If you are to make a journey from Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar by bus, then you must know Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Bus Schedule.
So, we are here for you to provide all information about Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Bus Schedule and Ticket Price. Because, Cox’s Bazar is one of most famous your place.
It has the longest sea beach of the world. As a result, people from all over the country, very often go to visit Cox’s Bazar with family and friends.
The travelers make the tour from Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar by bus. Consequently, there are so many bus companies that are always provide their AC and Non AC buses in this route.
Check: Dhaka to Chittagong Bus Schedule
Dhaka To Cox’s Bazar Bus List :
In Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar route, there are plenty of Buses are available. Besides, many of these companies have multiple buses, that start from multiple places of Dhaka.
So, you can easily get the buses from the bus terminals like : Mirpur, Arambag, Kamalapur, Motijheel and so on.
Along with Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Bus Schedule, you should also have the knowledge about the bus operator companies.
However, there are nearly 20 bus operator companies that provide their buses in Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar route. Therefore, here we are showing you the names of both AC and Non AC buses.
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The names of AC buses are given below :
- Green Line Service
- Desh Travels
- Precedence Travels
- Shanti Poribohon
- Ena Transport
- Unique Poribohon
- Year 71 Express
- Shyamoli Transport
- TR Travels
- Eagle Transport
- Hanif Enterprise
- Royal Coach
- S Alam Poribohon
- Saint Martin Poribohon
- Silk Line Travels
Now, the names of Non AC buses are given below :
- Tuba Line
- Desh Travels
- Ena Transport
- Unique Poribohon
- Shyamoli Poribohon
- Year 71
- SI Enterprise
- Eagle Transport
- Saint Martin Poribohon
- S Alam Poribohon
- Royal Coach
- TR Travels
- Hanif Enterprise.
Link: Dhaka to Khulna Bus Schedul
Dhaka To Cox’s Bazar Bus Schedule and Ticket Price :
The distance between Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar is 415 kilometers. So, it takes nearly 12 hours to reach Cox’s Bazar from Dhaka. The buses are available in multiple times.
So, you need to collect the Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Bus Schedule from the bus operator company which you are going to travel.
Link: 30 Best Tourist Places in Bangladesh
For making the journey to Cox’s Bazar, firstly, you need to know the schedule. Secondly, you need to know the Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar bus ticket price.
Thirdly, and most importantly, you should know about the locations of Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar bus ticket counters, from where you will get the tickets.
For instance, you can also book your bus ticket through online.
Here we are showing you the chart of Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar bus ticket price of both AC and Non AC buses with the bus names.
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Name of Bus | Ticket Fee BDT (AC) | Ticket Fee BDT (Non AC) |
Desh Travels | 750 | 1800 |
Tuba Line | 800 | 1450 (Econo), 2000 (Business) |
Ena Transport | 800 | 1200, 1600 |
Unique Service | 800 | Â |
Shyamoli Transport (NR) | 800 | 1000, 1200, 2000 |
Shyamoli Transport (SP) | 800 | 1500 (Econo), 2200 (Business) |
Year 71 | 800 | 1600 |
TR Travels | 800 | 1400 (Econo), 2000 (Business) |
Eagle Transport | 800 | 1500 |
SI Enterprise | 800 | Â |
Hanif Enterprise | 800 | 2000 (Business) |
Econo | 800 | Â |
Royal Coach | 800 | 1500 (Econo) |
Saint Martin | 800 | 1500 (Econo) |
S.Alam | 800 | Â |
Green Line | Â | 1250, 1800, 2000, 2500 |
Shohag | Â | 1700 (Regular), 2000 (Exclusive) |
Star Line | Â | 1000 |
Precedence Travels | Â | 2500 |
Shanti Poribohon | Â | 1000 |
Silk Line Travels | Â | 2000 |
Bus Company’s Contact Number :
Hence, you should have the contact numbers of the bus companies because you will be able to clear any inquiries about Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar bus schedule and ticket price.
Therefore, we are helping you with the contact numbers of all the bus service companies. You can call to know the schedule, book your ticket and also know further information.
Green Line Poribohon Contact Number :
The contact numbers of Green Line Poribohon counters that are located in Dhaka, are given below :
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- Rajarbag, Dhaka : 02-9342580, 02-9339623,
- Arambag, Dhaka : 02-7192301, 01730-060009
- Fakirapul, Dhaka : 02-7191900, 01730-060013
- Azampur, Dhaka : 01970-060075
- Abdullahpur, Dhaka : 01970-060076
- Badda, Dhaka : 01970-060074
- Norda, Dhaka : 01730-060098
Green Line Service has three ticket counters in Cox’s Bazar. So, here are the contact numbers :
- Cox’s Bazar Bus Terminal : 01730-060074
- Jhautola, Cox’s Bazar : 0341-62533, 01730-060074
- Kolatoli, Cox’s Bazar : 0341-63747, 01970-060070
Desh Travels Contact Number :
Desh Travels has many ticket counters in Dhaka. Here are contact numbers :
- Arambag, Dhaka : 02-7192345, 01762-684430, 01709-989436
- Fakirapul, Dhaka : 01762-620932
- Mohakhali, Dhaka : 01705-430566
- Azampur, Dhaka : 01762-685091
- Uttara BMS, Dhaka : 01762-684438
- Abdullahpur, Dhaka : 01762-684432
Contact numbers of Cox’s Bazar counter booth of Desh Travels are given below :
- Kolatoli, Cox’s Bazar : 01768-620936
- Jhautola, Cox’s Bazar : 0341-63233, 01762-620937
- Chokoria, Cox’s Bazar : 01985-650479, 01689-840531
Shohag Poribohon Contact Number :
Shohag Poribohon is a famous bus company in Dhaka. Therefore, the contact numbers of Shohag Poribohon are given below :
- Sayedabad, Dhaka : 01926-699367
- Kamlapur, Dhaka : 01926-696262
- Narayanganj, Dhaka : 01926-699368
- Jonopoth, Dhaka : 01926-699368
- Chittagong Road, Dhaka : 01926-699365
There are only two counters of Shohag Poribohon in Cox’s Bazar. Here are the contact numbers :
- Kolatoli, Cox’s Bazar : 01926-699354
- Jhautola, Cox’s Bazar : 01926-699255
Ena Poribohon Contact Number :
Ena Poribohon is very popular for bus travelers. They provide both AC and Non AC buses. So, you can call the counters with help of the contact numbers given below :
- Mohakhali, Dhaka : 01760-737650, 01619-737650, 01869-802725
- Dhaka Airport : 01760-737652, 01869-802726, 01872-604498, 01872-695911
- Uttara BGB : 01760-737651, 01869-802728
- Fokirapul, Dhaka : 01869-802736, 01872-604475
- Abdullahpur, Dhaka : 01869-802729, 017989-11752, 01610-449903
- Badda, Dhaka : 01869-802735, 01872-604495
Besides, Ena Poribohon has so many counters in Cox’s Bazar. The contact numbers are given below :
- Cox’s Bazar Terminal : 01878-059206
- Jhautola, Cox’s Bazar : 01878-059202
- Long Beach Hotel, Cox’s Bazar : 01878-059203
- See Alif Hotel, Cox’s Bazar : 01621-499522
- Ocean Paradise, Cox’s Bazar : 01878-059204
- Link road, Cox’s Bazar : 01878-059207
- Ramu, Cox’s Bazar : 01872-508990
- Eidgah, Cox’s Bazar : 01878-059208
Saint Martin Poribohon Contact Number :
Saint Martin Poribohon is, most importantly, another popular bus company. Here are their contact numbers with the location of counters in Dhaka :
- Arambag, Dhaka : 01762-691341, 01762-691339
- Fokirapul, Dhaka : 01762-691350, 01762-691342
- Panthopath, Dhaka : 01762-691364
- Kollanpur, Dhaka : 01762-691353
- Chittagong Road, Dhaka : 01762-691343
The contact numbers of Saint Martin Poribohon counters located in Cox’s are given below :
- Cox’s Bazar : 01762-691348, 01762-691347
- Jhautola, Cox’s Bazar : 01762-691349
- Chokoria, Cox’s Bazar : 01985-650479, 01689-84053
TR Travels Contact Number :
Here are the contact numbers of TR Travels bus counters :
- Kallyanpur, Dhaka : 02-8035964, 02-8031189
- Gabtoli, Dhaka : 02-9004412
Silk Line Contact Number :
Silk Line buses are quite popular for travelers going Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar. So, the travelers may need the contact numbers. Here are their contact numbers :
- Arambag, Dhaka : 01844-191800, 01844-191801
- Kolabagan, Dhaka : 01844-191803, 01844-191810
- Kolatoli, Cox’s Bazar : 01844-191810, 01844-191811
Hanif Enterprise Contact Number :
Hanif Enterprise is a famous bus company. Therefore, they have plenty of ticket counters all over Dhaka. So, you can easily get through any of their counters. The contact numbers of Hanif Enterprise bus counters are given below :
- Kallyanpur, Dhaka : 02-9010214, 01713-049540, 01713-049541, 01713-049573
- Shyamoli Ring Road, Dhaka : 01713-402639, 01713-049532
- Gabtoli, Dhaka : 02-9012902, 02-9008475, 01713-049541
- Technical, Dhaka : 02-9008475, 01713-049541
- Kolabagan, Dhaka : 01730-376342, 01713-402670, 02-8119901
- Fokirapul, Dhaka : 02-7191512
- Arambag, Dhaka : 01730-376343, 01713-402631, 01713-402632, 01713-402671, 02-7194007
- Savar, Dhaka : 01753-488476, 02-7747788
- Nobinagar, Dhaka : 01681-29999, 01753-488476
- Panthopath, Dhaka : 01713-402641
- Sayedabad, Dhaka : 01713-402673
- Uttara, Dhaka : 01713-402672
- Abdullahpur, Dhaka : 01713-049513
- Norda, Dhaka : 01713-049579
- Cox’s Bazar : 01713-402651
- Kolatoli, Cox’s Bazar : 01713-402653, 01713-402651
- Sugondha Beach, Cox’s Bazar: 01713-402635, 01713-402651
- Chokoria, Cox’s Bazar : 01985-650479, 01689-840531
- Teknaf : 01825-157324
Tuba Line Contact Number :
The Tuba Line provides buses in Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar route. Here are the contact numbers of Tuba Lines bus counters :
- Kolabagan, Dhaka : 01867-005654
- Fokirapul, Dhaka : 01867-005652
- Arambag, Dhaka : 01867-005653
- Kamalapur, Dhaka : 01867-005691
- Sayedabad, Dhaka : 01876-005687
- Chittagong Road, Dhaka : 01876-005657
- Abdullahpur, Dhaka : 01876-005675
- Sugondha Beach, Cox’s : 01818-401626, 01876-005665
- Court Bazar, Cox’s Bazar : 01876-005667
Year 71 Contact Number :
Contact numbers of Year 71 bus counters are given below :
- Gabtoli, Dhaka : 01971-078801
- Kallyanpur, Dhaka : 01971-078802
- Panthopath, Dhaka : 01971-078810
- Fokirapul, Dhaka : 01971-078803
- Golapbag, Dhaka : 01917-078820
- Sayedabad, Dhaka : 01917-078807-
- Jhautola, Cox’s Bazar : 01971-078811
- Sugondha Beach, Cox’s Bazar : 01874-319430
- Sea Hill Hotel, Cox’s Bazar : 01971-078813
- Dolphin Mor, Cox’s Bazar : 01531-822876
S. Alam Poribohon Contact Number :
For instance, to use the buses of S Alam Poribohon, you should have the contact numbers of their counters. Here are the contact numbers :
- Fokirapul, Dhaka : 02-7193961
- Kamalapur, Dhaka : 02-8315087, 01917-720395
- Suritola, Dhaka : 02-9566654
- Gabtoli, Dhaka : 01813-329394
- Laldigir Par : 01917-720386
- Bus Terminal, Cox’s Bazar : 0341-62902
Econo Service Contact Number :
The Econo Service is quite popular for buses. So, they have provided so many counters in Dhaka and Cox’s Bazar for the passengers. Econo Service bus counters contact numbers are given below :
- Gabtoli, Dhaka : 01963-622223
- Kallyanpur, Dhaka : 01963-622224
- Asad Gate, Dhaka : 01963-622225
- Panthopath, Dhaka : 01963-622279
- Fokirapul, Dhaka : 01963-622226, 01963-622227, 01963-622228
- Kamalapur, Dhaka : 01963-622229
- Mugdha : 01963-622230, 01963-622231
- Gopalbag, Dhaka : 01963-622232
- Sayedabad, Dhaka : 01963-622233
- Jatrabari, Dhaka : 01963-622236
- Chittagong Road, Dhaka : 01963-622237
- Kochukheth, Dhaka : 01963-622239
- Mirpur, Dhaka : 01963-622240
- Norda, Dhaka : 01963-622238, 01559-666468
Final Words :
So, it was all about Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Bus Schedule and Ticket Price 2024. Besides, we have provided here all the latest information about Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Bus Schedule.
Moreover, you can also see the ticket’s price chart of AC and Non AC buses that travel on Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar route. Cox’s Bazar is a land of beach, hills and many more natural beauties.
Therefore, there is a huge number of travelers going Dhaka to Cox’s via bus.
So, this article is for those travelers because, they can get all needed information about bus counters location, contact numbers, bus schedule and ticket prices.
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