SUST Subject List Of All Unit | Seat Number [2024]

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology is a very popular university in Bangladesh. In short, it is called SUST.

The students of the science department are very interested to participate in this admission test in Shahjalal University of Science and Technology and they want to know about the SUST subject list

SUST Subject List Of All Unit | Seat Number [2024]

In the article, we have discussed SUST all unit subject list with SUST b unit subject list, SUST a unit subject list, SUST c unit subject list, SUST d unit subject list, SUST b unit subject list, and more.

So to know more about SUST all unit topics and seat lists, read our post carefully and find out. I hope you can understand the SUST subject list and seats of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology through the article.

SUST Subject List [All Units]

There are 3 units in the Shahjalal University of Science and Technology. The three units have many subject lists. If you want to SUST all unite subject lists like SUST A Unit subject list, SUST B unite subject list, SUST C unite Subject list, please check the below SUST Subject List.

SUST A Unit Subject List

SUST A Unit for to the Arts & Social Science department. It consists of some subjects. If you want to join SUST Science + Arts + Commerce Departments’ admission test, you need to know SUST A Unit Subject List, So, let’s have a look below.

DepartmentsScience + Arts + Commerce
Political Studies20+40+5=65
Public Administration(PAD)20+40+5=65
Social Work(SCW)20+35+5=65
Business Administration(BAN)35+10+25=70
Geography & Environmental (GEE)0+5+0=5
Total Seats595

SUST B Unit Subject List

SUST B Unit is for students of the Science and Technology Department. Only science students can participate in the SUST B unit admission test. There are some subjects in this faculty. We have added the SUST B Unit Subject List and seat number below have a look.

SciencePhysics (PHY)60
Geography & Environment (GEE)25
Life ScienceForesty and Environmental Science(FES)50
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology(GEB)30
Food & Tea Technology (FIT)40
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (BMB)30
Applied ScienceComputer Science & Engineering (CSE)60
Chemical Engineering & Polymer Science (CEP)50
Industrial & Production Engineering (IPE)50
Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE)50
Petroleum & Georesources Engineering (PGE)50
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE)30
Architecture (ARC)30
Total Seats735

SUST Subject List C Unit

SUST C unit for Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). Only one subject in this unit. So let’s check the SUST C Unit List.

Subject Faculty
Management & Business AdministrationBBA

FAQs-Frequently Asked Question

Q. How Many Subjects Are There In SUST?

Answer: SUST has a total of 1330 subjects

Q. How Many Units Are There in SUST?

Answer: SUST has a total of 3 units.

Q. What Is The Position Of SUST In World Ranking?

Answer: SUST world ranking is 6785 and our country rank is 16

Q. How Do I Apply To SUST University?

Answer: You can apply the Shahjalal University of Science and Technology by their official procedure; you can go to SUST website and check Admission information.

Warming Up:

Hopefully, you have learned about the SUST subject list and have a thorough idea about the subject lists of all the units, if you still have any other information, please let us know in the comments below, we will try to attach it. Thanks.

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