Banglalink Social Pack 2024 | Facebook, IMO, Viber & More.

Banglalink is a reputed SIM company for affordable call rates. In addition to affordable call rates, Banglalink has always been trying to bring more benefits to its customers. And one of their initiatives is Banglalink Social Pack Offer. In this social pack offer, you will get the opportunity to use social media like Facebook, Imo, Viber, WhatsApp, Twitter, and YouTube at low prices. In the Banglalink Social MB Pack Offer, they have pack offers of different prices so that the customer can buy and use the data as per his requirement.

Banglalink Social Pack 2024

People nowadays use Imo, Viber, and Whatsapp more than voice calls. Also, Facebook is currently at the top of social media. So at Banglalink Social Pack Offer 2024 you will get an excellent offer pack through which you can easily use these social media apps and you don’t have to spend a lot of money. 

Social PackCostValidityActivation Code
20 MB1 TK1 Day*5000*514#
30 MB Facebook1.5 TK4 Days*5000*514#
100MB Social Pack7 TK7 days*5000*576#
250 MB Imo10 TK7 days*5000*525#
500 MB49 TK7 days*5000*588#
1 GB YouTube19 TK2 days*5000*345#
1 GB89 TK7 days*5000*517#

Banglalink Social Pack Offer 2024 is a very useful offer for Banglalink customers because here you can buy data of a certain amount and use Facebook, Imo, WhatsApp for a long time. The social pack also has a separate data offer rate for YouTube. Below I have given the list of Banglalink Social Pack Offer.

See the Banglalink Social Pack List:

Banglalink subscribers can buy data packs separately,

  • 30 MB Facebook Data Pack only 1.5TK and its validity is 4 days, to activate this offer dial *5000*414#
  • 250 MB IMO Pack, its duration is 7 days and cost only 10 Tk. Dial *5000*725# to activate this offer.
  • 1GB Youtube Pack Offer 2 days validity, and its cost only 19Tk. Dial *5000*345# to activate this pack.
  • 100 MB Social Pack with 7 days validities and its price is 7Tk. its activation code is *5000*576#.

If you installed BL app on your mobile then you can easily buy Banglalink IMO or Facebook Data Pack,

  • 500MB IMO Data Pack at 19Tk. and its validity 5 days.
  • 500MB Facebook Pack Offer only 19Tk. with 5 days validity.
Social PackPrice BDTActivation Validity
500 MB (IMO)19 BDT(My BL App)5 Days
500 MB (FaceBook)19 BDT(My BL App)5 Days

Unlimited Banglalink Free Facebook:

Facebook Nowadays there are many people who do business online through Facebook. It is very important for them to be active on Facebook. So these online business owners can buy Banglalink’s Unlimited Facebook Data Offer if they want. It has different amounts and offers in monthly packages,

2GBTk. 20930Days*5000*581#
3GBTk. 24930Days*5000*249#
18 GBTk.49930Days*5000*508#

Banglalink Bondho SIM Social Pack Offer 2024:

If you have a closed Banglalink SIM which you have not been using for a long time. You can re-activate that SIM and grab Banglalink Social Pack Offer 2024.

  • Get free 1GB Facebook on 30 days validities, dial *121*200# to get this offer.
  • Or you can get special internet offer, such as recharge 49Tk or dial *121*200# and get 2GB internet. It validity is 7 days.

Terms and Conditions:

  • This pack is applicable for all Banglalink prepaid and call and control customers.
  • SD+VAT+SC will be applicable for this offer.
  • To check internet balance dial *5000*500#.
  • To Unsubscribe or Deactivate any social offer dial *5000*537#.
  • After expire internet data, customers will be charged the pack if they use the internet.
  • Internet data speed varies on the type of device and usage of the customers and overall network speed.
  • Customers can purchase the pack multiple times.


So this is all about Banglalink Social Pack Offer 2024. If you read this article carefully you get a detailed idea. There are so many different social media apps Banglalink has tried to make a package that they cover using the entire app. Banglalink has a daily, weekly, and monthly offer pack. If you need an urgent internet pack to using IMO or WhatsApp you can easily purchase their one-day data pack.

Or you want to monthly coverage internet pack is also available in Banglalink Data Social Pack. I have tried to present it in such a way that you do not have to face any problem in understanding. But if there is any problem then let us know in the comment box.

Must Read: Banglalink Internet Pack Offer