Nowadays, Dhaka to Kolkata Bus journey is common for Bangladeshi people. So, Dhaka to Kolkata Bus Schedule is important for making bus journey in Dhaka to Kolkata bus route. Because, both Dhaka and Kolkata are cities of Bengali nations. Therefore, Bangladeshi people often visit to Kolkata for making family trip. Moreover, people also go to Kolkata for business purposes, taking medical check up, studying and so on. So, here we are telling you about Dhaka to Kolkata Bus Schedule, Dhaka to Kolkata Bus ticket price in Bangladesh, Dhaka to Kolkata bus ticket booking online. Besides, you can also know about Dhaka to Kolkata Bus Counters and Dhaka to Kolkata Bus Counters contact numbers.
Dhaka To Kolkata Bus List :
There are multiple operators of buses in Dhaka to Kolkata route. Besides, some bus operators provide both AC and Non AC buses. So, you can choose your bus according to your comfort and budget. Here is the list of buses name that travel from Dhaka to Kolkata.
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- Shohag Poribohon
- Royal Coach
- Green Line Poribohon
- Shyamoli Poribohon
- Desh Travels
- Soudia AC.
Dhaka To Kolkata Bus Schedule 2024:
Knowing Dhaka to Kolkata Bus Schedule is the most important thing for the passengers. You can plan your journey in Dhaka to Kolkata bus route according to the bus schedule. The AC and Non AC buses departures from Dhaka in multiple times.
Here is the time table chart of AC buses of Dhaka to Kolkata bus route.
Bus Name (AC) | From | To | First Trip | Last Trip |
Desh Travels | Dhaka | Kolkata | 22:15 | 23:55 |
Shyamoli Poribohon | Dhaka | Kolkata | 22:15 | 23:55 |
Green Line | Dhaka | Kolkata | 22:15 | 23:55 |
Royal Coach | Dhaka | Kolkata | 22:15 | 23:55 |
Shohag Poribohon | Dhaka | Kolkata | 22:15 | 23:55 |
The schedule chart of Non AC buses that travel from Dhaka to Kolkata is given below.
Bus Name (Non AC) | From | To | First Trip | Last Trip |
Desh Travels | Dhaka | Kolkata | 22:15 | 23:55 |
Shohag Poribohon | Dhaka | Kolkata | 06:30 | 22:30 |
Green Line Poribohon | Dhaka | Kolkata | 07:00 | 23:30 |
Royal Coach | Dhaka | Kolkata | 09:00 | 23:30 |
Dhaka To Kolkata Bus Ticket Price :
Dhaka to Kolkata Bus ticket fare is quite affordable for the travelers. The ticket’s price of Dhaka to Kolkata AC buses is 1500 to 2000 taka BDT. Besides, you can also take the Non AC buses. Because, the ticket’s price of Non AC buses is cheap. You can purchase the bus tickets from the bus counters or, you can book them via online.
Check: Dhaka to Khulna Bus Schedule
Here is the chart of Dhaka to Kolkata bus Ticket Price.
Bus Name | Ticket Fee BDT (AC) | Ticket Fee BDT (Non AC) |
Green Line Poribohon | 1900 | |
Shohag Poribohon | 1820 | 890 |
Royal Coach | 1300 (Hino)
1700 (Hyundai Universe) | 900 |
Desh Travels | 1500 | 900 |
Shyamoli Poribohon | 1900 (E Class)
1700 (Hyundai Universe) | |
Saudi Air Con | 1100 |
Dhaka To Kolkata Bus Route Distance :
Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. On the other hand, Kolkata is one of the most famous cities of India. There are multiple transports available in Dhaka to Kolkata route. Comparatively, Bus journey is more reasonable one than the train or plane journey.
The distance between Dhaka to Kolkata by route is almost 330 kilometers (205 miles). So, it takes nearly seventeen hours to reach Kolkata from Dhaka.
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Dhaka To Kolkata Ticket Booking Online :
In present days, you can book your bus tickets from online websites. You do not need to worry, if you cannot get time to go to the bus counters. For instance, you can buy your tickets through your phone or laptop, sitting in your home. There are multiple websites for booking Dhaka to Kolkata bus tickets. So, it helps the travelers to book their bus tickets without any hassle. Besides, you can use any of these websites like : or, for booking your bus tickets.
Dhaka To Kolkata Bus Counters Contact Number :
There are so many of Dhaka to Kolkata bus counters located in Dhaka. So, you should have the contact numbers of Dhaka to Kolkata bus counters. You can call there for clearing your confusions about bus time table and ticket prices. Moreover, you can also know about the Dhaka to Kolkata bus route map. Therefore, we are giving you all the contact numbers of Dhaka to Kolkata Bus Counters.
Shyamoli Poribohon Dhaka Counter :
Shyamoli Poribohon is one of the popular buses operators in Dhaka to Kolkata bus route. The bus counters of Shyamoli Poribohon is located in various places of Dhaka. Here is the list with their contact numbers.
167/21, Inner Circular Road
Phone : 02-7193910, 02-7194291, 01716-416831
Dhaka To Kolkata Green Line Poribohon Counters Contact Number :
Green Line Poribohon has many buses in Dhaka to Kolkata route. So, they have so many bus counters for the passengers. The bus counters contact numbers of Green Line Poribohon are given below.
Rajarbagh Counter, Dhaka
Phone : 02-9342580, 02-9339623.
Arambagh Counter, Dhaka
Phone: 02-7192301, 01730-060009
Fokirapul Counter, Dhaka
Phone: 02-7191900, 01730-060013
Sayedabad Counter, Dhaka
Phone :
Kola bagan Counter, Dhaka
Phone : 02-9133145, 01730-060006
Kallyanpur Khalek Pump Counter, Dhaka
Phone : 02-8032957, 01730-060080
Kallyanpur Sohrab Pump Counter, Dhaka
Phone : 01730-060081
Uttara Ajampur Counter, Dhaka
Phone : 01730-060075
Uttara Abdullahpur Counter, Dhaka
Phone : 01730-060076
Badda Counter, Dhaka
Phone : 01970-060074
Norda Counter, Dhaka
Phone : 01730-060098
Golapbug Counter, Dhaka
Phone : 0447-8660011.
Green Line Poribohon Kolkata Counters Contact Number :
Green Line Poribohon has a bus counter in Kolkata.
4, Motilal Mullick Lane, Neogipara, Ariadaha, Kolkata
Phone : 917044090041
Desh Travels Dhaka Counters Contact Number :
The bus counters of Desh Travels are available in many areas of Dhaka. Here is the list.
Arambagh Counters
Phone : 02-7192345, 01762-684430, 01709-989436
Fokirapul Counters
Phone : 01762-620932
Mohakhali Counters
Phone : 01705-430566
Uttara Ajampur Counters
Phone : 01762-685091
Uttara BMS Counters
Phone : 01762-684438
Abdullahpur Counters
Phone : 01762-684432
Kola bagan Counters
Phone : 02-9124544.01762-684431, 01709-989435
Kallyanpur Counters
Phone : 02-8091613, 01762-684440
Sohrab Pump Counters
Phone : 02-8091612, 01762-684403
Technical Counters
Phone : 01762-684404
Gabtoli Counters
Phone : 01762-684433
Savar Counters
Phone : 01762-684434
Shohag Poribohon Dhaka Counters :
Here is the list of Shohag Poribohon bus counters contact numbers in Dhaka.
Sayedabad Counters
Kamalapur Counters
Address: 64/1 A Hotel Al-Faruk.
Narayanganj Counters
Address: 111 Bangabandhu Road, N.Gonj
Phone: 01926-699368
Jonopoth Counters
Phone: 01926-699368
Chittagong raod Counters
Phone: 01926-699365
Brahman baria Counters
Phone: 01926-696264
Voirob Counters
Phone: 01926-696269
Ashugonj Counters
Phone: 01926-606267
Bishwa Road Counters
Phone: 01926-696165
Royal Coach Dhaka Counters Contact Number :
Royal Coach is another popular bus operator company for Dhaka to Kolkata bus route. So, you should have their contact numbers for going to Kolkata from Dhaka.
Dhaka Counter
Phone: 01971-396329
Arambagh Counter, Dhaka
Phone: 01971-396330, 01872-723203.
Shyamoli Counter, Dhaka
Phone: 01872-723209.
Kamalapur Counter, Dhaka
Phone: 01971-396331, 01872-723205
Panthopath Counter, Dhaka
Phone: 01971-396332, 01872-723208.
Kallyanpur Counter, Dhaka
Phone: 01971-396333, 01872-723210.
Fokirapul Counter, Dhaka
Phone: 01971-396334, 01872-723207.
Chittagong Road Counter, Dhaka
Phone: 01872-723224.
Abdullahpur Counter, Dhaka
Phone: 01872-723212.
Gabtoli Counter, Dhaka
Phone: 01872-723236.
Nobinagar Counter, Dhaka
Phone: 01872-723214.
Narayanganj Counter, Dhaka
Phone: 01872-723222.
Final Words :
So, here, we tried to give you all the necessary information about Dhaka to Kolkata Bus Schedule. Besides, you should know some more important things. Most importantly, you have to have your passport for travelling from Dhaka to Kolkata by bus. Then, you should know Dhaka to Kolkata bus route map. Lastly, you need to know Dhaka to Kolkata Bus Schedule, price of Dhaka to Kolkata AC and Non AC buses tickets. Furthermore, if any trouble incident happens in Dhaka to Kolkata Bus journey, the bus authority will take the needed steps.
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