translation jobs
  • Website development
  • Blogging
  • Online surveys
  • Web testing
  • Virtual teaching
  • Dropshipping
  • Web Designing
  • Graphic Designing

Some of the best freelancing websites are:

  • Upwork
  • Guru
  • People Per Hour
  • Toptal etc.

4. Rent Your Car Online & Make Passive Income

You can rent your personal vehicle/car online and start share riding your car to make money in Bangladesh. It is another practical way of making money. Even without having a job, you can earn sufficient money from renting your car. Also, some best websites are available in Bangladesh for renting your car. Renting your car online is the greatest way of making passive income.

5. Earn Money From On-Demand Ride Service

Uber, Pathao, OBHAI, FoodPanda etc. are some of the companies in Bangladesh that offer to make money through fulfilling the on-demand ride service. Sign up for the ride-hailing and earn money online. Without any investment, a student can easily earn money in this way. Some of the best ride-sharing apps in Bangladesh are:

  • Ubar
  • Pathao
  • Shohoz
  • Dhaka Moto
  • Truck Lagbe
  • Jatri BD etc

6. Earn Money by Responding To Paid Survey Online

Take part and respond to the paid survey online and make money. This option is the best for those who often search for how to earn money online in Bangladesh without investment. To take part in a paid online survey, you don’t need to make any investment.

Different websites offer online surveys and money-making options. Some of the top user-rated survey sites in Bangladesh that paid to take part in the survey are:

  • TGM Panel
  • American Consumer Opinion
  • Survey Time
  • Ipsos iSay

7. Earn Money Online From E-commerce

The quick and easy solution to online earning is E-commerce. This is a great option for making money for those who are searching for how to earn money online in Bangladesh by mobile. Using a mobile, you can easily carry out your E-commerce activity.

Over the period in Bangladesh, the e-commerce section has been growing rapidly. You can grab that opportunity and start selling on e-commerce sites like and Daraz to make money.

8. Earn By Giving Private Tuition Online/At-home

You can earn money by providing private home tuition or online tuition service. For the students who often look for how to earn money in online in Bangladesh, giving tuition is the best option for them. Online teaching has become very popular during this pandemic time. Thus for students giving online or home tuition could be a great way to earn.

9. Make Money by Creating A YouTube Channel

YouTube is one of the most effective and real online money-earning sites in Bangladesh. It is the best website for earning money in Bangladesh. Earning a considerable amount is easily possible if you have a YouTube channel.

10. Earn Money By Playing Games

Different websites offers you to earn money by playing games. Yes, you can indeed make money online by playing games. Many people often search to know how to earn money online in Bangladesh by playing games. By playing games, you can make money in several ways. Some of the online money-making options through playing games offer considerable amount to the players.

11. Be A Social Media Influencer & Earn Money

So nowadays, one of the best and most highly paid online jobs is social media influencer. You can make sufficient money through the best-earning website by becoming an influencer. By influencing some people or reviewing the good and bad sides of the products, you can easily make money online.

12. Select A Blog Niche To Make Money

Starting a blog is the best solution for those who often think about how to earn money online in Bangladesh as a teenager. Especially for teenagers with sufficient web development knowledge, particular niche blogging is the best option to earn.

You can earn a real income online through your website blog by ensuring sufficient organic traffic. Some of the profitable blog niches in Bangladesh are:

  • Lifestyle & Fashion
  • Food
  • Travel
  • Health (Wellbeing and Fitness)
  • Information Technology
  • Individual Accounting
  • Business and Marketing etc.

13. Earn Online Through Writing Paid Reviews

Positive product reviews are fuel for the smooth running of online business and the marking world. So writing online paid reviews answers those queries who ask about how to earn money online in Bangladesh by bKash.

By giving different online reviews on Daraz and different affiliating site, you can earn and receive payment in your bKash account. Also, different websites offer you to write a review for them, and they pay cash for it.

14. Earn Through Doing Part-time Photography

Open an online page on Facebook or create a website to provide part-time photography services and earn money. You can earn money by simply doing some nice photography or capturing pictures of others.

15. Earn Money By Watching Ads & Filling Captcha

So different websites offer you to fill Captcha and watch AD online on their website or YouTube; for this, they pay you. This is not really a good option to make huge money online. And in most cases, some of the websites are just spam. So if you try to make money this way, be careful of spam.

16.Earn Money Online by Accounting:

Accounting is an important source of earning money online in Bangladesh. In this process you can earn money through various financial institutions economic activities. According to each nation’s rules and regulations, accounting is the formal record-keeping of financial transactions for a firm or organization. So accounting is a best way to make money online.

17. Earn Money Online by Bookkeeping:

Bookkeeping is another important means of earning money online in Bangladesh. Online with bookkeeping involves keeping track of and updating records of a business’s financial data and activities.

18. Business Analysis:

The process of discovering needs and resolving business issues is known as business analysis. And in this process it is possible to earn money online by solving business problems of different companies keeping in tune with the demand

19. Financial Analysis & Modeling:

You can earn money by financial analysis and modeling in online. In this process entails modeling the forecast in order to support business choices as well as providing an analysis of the financial performance in comparison to the budget or projection.

20. Financial Management / CFO:

The planning, organizing, and coordination responsibilities involved in managing financial resources fall within the purview of financial management. You can earn money by managing the financial activities of various companies online.

21.HR Administration:

HR administration entails monitoring internal employee databases, upholding corporate policies, and carrying out general administrative responsibilities related to human resources. You can earn money by taking care of all these activities of different companies online.

22. Instructional Design:

Designing and creating manuals, tutorials, online courses, and other instructional materials are all part of instructional design. And the demand of earning money online through this instructional design is increasing day by day.

23. Management Consulting:

Improving a company’s performance and fostering growth is the practice of management consulting that are vey important. So you can make money online by consulting various companies for improvement.

24. Recruiting:

The process of obtaining and hiring qualified people for positions within a firm is known as recruiting. And it is possible to earn money online by hiring qualified people in different companies.

25. Tax Preparation:

Tax preparation is the process of putting together tax returns for a person or a business. It is possible to earn money online through this activity because the chances of business success are high in this field.

26. Training & Development:

Increasing an organization’s effectiveness through various training and staff development strategies that place a focus on enhancing individual and team performance. So earning money through increasing work efficiency is an important means.

27. Data Entry:

We can earn money by entering data into a computer system or updating an existing data table.

28. Online Research:

We can also earn money through online research uses data mining, data scraping, general search engine usage and gather information from the internet.

29. Order Processing:

We can earn money by sending things to a shipping carrier after choosing, packaging, and selecting them is known as order processing.

30. Project Management:

Managing activities and resources to execute a project is known as project management. Currently, many people are earning online by managing various projects.

31. Transcription:

Converting audio and video to text is the process of transcription. Transcripts of interviews or movie subtitles serve as examples. You can earn money online by performing these transcription jobs.

32. Virtual Assistance:

Remotely assisting clients with their administrative needs is known as virtual administrative support. So you can earn money online by providing virtual assistance to clients in administrative matters.

33. Customer Service:

Customer service is the aid offered by a business to consumers of its goods and services. So you can earn money online by helping customers with product.

34. Technological support:

You can earn money by giving technical support helping users of technical goods or services.

35. Data analytics:

Data analysis entails looking over and modeling data to find helpful information and guide decisions. This is an important point. So you can earn money online by analytics the data of different companies.

36. Data Engineering:

Data engineering is the process of planning, constructing, and upkeep of data infrastructure. Nowadays many people are earning money online by doing data engineering work for different companies.

37. Data Extraction:

Extraction of data from diverse sources for later processing or storage is known as data extraction. So it is possible to earn money online by extracting unnecessary data from the computers of various companies.

38. Data Mining:

Examining databases for anomalies, correlations, and other patterns is known as data mining. Nowadays many people are making money online by mining data of different companies.

39. Data Processing:

Data processing is the process of gathering and modifying data to create useful information. Currently you can earn online by doing data processing work.

40. Data Visualization:

Data visualization is the process of creating and researching visual representations of data. Nowadays many people are making money online by doing data visualization of different companies.

41. Deep Learning:

Multilayer neural networks are used in deep learning, which is a subset of machine learning. By creating this networking system we can make money online.

42. Testing & Experimentation:

Testing an item or service with an eye toward innovation is called experimenting. Validation of a good or service is part of testing. So money can be earned by checking the validity of various products.

43. Knowledge Representation:

Knowledge representation is the process of transforming data and information into a format that a computer can use to handle challenging problems. One can earn money online by creating various such programs.

44. Machine learning:

Machine learning is the process of creating software that can learn and develop without explicit programming utilizing algorithms and statistical models. So one can earn money online by creating various such apps or programs.

45. 2D Animation:

Characters, storyboards, and backgrounds are created in two-dimensional environments in 2D animation. Which is very important nowadays . So you can earn money online with this job.

46. 3D Animation:

Creating 3D objects that appear to move in three dimensions is known as 3D animation. So you can build your career online by doing animation work.

47. Actor:

The skill of representing a person or a character in a performance, such a play or a movie, is known as acting. And many have become millionaires through this acting industry.

48. Art Direction:

Managing the artistic components of a movie, book, or other media creation is known as “art direction.” So it is possible to earn a lot of money with art direction in various subjects.

49. Audio Editing / Post-Production:

Audio editing and post-production is the process of editing and combining audio for speeches, music, movies, and other types of media. Audio editing is important in today’s technology driven world. So you can make money doing it from home.

50. Audio Editing / Post-Production:

Audio editing and post-production is the process of editing and combining audio for speeches, music, movies, and other types of media. So a lot of money can be made by editing audio in various media.

Audio Production: Audio production is the process of generating, syncing, and recording sounds for use in movies, television shows, or videos. It is possible to earn money online by mastering these tasks.

51. Design:

Brand Identity Creating a company’s design message through a brand name, logo, and other graphics is known as brand identity design. Design is a very interesting profession nowadays. It is possible to earn a lot of money online by mastering design skills.

52. Brand Strategy:

We can earn money from the creation of a long-term plan for a brand to accomplish particular objectives is known as brand strategy.

53. Cartoonist:

Cartooning is the craft of creating cartoons through sketching, drawing, editing, and occasionally even animation. It is possible to earn a lot of money online by acquiring cartoonist skills.

54. Creative Direction:

Creative direction is the process of managing a company’s creative vision and applying it to the development of both digital and printed assets. By utilizing this process of creative direction, it is now possible to make a lot of money.

55. Editorial Design:

Designing an exhibit entails taking it from a conceptual idea to a tangible object for display. If you can express yourself in the world of thoughts in this way, it is possible to earn a lot of money from it.

56.Exhibit Design:

You can earn money designing the layout and aesthetics of books, newspapers, periodicals, and online publications.

57. Fashion Design:

We can earn money applying design principles and aesthetics to apparel and accessories.

58. Graphic Design:

Creating visual media, graphic design frequently use typography, photography, and illustration to convey ideas. In recent times graphic design is an important platform to make money online. So you can earn a lot of money by mastering it.

59. Illustration:

Illustration is the process of creating visual representations of ideas or procedures for use in print, internet, or other media. You can also earn a lot of money by making this process available.

60. Image Editing:

At present one of the most important earning sources is the practice of changing photos, photographs, or illustrations. By doing these tasks we can earn money online.

61. Motion Graphics:

We can use design for motion graphics In the creation of movies or videos. In this way we can earn money by using the motion graphic design applying the concepts of graphic design.

62. Musician:

Musicians create music with their voices or with the aid of instruments like violins, guitars, and keyboards. Musicians can make money this way by making good music.

63. Music Composition:

The process of generating or writing a piece of music is known as musical composition. And there is a lot of money to be made by writing good contemporary music.

64. Music Production:

Nowadays band music is a popular music. So you can earn a lot of money by managing the recording and creation of music for a band or artist.

65. Photography:

In the present world you can earn money by the art of taking, composing, editing, and processing photos.

66. Presentation Design:

Changing a presentation’s layout, font, and images is known as presentation design. You can earn a lot of money by presenting the activities of various companies through good presentations.

67. Scriptwriting:

Screenwriting is the process of writing scripts for films, television shows, or video games. There are many opportunities to earn money by script writing in this way .

68. Store Design:

Store design is the process of designing and constructing retail space using CAD software. So there are many opportunities to earn by designing stores according to the client’s needs.

69. Videographer:

Videography is the art of recording professionally composed video footage, often for film or marketing. Video footage is very important for public safety these days. So there is an opportunity to earn a lot of money through skill in this work.

70. Video Editing / Post-Production:

Video editing post-production refers to the process of editing video footage, including adding titles, music, and sound.  So there are enough opportunities to earn money online by acquiring video editing skills.

71. Video Production:

Video production is the process of creating video content through writing, shooting, and editing video footage. So there are many opportunities to earn money online by acquiring all video related skills.

72. Vocalist:

A vocalist sings the vocal portion of a song, often backed by accompanying instrumentals.    So if you have good singing voice and skill you can earn a lot of money online from here.

73. Voice Talent:

Voice talent are persons who perform voice-overs for radio, television, films, or presentations. If you have a good voice and know how to present, this can be a respectable career for you as well as an opportunity to earn money.

74. 3D Modeling:

Creating a three-dimensional mathematical model of an object’s surface is known as three-dimensional modeling. So there are some opportunities to make money by creating such mathematical models of object’s surfaces.

75. 3D Rendering:

3D rendering is the automatic transformation of 3D wireframe models into 2D visuals. So there is an opportunity to earn money online by mastering this conversion.

76. 3D Visualization:

Using computer software, graphic content is created through the process of 3D visualization. So you can earn money by creating graphic content online.

77. Architecture:

Buildings and other structures are designed using architecture, which frequently makes use of 3D CAD software. Nowadays the demand of architecture industry is increasing day by day. So there is an opportunity to earn enough money by providing online services in the architecture industry.

78. BIM Modeling:

Building information modeling (BIM) is the process of digitally representing a building’s structural and functional elements. So there are many opportunities to earn money online by doing digitalize of building structure.

79. Biology:

Biology is the study of plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, and other living things as well as the processes that control life. Knowledge of biology is very useful in our real life. Therefore, money can be earned by providing information about this online.

80. CAD Computer-aided design:

You can earn a lot of money by knowing the process of using computers to generate, edit, optimize, or evaluate a design.

81. Chemical Engineering:

You can also earn money by the development and design of chemical manufacturing processes of chemical engineering.

82. Chemistry:

Chemistry is the study of the elements and compounds that make up matter as well as their characteristics. Therefore, material and economic improvement of the world is possible through the improvement of chemistry.

83. Civil engineering:

Public and commercial infrastructure projects are designed and maintained by civil engineers. So it is possible to excel economically by utilizing the skills in the civil engineering sector.

84. Electrical Engineering:

Electrical engineering is the study of how electricity, electronics, and electromagnetic are used. Currently, the demand for electronics is sky high. So it is easy to earn a lot of money online by acquiring skills in this sector.

85. Electronic Engineering:

A branch of electrical engineering with a focus on the development and manufacture of electronics. So we can do many jobs in online and earn money by using electronic skills.

76. Energy Management & Modeling:

Building computer models of energy systems for analysis and improvement is a component of energy management and modeling. It is possible to earn a large amount of foreign currency through this computer optimization.

87. Engineering tutoring:

There is a huge opportunity to earn money online by providing necessary information and various necessary materials about engineering.

88. Jewelry Design:

You can earn money by Designing and making rings, lockets, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, and other pieces of jewelry.

89. Landscape Design:

The profession of landscape design involves fusing nature and culture to produce beautiful landscapes. There are many opportunities to earn money online by designing landscapes that combine nature and culture.

90. Oil & Gas Engineering:

The process of removing oil and natural gas from reservoirs is known as oil and gas engineering. There are many opportunities to make money by providing engineering facilities related to oil and gas in the development of the country and nation.

91. Process Engineering:

Process engineering is the application of concepts to the conversion of raw resources into finished goods. And by completing this conversion process you can earn money online.

92. Quantity Surveying:

You can earn money from the practice of monitoring building expenses, paperwork, and contracts.

93. Structural Engineering:

Engineering’s branch that deals with man-made structures like tall buildings and bridges is known as structural engineering. There are many good opportunities to earn money by contributing to this sector.

94. Sourcing & Procurement:

Procurement is the process of locating vendors to acquire the raw materials required by a company to produce its goods and provide its services. This process is known as sourcing. There is an opportunity to earn a lot of money by creating many such sources for selling products.

95. HVAC & MEP Design:

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) design concentrate on the design and construction of buildings. So there are versatile opportunities to earn money by contributing and consulting all these jobs .

96. Hydraulics Engineering:

The application of fluid mechanics to issues involving the flow and storage of water and other fluids is known as hydraulic engineering. You can earn a lot of money working in hydraulic engineering.

97. Industrial Design:

The creation of concepts and designs for goods destined for mass manufacturing is the focus of industrial design. There are immense opportunities to earn money by creating such artistic designs in various industries.

98. Interior Design:

Inside design is the art and science of planning the interior of a space, such as a room or a building. Procurement is the process of locating vendors to acquire the raw materials required by a company to produce its goods and provide its services. This process is known as sourcing. So the seller realizes that more money can be made by selling more products.

99. Logistics & Supply Chain Management:

Managing the flow of goods and services from point of origin to point of consumption is known as logistics and supply chain management. And these logistics and supply chain management managers have various opportunities to earn money.

100. Mathematics:

The study of numbers in connection to form, quantity, space, and change is known as mathematics. In today’s world there are many opportunities to earn money by solving mathematical problems well.

101. Mechanical Engineering:

Mechanical engineering is the study of the construction, use, and design of machines, particularly those related to manufacturing. Nowadays everything is becoming machine dependent. Hence the demand for mechanical engineers is increasing. So there are many opportunities to make money in this sector.

102. PCB Design:

Printed circuit boards, which are utilized for physical device routing, are designed through the PCB Design process. PCB design process is one of the ways to earn money.

103. Physics:

The study of matter and how it behaves in space and time is the focus of physics. The role of physical science in the outstanding progress of the present world is undeniable. So there are many opportunities to earn money by contributing to this sector.

104. Product Design:

Product design refers to the process of coming up with a brand-new good or service for a company. As a result of the new design of the product, the demand for the product is increasing in the market. And thus the way to earn more money is smooth.

105. Scientific tutoring:

In order to complete their assignments, classes, and tests, students need help understanding science and math ideas. And through this scientific analysis, it is possible to become more economically prosperous by achieving universal improvement.

106. Solar energy:

Solar energy is a renewable source of heat or electricity that comes from the sun. So there are many opportunities to earn money online by making people aware about solar energy and adopting different approaches.

107. Wind Energy:

Wind energy is a renewable resource that is harnessed and transformed into electricity. During the current energy crisis, wind energy can be used to generate income opportunities.

109. Database Administration:

A database administrator’s work to maintain a database’s availability is referred to as database administration. So mastering computer database matters can earn you a lot of money.

110. DevOps Engineering:

You can earn money by DevOps engineering entails fostering teamwork among software engineers, system administrators, and other staff members.

111. Information Security:

Information security focuses on preventing unauthorized access, use, or destruction of information for an organization. So with any company information security you can earn money online.

112. Network Administration:

Network administration is the process of maintaining an organization’s networking infrastructure. Networking system done properly you can earn money by helping an organization.

113. Network Security:

Network security covers the policies, technologies, and practices an organization uses to monitor the misuse of a computer network. There are many opportunities to earn money online by mastering networking security.

114. Solutions Architecture:

Solution architecture defining and describing the architecture of a system in terms of a discrete business operation or activity. By performing this process you can earn money online.

115. System Administration:

System administration is the management of IT infrastructure, hardware, and software systems. You can earn money by managing these systems properly.

116. Systems Architecture:

Systems architecture is the process of designing models that the structure and behavior of a system. So you can earn money online by doing system architecture work.

117. Systems Compliance:

Systems compliance guarantees that computer systems adhere to legal standards and reduces customer harm brought on by legal infractions. There is a serious shortage of skilled people in this work.

118. Systems Engineering:

Systems engineering is concerned with the creation and management of complex systems across their entire existence. Therefore, it is possible to make progress by utilizing the skills in systems engineering.

119. Business & Corporate Law:

Corporate law deals with the creation and management of corporations and other businesses. Acquisitions, mergers, formation, and shareholder rights are all covered under business law. This sector has many opportunities to earn money online .

120. General Counsel:

A general counsel serves as a company’s top attorney. They handle general issues, collaborate with experts, and, if necessary, oversee the legal department of a company.

121. Immigration Law:

Immigration law focuses on the rules and legislation that control immigration into, emigration from, or deportation from a country. Helping with immigration law can smooth the way to financial income

122. Intellectual Property:

Law on Intellectual Property The goal of intellectual property law is to protect and uphold the legal rights of inventions and creative works. So there are many ways to become self-reliant by exploiting intellectual property.

123. International Law:

The laws that are recognized by states as being enforceable in their interactions with one another are referred to as international law. And by collaborating with this international law profession you can create an online income path.

124. Labor & Employment:

Employment & Labor Law The area of law known as labor and employment law is concerned with the rights and protections of employees as well as their interactions with labor unions. An income stream can be created by creating different opportunities for workers in this sector.

125. Paralegal:

You can earn money as a paralegal works in the legal field under the direct supervision of an attorney.

126. Regulatory law:

There are various benefits of making money in Bangladesh under the regulatory laws based on the law.

127. Securities & Finance Law:

Anything that can be traded on a secondary market, such as stocks, bonds, options, or mutual funds, is covered by securities and finance law. It is considered as one of the professions to earn money.

128. Tax Law:

The constitutional, statutory, and regulatory guidelines governing taxation are the focus of tax law. It is possible to put the economic backbone of the country on a strong foundation by implementing the tax laws.

129. Business Development:

Pursuing strategic prospects for a company includes things like building partnerships or finding new markets. There are ample opportunities to earn online by creating a business development path.

130. Campaign Management:

You can earn money by marketing campaign execution, evaluation, and reporting comprise the process of campaign management.

131. Community Management:

You can also earn money Community management entails acting as a liaison between and its target audience on any platform where customers may be found.

132. Material Strategy:

There are many people earn money by planning, creating, and managing content to further an organization’s goals.

133. Digital Marketing:

We can earn money from all forms of marketing that utilize digital technologies, such as computers, mobile devices, and the internet, fall under the category of digital marketing.

134. Email Marketing:

We can earn money from email marketing that is to advertise goods and services and foster relationships with prospective clients.

135. Lead Generation:

Lead generation is a technique used in marketing to find and sell a company’s potential clients. You can earn money through this process.

136. Marketing Automation:

Marketing automation refers to the use of software to automate marketing actions, which enables businesses to operate more successfully. You can generate income by using your skills to bring business success.

137. Marketing Strategy:

You can earn money by designing strategies to market and sell a good or service.

138. Market Research:

Market research is concerned with acquiring data about consumer demands and preferences in order to establish market strategy. So you can earn money by presenting various market related information to specific companies.

139. Public Relations:

You can earn money in online by building productive ties between corporations and their audiences via strategic communication.

140. Search Engine Marketing:

Through paid and organic marketing, search engine marketing is the practice of enhancing a website’s presence in search engine results. Currently it is one of the most popular ways to earn money online.

141. Market Research:

The practice of improving traffic to a website through natural search engine results is known as search engine optimization. You can earn money online by doing market research for any company.

142. Social Media Marketing:

You can earn money in online by using social media to advertise goods and services is known as social media marketing.

143. Social Media Strategy:

You can earn money by planning and putting into action the objectives a company has for using social media.

144. Telemarketing:

Telemarketing is the process of reaching out to potential customers to sell them goods or services. There are many opportunities to earn money in this process as well.

145. Language Localization:

You can earn money in online by the process of changing a product’s or document’s content to match the language, culture, and other needs of a particular local market .

146. Language tutoring:

You can earn money in online by teaching kids a foreign language listening and speaking practice.

147. Legal Translation:

You can earn money in online by the process of taking legal texts written in one language and turning them into texts written in another language.

148. Medical Translation:

Medical translation is the special source of earning money by translating papers into another language for regulatory, marketing, teaching, and clinical purposes.

149. Specialized:

translation The process of translating texts about technology or the application of science and technology into another language is known as technical translation. There are many opportunities to earn money in this process as well.

150. Development of AR/VR:

The practice of integrating computer-generated simulations into the actual world is known as augmented reality (AR). The process of building a believable and engrossing simulation of a three-dimensional environment is known as virtual reality (VR) development. There are many opportunities to earn income by researching and presenting various data in this work.

151. Automation QA:

Writing scripts and employing tools to test apps for load, performance, and stress metrics is known as automation testing. So a lot of money can be made by mastering automation processes.

152. Back-end development:

Back-end development focuses on an application’s server side, which includes functionality for database data retrieval. So you can discover ways to earn money by retrieving database data.

153. CMS Customization:

You can earn money by customizing a content management system (CMS), which enables the production and alteration of digital content.

154. CMS Development:

You can earn money by developing of a content management system (CMS), which enables the production and editing of digital content.

155. Database Development:

You can also earn money by working with database technology to enhance an organization’s IT architecture.

156. Desktop Software Development:

Desktop software development is the process of producing desktop applications for operating systems like Mac, Windows, or Linux. So there is an opportunity to earn online by mastering the software development process.

157. Ecommerce Development:

Building, managing, and providing e-commerce platforms and solutions are all part of e-commerce development. Manage various aspects of e-commerce and earn money online.

158. Emerging Tech:

Emerging technologies include all currently in development technologies that have the potential to change social, cultural, or business contexts. There are many online income opportunities that are gained in this promising sector.

159. Firmware Development:

Firmware development is the process of creating computer software that manages the hardware of a device. So firmware development process can be one of your money making tool.

160. Front-end development:

You can earn money front-end development uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the user interface for hardware or software.

161. Full Stack Development:

Full-stack development involves working on both the front end and the back end of a website or application. By creating this type of programming, you can uncover ways to earn online.

162. Functional testing:

Functional testing entails developing tests to make sure every part of a piece of code or piece of software is operating properly. Money can be earned by utilizing this work skill.

163. Game Development:

You can earn money by the process of making video games for consoles, mobile devices, and desktop computers.

164. Mobile App:

You can earn money by building mobile applications .The process of developing apps for mobile devices is known as mobile app development.

165. Mobile Design:

You can earn money by designing the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) for mobile applications.

166. Mobile Game:

You can earn money by developing of mobile games .The process of generating video games for mobile platforms is known as mobile game development.

167. Translation:

You can earn money by the process of converting words and meaning from one language into another is known as translation.

168. Prototyping:

Money can be earned by testing a product through the prototyping process .

169. Scripting & Automation:

Writing code to automate procedures that would otherwise need to be carried out step-by-step by a web developer. By performing this process you can earn money.

170. Scrum Master:

A scrum master is a facilitator who ensures that an agile development team adheres to agile principles and practices. There are ways to earn money online by utilizing this work skill.

171. User Research:

Using qualitative and quantitative approaches, user research aims to comprehend user behavior, needs, and motivations. You can earn money through this research activity.

172. UX/UI Design:

User experience and user interface design, or UX/UI design, can be the source of earning money of creating user interfaces.

173. Web Design:

Web design is the process of creating a website’s user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). Nowadays there are many opportunities to earn money online by designing web.

174. Business Writing :

You can earn money by enterprise Writing Business writing focuses on creating proposals, reports, and other written materials for audiences inside or outside of an organization.

175. Career Coaching:

You can earn money by the process of assisting professionals in making educated judgments about their career paths is known as career coaching.

176. Content Writing:

Writing content for corporations and organizations entails conducting research, editing, and writing. And you can earn money online by doing this writing job.

177. Copywriting:

You can earn money by writing written content for advertising, publicity, lead generation.

178. Creative Writing:

Composing creatively entails writing scripts, fiction and nonfiction, web material, and other kinds of artistic works. This is how you can earn money online through creative writing.

179. Editing and proofreading:

Editing entails providing corrections and recommendations to elevate the standard of a written work. Writing errors are found and fixed during proofreading. You can earn money by contributing this work.

180. Ghostwriting:

You can earn money by writing books, articles, speeches, works of other person as the author.

181. Technical Writing:

Technical writing entails the production of documentation for technical areas like software and hardware for computers. And you can make money using this computer skills.

182. Writing tutoring:

The process of assisting pupils in honing their writing abilities is known as writing tutoring. You can earn money online or offline by presenting writing skills to students.

183. Product Management:

Product management is the process of creating the strategy and roadmap as well as specifying the features that must be included. You can earn money using this process.

184.  Clipping Path

You can earn money by clipping path business in online. Just create your website and setup business. from the business you will get huge money by providing clipping path services.

185.  Photo Editing:

By providing various types photo editing service you can earn money from online and offline.

186. Computer Typing Shop

Other Ways Of Making Money Online

There are plenty of ways to earn online. Explaining all the ways one by one is quite challenging. Thus here we are mentioning some other ways of making money online. So if you want to learn how to earn money online in Bangladesh 2024, you should go through the following points must:

  • Earn money online by accounting or keeping a formal record of financial transactions
  • Make money online by Bookkeeping
  • Do business analysis and earn money online by identifying the business’s needs, problems and solutions
  • HR Administration
  • Financial management
  • Develop and design online courses through instructional design
  • Online research
  • Project management
  • Order processing
  • Virtual assistance
  • Customer service
  • Technical support
  • Data Engineering, Extraction, Mining, Processing and Visualization
  • Knowledge presentation
  • Experimentation and testing
  • Creative direction online and many more things

Final Thoughts

So, hopefully, the above comprehensive article was helpful enough, and now you know how to earn money online in Bangladesh. You can adopt any of the methods today and try to earn money online.

However, before starting any online work, don’t forget to examine the online source’s authenticity. Set your skill, and you will definitely get plenty of options to make money online as there is no lack of scope. So try your luck and start earning today.