Robi Roaming | Unlimited Data Roaming Offers

Robi Roaming is an amazing service system for users of Robi Axiata Limited. Basically, Robi is the second-largest telecom service provider in Bangladesh. Besides, it is a joint venture between Group Berhad of Malaysia. Also, the Robi has a joint venture with the Bharti Airtel of India. Likewise, Roaming internet system provides the best and internet in other countries without hassle. In other words, the users can enjoy the best roaming rates and the fastest data plans.

If you avail of roaming system Robi, you will enjoy the network connection with the strongest Robi internet network in the world. But, you have to make sure Robi Roaming Activation first. Then, you can enjoy unlimited internet at reasonable prices while roaming. Therefore, in this article, we will give you all the necessary details about the Roaming Robi customer service. Also, you will get to see the latest Roaming internet offer.

Robi Roaming Activation Code :

Generally, the Robi data plan while Roaming is the easiest and the fastest free roaming data service for the users. Likewise, it is an international internet using service. So, the users have to sign up or, register to use the Robi internet while roaming. Because, the Roaming data service of Robi is for roaming purposes to other countries. That is to say, you don’t have to buy internet offers gradually while roaming all over the world.

For MonthlyFor Daily

Check: Robi Internet Settings

Simply, you can avail the Robi Roaming customer service. But, first, you have to open an authentic account to use the Raoming internet system. Likewise, there are three different ways to register for the Robi data roaming service.

  • Firstly, you can register for Robi internet Roaming by using your bank account and passport.
  • Secondly, you can do your registration by using My Robi app from your smartphone.
  • Thirdly, you can register or, activate Roaming Robi internet by dialing the USSD from cell phone.

Roaming Internet Offer Packs Of Robi :

Basically, there are so many exciting and unlimited Robi Roaming Internet offer packs for the roaming internet users of Robi. So, the users can enjoy the fastest and the strongest Robi Roaming internet in roaming other countries. For instance, there are so many varieties of the roaming internet offer packs of Robi. Likewise, the users will get to enjoy daily, weekly and monthly internet offer as Roaming data plan.

But, to enjoy all these Roaming internet offer packs of Robi, you have to deposit the required recharge amount for roaming internet of Robi. Then, you have to pay the exact offer’s price including taxes. So, let’s see all the Robi Roaming internet offer packs at one glance with the offer’s price including tax and advance recharge.

Offer Packs (With Validity)Offer’s Price (Including Tax)Minimum Advance / Recharge
99 Tk Daily Unlimited Data126.23 Tk$10
800 Tk Daily Unlimited Data1020 Tk$10
999 Tk + Taxes 1 Day Combo1273 Tk$15
1499 Tk + Taxes 3 Days Combo1911 Tk$23
599 Tk + Taxes 7 Days Data763 Tk$31
1999 Tk + Taxes 7 Days Combo2548 Tk$10
2499 Tk + Taxes 10 Days Combo3186 Tk$38
2599 Tk + Taxes 30 Days Roaming Data3313 Tk$30
4000 Tk + Taxes 60 Days Roaming Data5100 Tk$61

Roaming Robi Activation Processes :

  • By Bank Account and Passport :
  • Roaming Robi Document Submission :
  • Security Deposit
  • By Using My Robi App
  • Roaming Activation Code

By Bank Account and Passport :

1. Firstly, both of the Robi prepaid and postpaid users need to fill up a Roaming Robi Activation registration form.

2. Then, the users need to provide the necessary documents given below :

  • Both sides copy of the Credit Card and the back part signature is required. Then, for the SAARC portion the US dollar endorsement needed to be done.
  • Passport Copy of Personal Information and Dollar Endorsement page.
  • Corporate customers have to fill up Authorization for Corporate or, Organization subscriber portion of the IR subscription form. Besides, they need to ensure that the KAM or, ERM is aligned.

Roaming Robi Document Submission :

Accordingly, to register the users need to submit the necessary documents given above. For instance, you can submit your legal copies and documents through Email. So, send your required scan copies of the documents to  Otherwise, visit the nearest Robi Sheba as well as the Robi customer care center to submit the documents.

Security Deposit :

Consequently, the customers of Robi internet roaming need to ensure having the security deposit on their bank account. That is to say, the users must deposit the required amount of Roaming Robi recharge. For instance, you don’t have to pay the required security amount. But, you need to provide and show them for security purposes. So, let’s see the details of the roaming data plan Robi recharge amount for security deposit.

  • Basically, the users have to recharge the Default minimum security deposit for international roaming. Likewise, the required security deposit amount will be Tk 5,000. Moreover, the credit limit is as equal as the security deposit amount.
  • Surprisingly, the credit card holders of Partner Bank will enjoy zero deposit facility. For instance, the Partners banks of Roaming Robi system are :
  • Standard Chartered Bank.
  • Eastern Bank Limited.
  • United Commercial Bank Limited.
  • City Bank Limited.

Moreover, the Robi Platinum & Platinum ACE customers will also enjoy the zero deposit facility for international roaming. That is to say, they do not have to pay the security deposit limit. But, the customers need to make the advance rechargefor using the international roaming system.

Besides, to enjoy the Roaming internet offer packs of Robi, customers need to make advance payment of minimum $10. Also, the roaming Robi data plan advance payment price includes Vat and other taxes amount. Moreover, the advanced payment will reflect as the available credit limit.

By Using My Robi App :

Surprisingly, now you can easily register for the roaming internet service of Robi from your smartphone. That is to say, you do not have to provide the long lists of legal documents. Simply, you can sign up for the roaming internet service, from My Robi App instantly. That is why, you need to install My Robi App and open your account. Then, you can register for the Robi Roaming customer service and enjoy unlimited internet while roaming.

By Dialing Roaming Robi Activation Code :

Likewise, the Roaming data usage system is available by using the Roaming Robi Activation Code. In other words, you can easily register for using roaming data of Robi from your cell phone. But, first, all you have to do is to dial the Roaming Activation Code of Robi.

Then, you can enjoy amazing unlimited Robi Roaming internet offer in other countries right away. So, let’s see the USSD numbers of activation codes for roaming internet service in Robi.

  • Now, the Robi users can opt to daily roaming internet in Robi, by dialling *123*8*2*3#.
  • On the other hand, you have to dial *123*8*2*4# to register for monthly Roaming system.

Terms And Conditions :

Basically, there are some important terms and conditions for theRoaming System of Robi. For instance, the Robi Roaming Customer Service is an international internet using service. So, the have to know and follow the necessary terms and conditions of Robi internet plans while roaming. Now, let’s see all the necessary terms and conditions of international Roaming Robi System 2024.

  • Likewise, all the Prepaid and Postpaid Robi users can enjoy the Roaming data plan system.
  • Besides, the Robi ensures to enjoy the unlimited roaming Robi internet in other countries.
  • Moreover, the user’s have to provide the real documents for registering in Robi Roaming system.
  • Then, to enjoy daily, weekly and monthly Robi Roaming internet offer, you have to deposit the advance payment first.
  • Meanwhile, the credit card holders of Partner Banks of Robi do not have to pay the advance payment.
  • Nonetheless, the Robi internet offer pack’s price includes taxes.
  • Lastly, to check customer service bill, you have to dial, *1#.

FAQ -Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. What is Robi Roaming system?

Ans: The Robi data plan for Roaming is an amazing system for using internet in the international countries. That is to say, the users can enjoy unlimited Robi Roaming internet in their trips to other countries. Likewise, the customers can avail the unlimited Robi Roaming internet offer at reasonable prices.

Q. How to start Roaming Robi System?

Likewise, to start the Roaming internet service of Robi, go to settings in your phone. Firstly, switch on the option of Mobile Data service in your mobile. Secondly, go to Mobile Network option. Thirdly, turn on the Data Roaming option.

How to do international Roaming Robi registration?

Ans: The Robi users can easily register for the international roaming data service of Robi. Firstly, you can go to the nearest Robi centre with the required real documents. Otherwise, you can submit the documents to the official Robi email address.

Q.How can I activate the Roaming Robi after leaving Bangladesh?

Ans: The users can easily activate the Robi Roaming customer service even after leaving Bangladesh. Firstly, you have to send the needed papers and scan copies to the Then, they will provide you with the necessary guidelines to follow.

Q.How to check the Roaming Robi bill?

Ans: To check the charge or, bill of Roaming system dial *1#. Besides, to start the daily Robi Roaming internet offer dial, *123*8*2*3#. Then, to start the monthly Roaming Robi internet offer, dial, *123*8*2*4#.

Q.How much I have to pay in advance for the Roaming activation?

The users need to deposit $10 to their bank account for security purposes of Roaming system. But, the credit card holders of Standard Chartered Bank, City Bank, Eastern Bank do not have to deposit the advance payment amount.

Final Lines :

Thus, we have provided every necessary detail about the Robi Roaming Customer Service 2024. Likewise, Robi internet while roaming is one of the most popular international internet connection systems. Basically, it is very handful for the users who roam outside the country. So, while roaming I’m other countries, they do not have to worry about buying data constantly. For instance, they can avail the unlimited roaming data plan of Robi internet offer packs.

Besides, they can choose their desired offer from daily, weekly and monthly package. Also, these roaming internet packs of Robi are available at the lowest prices. Moreover, you can easily register for the roaming unlimited data by using real documents and My Robi app. Also, you can start the daily and monthly Roaming Robi internet with the roaming internet activation code. Thanks for being with us.