Dhaka to Dewanganj Train Schedule 2024 With Ticket Price and New Timetable

While you want to make a trip Dhaka to Dewangonj in this case train journey is best for you. First you have to find the Dhaka to Dewangonj train schedule and ticket price. According to Google map the route of Dhaka to Dewangonj about 212 km long.

In this article you get to know about Dhaka to Dewangonj train schedule 2024 and Dhaka to Dewangonj ticket price. This schedule is made confirming to Bangladesh Railway Ticket Authority.

Dhaka To Dewanganj Train List

There are many tarins in Dhaka To Dewanganj route which are running in day and night, now we have listed and mentioned the Dhaka To Dewanganj Train List

  • Brahmaputra Express (743)
  • Tista Express (707)
  • Dewangonj Commuter (47)
  • Vawal Express (55)
  • Jamalpur Commuter (51)

Dhaka to Dewanganj Intercity Train Schedule

According to Bangladesh railway ticket authority there are two types of intercity train runs into Dhaka to Dewangonj.  Tista Express and Brahmaputra Express. As stated in Dhaka to Dewangonj train schedule 2024 Tista Express and Brahmaputra Express carries different types of hold number. Tista express has a one day off.

There are two types of train services available. These are intercity and mail express.

Check: Dhaka to Joydebpur Train Schedule

Dhaka to Dewangonj train time table (intercity) given below.

Train NameOff DayDepartureArrival
Tista Express (707)Monday7:3012:40
Brahmaputra Express (743)No18:1523:50

Dhaka to Dewanganj Mail Express train schedule

According to Dhaka to Dewangonj train schedule  Dhaka to Dewangonj route have different types of mail express train. Such as  Dewangonj Commuter, Vawal Express and Jamalpur Commuter etc.  Usually mail express train service there is no off day.

Dhaka to Dewangonj train time table (mail express) given below:

Train NameOff dayDepartureArrival
Dewangonj Commuter (47)No5:4011:40
Vawal Express (55)No21:205:40
Jamalpur Commuter (51)No15:4022:15

Dhaka to Dewangonj train ticket price 2024

Link: Dhaka To Dinajpur Train Schedule

As stated of Railway Authority ticket price differ to the seat category of the coach and distance. Dhaka to Dewangonj train Ticket price 2024 written below:

Seat categoryTicket Price
General (2nd)60
Mail (2nd)75
Commuter train95
Shovon Chair225
First chair/Seat300
First Birth445
Ac Seat512
Ac Birth771

Dhaka to Dewanganj Train Distance

According to Railway authority thee Dhaka to Dewanganj Train Distance more about 212 kilo meters, So, the train is best way for journey one to another place in Dewanganj city.

Know More: Dhaka To Mymensingh Train Schedule

Dhaka to Dewangonj train ticket booking:

There are two ways purchasing Dhaka to Dewangonj train ticket. From online and another one from Railway station. Take your best option to buy the ticket.

Buy Train Ticket

Bottom Line:

Finally, the train journey is not only pleasurable but also satisfying. Especially compared to any other vehicles it is also inexpensive. In this article we provide you Dhaka to Dewangonj Train schedule and detail their ticket pricing. As if you want to end your journey quickly then you are not going elect mail express service. Because of, it takes extra time than the intercity service. Whereas you journey in train never try to jump on the train, as well as avoid food from unknown person. We desire that your journey is delightful and secure.

Read Another Article: Dhaka To Dinajpur Train Schedule