GP Internet Setting 2024 | MMS, APN, IPhone & More – Easy Process

Do you have an android, iPhone, a smartphone, or only a phone that needs to be set with GP Internet Setting? If you indeed have, then you came to the right place. In this article, I will provide you step-by-step instructions for Grameenphone internet setting 2020.

You will find a Gp internet setting code, GP internet setting system, GP internet setting via SMS, Grameenphone internet setting code number, GP internet setting 4g, GP internet setting iPhone, Grameenphone internet setting for modem, and much more in this article. Make sure that your device has an activated GP sim card. Then, let’s get started!

GP internet setting system:

Nowadays, most smartphones can automatically connect to the internet without prior APN configuration. Your device needs to have a Gp internet setting auto for that. Any android of configuration 4.4.2 or above or IOS 7.0 has it. If your phone doesn’t have automatic settings, you need to set APN for your device manually. Here, I will give you simple step-by-step instructions for Grameenphone internet setting 2020:

Setting 3G Network in Android 4.4.2

Option 1

Step 1: Unlock your phone and go to the “Menu” option

Step 2: Go to “Settings” and then choose the “More” option from the settings bar

Step 3: Choose the “Mobile Networks” option from the available options

Step 4: Choose “Data Connection.” A pop-up box will appear.

Step 5: Activate the Grameenphone network by clicking on the “Grameenphone” option in

the pop-up box.

Option 2

Step 1: Go to the “Settings” menu

Step 2: Choose the option “Wireless and Network.” After that, choose “Mobile


Step 3: Select “Access Point Names.” A new window will open.

Step 4: In the window, click on “New APN.” Type “Internet” as the name and press “Ok.”

Type the APN as “internet”.

Step 5: Choose the “APN Type” option. A pop-up box will appear. From the box, click on

“Internet” and then “Ok.”

Step 6: Go to “Menu” again and click on “Save.” The network setting is now complete.

If your device doesn’t work according to the new settings, try rebooting and restarting

the device.


Step 1: Touch on the “Settings” icon and then click on the “More” option

Step 2: Choose the “Cellular Networks” option. A pop-up box will appear.

Step 3: Choose “Grameenphone” as the SIM for data in the pop-up box.

Step 4: Go to the “Preferred Network Type” option and select 3G as the preferred


Setting GP Network in iPhone/IOS Devices (GP internet setting iPhone)

Step 1: Touch on the “Settings” icon and then on “General Menu.”

Step 2: Choose “Network Menu”

Step 3: Select “Cellular Data Network”

Step 4: A new window will open. Set the APN, Username, and Password under the

“Cellular Data” option.

Step 5: Type “internet” as the APN. Keep the Username and Password blank. Your GP

network configuration is complete.

Setting GP Network by Sending Message (GP internet setting via SMS, GP

internet setting auto):

Step 1: Tap on the “Message” icon and click on “New Message.”

Step 2: A new tab will appear in that tab, type “ALL.”

Step 3: Send the message to 8080.

Step 4: If that doesn’t work, dial to *111*6*2#. The service is free of charge.

Step 5: Your automatic Grameenphone internet setting is done.

Setting GP Network in Computer/Laptop through Modem (GP internet setting for modem):

There are two simple steps in case of setting up your modem connection in PC. They are:

Step 1: Connect the modem to your PC through a USB port at the front. Or do that through a

connection port at the back. Then install the modem.

Step 2: Dial to “Grameenphone Internet” from your desktop to start the network setup


After following these steps, you can set up your modem GP internet in two methods.

They are given below:

Option 1

Step 1: Go to “Windows Settings.” Visit “APN Settings.”

Step 2: Choose the “Network and Internet” option. Then click on the “Cellular” option.

Step 3: Go to the “Advanced Options.” Find the “APN Settings” option.

Step 4: From there, select the option “Add an APN.”

Step 5: Set the APN with correct information. I will provide the report along with

GP internet setting code below.

Step 6: After setting the APN, click on the “Save” button.

Step 7: To access internet connection, go to the APN of Grameenphone and click

on “Apply.” Now, you can connect to GP internet.

Option 2

Step 1: Go to the modem window. Select “Tools.”

Step 2: Select “Options.” From there, go to “Profile Management.”

Step 3: Click on “New.”

Step 4: Type a “Profile Name” and “APN.”

Step 5: I will provide the required APN information below.

Step 6: Click on “Ok” after you’ve added “Profile Name” and “APN.” Your modem

the connection is now set.

After finishing the setting, go to the “Phone and Modem” option. Select “Active

Modem” and then “Properties.” From the “Advanced” menu, go to the “Extra

Initialization “Commands” and type: +cgdcont=1,”IP”,”Gp internet”. The process is now



If you have a dual-SIM phone and installed two different SIM operators, this tutorial is

for you. That will work when you have a GP 3G SIM set at card slot one and another

operator’s 4G SIM set at another slot. Follow these steps for GP internet setting 2020 in

a dual-SIM phone:

Step 1: If you check beside the network icon at the top of the phone, both the SIM cards

will display the letter E or G.

Step 2: From the home screen, pull down the toggle menu. From there, tap on


Step 3: Choose “SIM Cards” from the options

Step 4: Slide on the activate option displayed beside “Cellular Data.”

Step 5: The primary card set on your phone will show a 4G SIM card

Step 6: Set the primary SIM card to Grameenphone by clicking on “Select Primary Card.”

and then, “Ok.”

Step 7: Now, you have successfully set your primary card to be Grameenphone. The

the network type is 3G.

GP internet setting code:

Now I will provide you the Grameenphone internet setting code number, Grameenphone internet setting code,

and all other necessary information. Read all the information carefully:

Grameenphone internet setting code number (APN settings)

Profile Name: GP Internet

APN Name: internet

Proxy: None

Port: None

Username: None

Password: None

Server: None

MMSC: None

MMS Proxy: None

MMS Port: None

MCC: 470

MNC: 01

Authentication Type: None

APN Type: Internet/Default

APN Protocol: Ipv4       

APN Roaming Protocol: Ipv4

GP internet setting for modem

Name: GP Internet

APN: GP internet

Phone Number: *99***1#

Username: None

Password: None

GP internet setting 4g

ISP Name: GP Internet

APN Name: GP internet

Proxy: None

Port: None

Username: None

Password: None

Server: None

MMSC: None

MMS Proxy: None

MMS Port: None

MCC: 470

MNC: 01

Authentication Type: None

APN Type: Internet/Default

APN Protocol: Ipv4

APN Roaming Protocol: Ipv4

Enable/Disable APN: APN Enabled

Bearer: None

MVNO Type: None

MVNO Value: None

 Other Important Information:

Necessary Dial Codes for GP Internet Setting:

Handset Settings: *500*50#

Subscription Status: *566*10#

Internet Usage: *500*60#

Activate/Start AutoRenewal: *500*41#

Deactivate Current Internet Package: *500*40#

Deactivate AutoRenewal Package: *500*42#

Necessary Dial Codes for Activation, Their Size, Duration, Price and

Additional Benefits

Grameenphone provides its customers with a lot of internet package offers. There are many options to choose from, so you can subscribe to the package that will meet your

needs. I have listed all the internet packages offered by Grameenphone, their data

sizes, duration, price, condition, and dial codes:

Dial CodeData SizePrice (Tk.)Duration (Days)Conditions
*121*3242#2 GB412 
*121*3083#250 MB313 
*121*3056#Weekly 1 GB867 
*121*3344#1.5 GB1047 
*121*3058#Weekly 2 GB1297 
*121*3084#Weekly 4 GB1797 
 6 GB14874G internet: 3GB regular + 3GB
*121*3133#10 GB19874G internet: 5GB regular + 5GB
*121*3007#555 MB14928 
*121*3390#1 GB18928 
*121*3027#1538 MB22928 
*121*3391#3 GB27928 
*121*3392#5 GB39928 
*121*3393#10 GB64928 
*121*3021#12 MB emergency data loan52 
*121*3023#7 days FB67 
*121*3024#28 days FB1828 

Final Thoughts:

These are all the necessary information on GP Internet Setting. Also, instructions for GP internet setting 2020, GP internet setting code, Grameenphone internet setting system, Grameenphone internet setting via SMS, Gp internet setting code number, GP internet setting auto, GP internet setting iPhone, Grameenphone internet setting 4g and Grameenphone internet setting for modem has been provided in this article. If you find this helpful, then please share my article.

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