If you wish to go Kushtia form Dhaka by bus for you need, you need to know Dhaka To Kushtia Bus Service with dhaka to kushtia bus schedule, Dhaka to Kushtia bus ticket price and Dhaka to Kushtia Bus counter Number. Don’t warry , you are the right place.
In the article we have shared Dhaka To Kushtia Bus Services all of the details for those people who are searching Dhaka to Kushtia bus schedule, ticket price, and counter number, SB Super Deluxe Dhaka to Kushtia Time table, Dhaka to Kushtia Bus Schedule Hanif, Dhaka to Kushtia via Padma Bridge and more.
For you information Dhaka to Kushtia bus distance is 243.3 KM (Kilometer) and you can get many comport table bus service, like Hanif, SB Super Deluxe,KTC Hanif, New Green Express, Shyamoli Paribahan, JR Paribahan, etc in Dhaka To Kushtia Bus Route. By Getting the Dhaka to Kushtia via Padma Bridge Hanif or SB Super Deluxe bus service you will reach your destination is safely within right time.
So, let’s check the Dhaka to Kushtia Bus Service as well as Schedule, Ticket Price, and Counter Number, Road Map for your better journey from Wiki Of Info. Just check the below information and keep reading the article which helps you get best travel guide for Dhaka To Kushtia Journey.
Dhaka To Kushtia Bus Service
There are many bus services available in the Dhaka To Kushtia Bus Route including Dhaka To Kushtia AC Bus Services, Dhaka To Kushtia Non-Ac Bus Service and Dhaka to Kushtia via Padma Bridge Bus Services.
As per our research on Dhaka To Kushtia Bus Schedule, we mentioned still now 6 bus service regularly running in Dhaka To Kushtia and Kushtia To Dhaka Bus Routes.
So, you can easily go by bus form Dhaka to Kushtia, for your reliable journey we have added Dhaka To Kushtia Bus Services list with counter contact number, ticket price and schedule.
Well, now we have added name of Dhaka To Kushtia Bus, The bus name are KTC Hanif, New Green Express, Shyamoli NR Travels, JR Paribahan, Super Sony. You will get every single bus individual bus information from below.
Now we have added shorted detailed information about Dhaka To Kushtia bus trip in below, just review the information which helps you can easily understand overview of Dhaka To Kushtia Bus Service 2024
Bus List Of Dhaka to Kushtia | · Hanif Enterprise · Shyamoli NR Travels · KTC Hanif · New Green Express · JR Paribahan · Super Sony · S.B. Super Deluxe · Diganta Paribahan |
Total Bus | 8 |
Bus Category | AC Bus and Non-AC Bus Available |
Total Bus | 6 |
Approximate Trip Time | 5 Hr 57 Min |
Popular Bus | Hanif Enterprise, Shyamoli Paribahan |
Dhaka To Kushtia Bus Schedule
Already you have gated all the information about Dhaka To Kushtia Bus Services, then you next step is go there. By procedure as per following schedule you need confirm you journey ticket. Any now in the section The Wiki of Info has sharing Dhaka To Kushtia Bus Schedule with ticket price.
Our provided Dhaka To Kushtia Bus Schedule information is up to date which help you know real information and buy your ticket. So, let’s check the every single bus services schedule with ticket price from below.
Dhaka to Kushtia Bus Schedule Hanif Enterprise
Hi, All check the Dhaka to Kushtia Bus Schedule Hanif with Route, Dep. Time, Arr. Time and Ticket Price. The Dhaka To Kushtia Hanif Bus Schedule is up to date information. Just see the information about Dhaka to Kushtia Hanif Bus Service and Get your tickets for good journey.
Bus Name | Route | Dep. Time | Arr. Time | Ticket Price |
Hanif Enterprise 1, Hino-1J, Non AC
| Dhaka – Kachikata – Noya Bazar – Baraigram – Bonpara – Dashu | 05:00 PM | 10:50 PM | 650 Taka |
Hanif Enterprise 1, Hino-1J, Non AC | Dhaka – Kachikata – Noya Bazar – Baraigram – Bonpara – Dashu | 06:30 PM | 12:20 AM | 650 Taka |
Hanif Enterprise 1, Hino-1J, Non AC | Dhaka (Padma Shetu)- Magura – Jhenaidah – Garagonj – Lakshmi | 08:30 PM | 02:21 AM | 650 Taka |
Dhaka to Kushtia Bus Schedule Shyamoli NR Travels
In the section to know Dhaka to Kushtia Bus Schedule of Shyamoli NR Travels with Bus Names, Bus Stops, Departure Time, Arrival time, Ticket Price and Counter Number, Please check the below information, here you will get Dhaka to Kushtia Shyamoli NR Travels Bus Schedule with Ticket Price and Counter Number.
Bus Names | Bus Stops | Departure Time | Arrival time | Ticket Price |
Shyamoli Nr Travels 4101-kus-meh non ac | Starting Point: Narayangong Khanpur End Point: Meherpur | 6:30 AM | 3:30 PM | 700 Taka |
SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS 3103-NARA-KUS-SOIL Non AC | Starting Point: Narayangonj 02 No End Point: Soilkupa | 7:00 AM | 2:30 PM | 700 Taka |
SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS 1502-KUS-MEH Non AC | Starting Point: KP BRTC NR End Point: Meherpur | 7:30 AM | 1:30 PM | 700 Taka |
SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS 1505-KUS-MEH Non AC | Starting Point: KP BRTC NR End Point: Meherpur | 11:00 AM | 5:00 PM | 700 Taka |
SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS 1507-KUS-SOIL Non AC | Starting Point: KP BRTC NR End Point: Soilkupa | 12:30 PM | 6:30 PM | 700 Taka |
1509-KUS-MEH Non AC
| Starting Point: KP BRTC NR End Point: Meherpur | 2:00 PM | 8:00 PM | 700 Taka |
SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS 1511-KUS-MEH Non AC | Starting Point: KP BRTC NR End Point: Meherpur | 5:00 PM | 11:00 PM | 700 Taka |
SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS 28-CTG-KUS-SOIL Non AC | Starting Point: CTG- BRTC-02 End Point: Soilkupa | 5:00 PM | 5:00 AM | 700 Taka |
SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS 1584-MANIK-RAJ-KUMAR-KUS-MEH Non AC | Starting Point: KP BRTC-02 End Point: Meherpur | 5:30 PM | 11:59 PM | 700 Taka |
SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS 1531-KUS-MEH Non AC | Starting Point: KP BRTC NR End Point: Meherpur | 7:00 PM | 1:00 AM | 700 Taka |
SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS 1513-KUS-SOIL Non AC | Starting Point: KP BRTC NR End Point: Soilkupa | 7:30 PM | 1:30 AM | 700 Taka |
SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS 4104-KUS-MEH Non AC | Starting Point: Narayangong Khanpur End Point: Meherpur | 7:45 PM | 6:00 AM | 700 Taka |
SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS 3106-NARA-KUS-SOIL Non AC | Starting Point: Narayangonj 02 No End Point: Soilkupa | 8:30 PM | 4:00 AM | 700 Taka |
SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS 1515-KUS-MEH Non AC | Starting Point: KP BRTC NR End Point: Meherpur | 9:00 PM | 3:00 AM | 700 Taka |
SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS 1516-KUS-SOIL Non AC | Starting Point: KP BRTC NR End Point: Soilkupa | 10:30 PM | 5:30 AM | 700 Taka |
SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS 1517-KUS-MEH Non AC | Starting Point: KP BRTC NR End Point: Meherpur | 11:30 PM | 5:30 AM | 700 Taka |
Dhaka to Kushtia Bus Schedule Super Sony
Now we have also discuss about Dhaka to Kushtia Bus Schedule of Super Sony Bus Services, Just check the below table and see Dhaka to Kushtia Super Sony Bus information including Schedule Of Dhaka to Kushtia Super Sony Bus, Ticket Price of Dhaka to Kushtia Super Sony Bus and more
Bus Name | Departing time
| Starting Counter
| End Counter
| Ticket Price
| Arrival Time
Super Sony | 7:30 PM | SYLHET KADAMTOLI | MEHERPUR COUNTER | 700 Taka | 8:00 AM |
Super Sony | 3:45 PM | KOLATOLI COUNTER | MEHERPUR COUNTER | 700 Taka | 3:45 PM |
Dhaka to Kushtia JR Paribahan Bus Schedule
Check the Dhaka to Kushtia JR Paribahan Bus Schedule with trip time from below.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip |
JR Paribahan | 06:30 AM | 11:45 PM |
Dhaka To Kushtia AC Bus Service 2024
Dhaka To Kushtia Ac Bus Service Avaiable, for the user we have added Dhaka To Kushtia Ac Bus Services with Dhaka To Kushtia Ac Bus Schedule in below. You can check the Ac bus service list for going from Dhaka to Kushtia or Kushtia to Dhaka, Well below check the Dhaka To Kushtia Ac Bus Service list
- SB Super Deluxe
Dhaka To Kushtia AC Bus Schedule
Theare are many people want to know Dhaka To Kushtia AC Bus Name, Schedule, Ticket price and more. In the part you know Dhaka To Kushtia AC Bus Schedule with ticket price and counter Numbe. Our Information is real, hope this Dhaka to Kushtia AC bus service details help to you, well, check the below table and know Dhaka To Kushtia SB Super Deluxe AC Bus Schedule
Bus Name | Bus Brand | Seat Types | Ticket Price |
SB Super Deluxe | Hino RN8 | Business Class | 1100 Taka |
SB Super Deluxe | Hyundai | Business Class | 1400 Taka |
SB Super Deluxe | Man | Business Class | 1000 Taka |
Dhaka To Kushtia SB Super Deluxe Schedule and Ticket Price
In here to know Dhaka To Kushtia SB Super Deluxe Schedule and Ticket Price and Counter Number form the below table. This Dhaka To Kushtia SB Super Deluxe Bus Information is authentic, Just check and contact him for your tickets.
Bus Name | Bus Brand | Seat Types | Ticket Price |
SB Super Deluxe | Hino RN8 | Business Class | 650 Taka |
Dhaka to Kushtia Bus Counter Contact Number
For the bus journey information you need to Dhaka to Kushtia Bus Counter Contact Number. Here we have added Dhaka to Kushtia all Bus Counter Contact Number which helps you can contact with bus counter number.
If you wish to buy your ticker by phone, just call the counter number and request him to book your seat. There many passenger finding Dhaka to Kushtia Bus Counter Number for the contact. So, let’s have a look Counter Contact Number of Dhaka to Kushtia Bus Services.
Bus Name | Counter Location | Contact Number |
Hanif Enterprise | Gabtali/ Kalyanpur | Gabtali Counters, Phone: 02-9012902 Kalyanpur-1 Counters Phone: 01713-049540, 01713-049541, 02-9010212. |
Shyamoli Paribahan | Dhaka |
Kalyanpur Counter-1, Dhaka 01716478951 02-9003331 Kalyanpur Counter-2, Dhaka 02-9003331, 02-8034275 02-8360241, 02-8091162 Gabtali Counter-1, Majar Road, Dhaka 02-9011100 Gabtali Counter-2, Dhaka 01865-068925 Gabtali Counter-3, Dhaka 02-9014359 Gabtali Counter-4, Dhaka 02-9014561 Gabtali VIP Counter, Dhaka 02-9002624 Technical Counter, Dhaka 01865068922 |
JR Paribahan | Dhaka | Kalyanpur Bus Counter
01767-280295 01767-280296
Gabtoli Bus Counter 01737-813650 01737-813651 01767-280294 |
S.B. Super Deluxe | Gabtoli and Kallyanpur | 0175212336502-900062 Kallyanpur Counter 0175986086002-9009586
Dhaka To Kushtia Bus Online Ticket Booking
If you wish to buy your online ticket for Dhaka To Kushtia Jounery. In the article we have discussed how to buy Dhaka To Kushtia Bus Online Ticket and Booing your Ticket. Actually if you buy your ticket form online, you can go bus service official website or other third party ticket booking website like shohoz.com, busbd.com.bd, sbsuperdeluxe.com, hanifenterprise.com and more. For your advantage we have listed online ticket booking website, here are Dhaka To Kushtia Online Ticket Booking Website list
- https://hanifenterprise.com/
- https://www.shohoz.com/bus-tickets
- https://sbsuperdeluxe.com/
- https://www.busbd.com.bd/
Dhaka To Kushtia Bus Route Map
Now we have added Dhaka To Kushtia Bus Route Map in below, in the route map you will see bus road map like how to way by road from Dhaka to Kushtia trip. The Dhaka To Kushtia Bus Road Map helps to your understand starting to end point check post, road idea and more. Anyway, have a look below Dhaka to Kushtia Bus Raod Map
Dhaka to Kushtia via Padma Bridge
At present Dhaka to Kushtia going is very easy for the Padma Bridge, now if you wish to go very short time From Dhaka to Kushtia. Dhaka to Kushtia via Padma Bridge Approximate time 4 Hours and Safe quick Journey. There are some buses available for Dhaka to Kushtia via Padma Bridge, you can contact with counter number which we have added in above section.
FAQs About Dhaka To Kushtia Bus Service
Q: What are the different bus services available from Dhaka to Kushtia?
Answer: There are many different bus services available from Dhaka to Kushtia. Some of the most popular bus services include:
- Shyamoli Paribahan
- Green Line Paribahan
- Hanif Enterprise and more
These bus services offer a variety of amenities, including AC and non-AC buses, reclining seats, and toilets. The ticket prices for these buses range from 650 to 1400 taka.
Q: What is the travel time from Dhaka to Kushtia by bus?
Answer: The travel time from Dhaka to Kushtia by bus is approximately 4 hours. The buses usually depart from Dhaka in the morning and evening, and they arrive in Kushtia in the afternoon and night.
Q: Where can I buy bus tickets for Dhaka to Kushtia?
Answer: You can buy bus tickets for Dhaka to Kushtia at the bus counters located in Dhaka. You can also book bus tickets online.
Q: What are the places to see in Kushtia?
Answer: Kushtia is a beautiful city with many historical and cultural attractions. Some of the places to see in Kushtia include:
- The ruins of the Kushtia Fort
- The Kushtia Museum
- The Kushtia Zila Parishad auditorium
- The Kushtia Botanical Garden
- The Kushtia Shaheed Minar
Q: How can I get from Kushtia to Dhaka?
Answer: There are many ways to get from Kushtia to Dhaka. You can take a bus, a train, or a taxi. The bus is the most affordable option, while the train is the most comfortable option. The taxi is the fastest option, but it is also the most expensive option.
Q. Are there any overnight bus services available from Dhaka to Kushtia?
Yes, certain bus operators provide overnight bus services from Dhaka to Kushtia. These buses usually depart in the late evening and reach their destination early morning, allowing you to save time and enjoy a good night’s sleep while traveling.
Q. Can I purchase Dhaka to Kushtia bus tickets online?
Absolutely! Most bus operators offer online ticket booking facilities through their official websites or mobile apps. This allows you to conveniently book your tickets from the comfort of your home or on the go. Online booking also enables you to choose your preferred seats and avoid the hassle of standing in long queues at ticket counters.
Q. Is it necessary to carry identification while traveling on the Dhaka to Kushtia bus?
Yes, it is advisable to carry a valid form of identification, such as a passport or national ID card, while traveling on the Dhaka to Kushtia bus. Bus operators may request identification for security and verification purposes.
Q. Are there any restroom facilities available during the journey?
Most buses operating on the Dhaka to Kushtia route make restroom stops along the way to provide passengers with a convenience break. However, it’s always a good idea to inquire about restroom facilities before boarding the bus, especially if you have specific requirements.
Q. Can I bring luggage on the Dhaka to Kushtia bus?
Yes, you can bring luggage on the Dhaka to Kushtia bus, but there are usually restrictions on the size and weight of the luggage. It’s advisable to check with the bus operator regarding their luggage policies to ensure compliance and avoid any inconvenience during the journey.
Q. Is there any food service available on the Dhaka to Kushtia bus?
Some bus operators provide complimentary snacks and water during the journey, while others may have onboard refreshment services available for purchase. However, it’s always a good idea to carry some snacks and water with you, especially for longer journeys.
Final Words
Hopefully you can understand all about details of Dhaka To Kushtia Bus Service with schedule, Ticket Price and Counter Number. We cordially request if you know more information about Dhaka To Kushtia Bus schedule, please let me know by the email or comment box. We will give feedback. However, Thanks for reading the article from Wiki Of Info. Keep with us for better article about bus services in Bangladesh. Thanks
Know More:
- Satkhira Express
- Rajib Paribahan
- AK Travels
- Sundarban 10 Launch
- Golden Line Paribahan
- Eagle Paribahan
- Dhaka City Bus Service List
- Green Line Paribahan Counter Number