Jamuna Future Park Off Day| Weekend | Holidays

It is truly important to know when the Jamuna Future Park off day is, especially when you think of going to the park. There are two days I found the park of such as full-day and a half-day. It is sad that you are going to the park, but it is closed. In 2024 , the date may change or not. You should know before you go to the park.

In this article, I am going to share with you the most updated and perfect data so that you can easily understand the off day time. So, without talking more, let’s get started with the content right now.

What is Jamuna Future Park?

Jamuna future park is a park where you can get entertainment, shopping, eating, and get some other facilities. It was established in 2013. The park is trusted, and so many people visit this park every day. This park is capable to full fill your desire and spends quality time. I hope that the information is enough for you to know about this park.

Jamuna Future Park Off Day 2024.

You may find lots of information about this topic, but you must know the updated information. I talked with Jamuna Future Park authority and know about the off day. In this article, I am going to share with you the most updated information so that you will easily know about the off day. Let’s check out the below section to know the Jamuna Future Park off day.

Jamuna Future Park Off DayClosed Day
Shopping Center & MarketsMonday (Half)
Shopping Center & MarketsSunday (Full)

Check: GP Call Block Service

Jamuna Future Park Close Day Weekly.

The opening time of Jamuna future park is 10 AM to 8 PM. You must need to enter after 10 AM in Dhaka park. The park is off Sun day and Monday. This day is weekly off. So, it would help if you did not go on this day in this future park.

NameClose Day
Jamuna Future Park Off Day WeeklySunday

Go To: Walton TV Exchange Offer

The whole day is off. I hope that you can understand whatever I say to you. Moreover, Monday it has a half-day off service that means you can go Monday in half time.

Jamuna Shopping Center Off Day Dhaka.

You may already know that this future park is off on Monday and Sunday. In the location, the time is applicable. So, let’s check out the location off the park. kuril, Baridhara, Dhaka Bangladesh. The park is spread crosswise over 33 sections of land in Kuril, Ka-244, Baridhara, Pragati sharani, arranged on the Pragati Sharani, neighboring center, and high society local locations of Dhaka city like Gulshan, Uttara, Banani, and Bashundhara.

NameOff Day
Jamuna Future Park Off Day DhakaSunday

Link: Rocket Offer

It’s located near Shahjalal International Airport, workplaces of global organizations, significant government offices, and different workplaces. I hope that the location helps you a lot to get the right information to off the park. In this location, you never need to go on this time. If you still have any issues, you can let me know in the below comment box.

FAQs (Frequently Ask and Question)

Q: On which day is Jamuna Future Park is closed?

Ans: The park is closed at 8 PM. After 8 PM, the park authority closed the park. I hope that you may get your question answer.

Final Verdict:

I hope that you can understand whatever I say to you about this Jamuna future park off day. It is very important to know the off-day before you go to the park. It is easy to know the off day. You can visit Jamuna future park’s official website and take the service. So, without going to the park a day, you should know the off day.