Are you looking for Dhaka To Rangpur Bus Schedule? Therefore, we are here to help you with all information about Dhaka to Rangpur New Bus time Schedule and Ticket Price 2024. Because, on Dhaka to Rangpur route, bus journey is very popular.
Besides, Dhaka is the center of the country. On the other hand Rangpur is located in the northern part of Bangladesh. It is one of the most major administrative divisions of Bangladesh. So, it is quite important to know Dhaka to Rangpur bus schedule and ticket price.
There are so many buses that are available in Dhaka to Rangpur route. So, travelers should know the Dhaka to Rangpur bus lists, Dhaka to Rangpur bus time schedule, prices of Dhaka to Rangpur AC and Non AC bus tickets, bus counters and contact numbers.
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Dhaka To Rangpur Bus List :
On Dhaka to Rangpur route, there are so many AC and Non AC buses that travel on this route in almost every hour. Moreover, The distance between Dhaka to Rangpur is nearly 305 kilometers. So, usually, it takes 7 to 10 hours to reach Rangpur.
The buses of Dhaka to Rangpur route start from multiple places of Dhaka. For instance, they start from Gabtoli, Mohakhali, Mirpur, Kolabagan, Kamalapur, Fokirapul and from so many bus terminals. Here is the list of buses that travel from Dhaka to Rangpur :
- Hanif Enterprise
- Shyamoli Poribohon
- Ena Poribohon
- Agomoni Express
- Dipjol Enterprise
- SR Travels
- Nabil Poribohon
- Manik Express
- Bablu Enterprise.
Furthermore, some of these buses provide AC, Non AC, business and economy class buses. On the other hand, some buses only provide normal buses which are available in every ten minutes from Dhaka to go Rangpur.
Link: Dhaka to Khulna Bus Schedule
Dhaka To Rangpur Bus Schedule and Ticket Price 2024:
Now, we will talk about Dhaka to Rangpur ac/non ac bus schedule and ticket prices. The price of Dhaka to Rangpur bus ticket is reasonable. So, all types of people can afford the AC and Non AC buses according to their choice. Besides, you can also get to know Dhaka to Rangpur AC bus schedule. Here is the price chart of Dhaka to Rangpur bus ticket.
Bus Name | Ticket Price BDT (AC) | Ticket Price BDT (Non AC) |
Hanif Enterprise | 1200 | 500 |
Shyamoli Poribohon | 1000 | 500 |
Ena Transport | 1200 | 500 |
SR Travels | 1200 | 500 |
Manik Express | N/A | 500 |
Bablu Enterprise | N/A | 500 |
Nabil Poribohon | 1200 | 500 |
Agomoni Express | 1200 | 500 |
Dipjol Enterprise | 1000 | 500 |
Dhaka To Rangpur Bus Counters Contact Number :
Now, we are going to discuss about the contact numbers of Dhaka to Rangpur buses. So, you can get to know Dhaka to Rangpur AC bus schedule. Besides, you can also have other buses schedule and Dhaka to Rangpur bus ticket price by calling in these numbers.
Shyamoli Poribohon :
The travelers, most importantly, need to have the Shyamoli Poribohon bus contact numbers. Because, they will have the Shyamoli bus schedule Dhaka to Rangpur from their counters.
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- Asadgate : 01714-619173
- Kallyanpur-1 : 02-8091161
- Kallyanpur-2 : 02-8091162
- Kallyanpur BRTC : 02-8091183
- Sohrab Pump : 02-8091177
- Technical : 01865-068922
- Gabtoli-3 : 01865-068925
- Gabtoli NS : 01865-068924
- Gabtoli VIP : 02-9002624
- Gabtoli-5 : 02-9014359
- Gabtoli-6 : 02-9014560
- Gabtoli Mazar Road : 02-9011100
- Panthopath : 02-029112327
- Fokirapul : 02-7193725
- Arambag-1 : 02-7192215
- Arambag-2 : 02-7193915
- Kamalapur : 02-48316246
- Sayedabad-1 : 02-7541953
- Sayedabad-4 : 02-7541249
- Sayedabad-7 : 02-7541953
- Abdullahpur : 01865-068930
- Uttara : 02-7914336
- Norda : 02-55059218
- Malibag : 01865-068927
- Rangpur : 01865-068961
- Dinajpur : 01819-120884
- Gaibandha : 01865-068959
- Joypurhat : 01865-068960
- Hili Dinajpur : 01865-068963.
Hanif Enterprise :
Hanif Enterprise bus schedule Dhaka to Rangpur and the contact numbers are given below.
- Kallyanpur-1 : 01713-049540, 02-9010212
- Kallyanpur-2 : 01713-049573
- Kallyanpur-3 : 01713-049574
- Kallyanpur-4 : 01713-049561, 02-9015673
- Shyamoli Ring Road-1 : 01713-402639
- Shyamoli Ring Road-2 : 01713-049532
- Gabtoli : 02-9012902
- Technical : 0171 304 9541, 02-9008475
- Kolabagan : 01730-376342, 02-8119901
- Fokirapul : 02-7191512
- Arambag : 01730-376343, 01713-402632, 01713-402671
- Rangpur : 0171 340 2646, 01713-402646.
Nabil Poribohon :
Nabil Poribohon provides both AC and Non AC buses. So, here are the contact numbers of Nabil Poribohon bus counters.
- Asadgate : 01839-968533, 01882-003271
- Kallyanpur : 01869-811012, 01869-811013
- Mazar Road : 01839-968530, 01869-811014
- Mazar Road Counter : 01839-968531, 01882-003268
- Technical : 01810-120812
- Rangpur : 01720-993503
- Taragonj : 01718-268902.
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Ena Poribohon :
If you want to know Ena Poribohon bus schedule for Dhaka Rangpur, you should have their contact numbers. Here are the numbers.
- Mohakhali : 01760-737650, 01869-802725
- Airport : 01760 737652, 01869-802726, 01872-695911
- Uttara BGB Market : 01760-737651, 01869-802728
- Tongi Station Road : 01760-737653
- Fokirapul : 01869-802736, 01872-604475
- Mirpur : 01869-802731, 01878-059201
- Manik Nogor, Bissho Road : 01869-802737, 01872-604476, 01872-604477, 01872-695900
- Modhy Badda : 01869-802735, 01872-604495
- Kuril Bissho Road : 01869-802733
- Mirpur 10 : 01878-059201
- Abdullahpur : 01869-802729, 01872-625733, 01798-911752, 01610-449903.
Agomoni Express :
Agomoni Express is another bus service company that travel on Dhaka to Rangpur route. Their contact numbers are given below.
- Kallyanpur : 01712-083653, 02-8021953
- Gabtoli : 02-8013149
- Muhammadpur : 01727-215083
- Rangpur, JAHAJ Company Mor : 052-163313
- GL Roy Road : 01712-092123, 052-165133
- Kamarpara Bus Stand : 01911-416861
Dipjol Enterprise :
Here are the contact numbers of Dipjol Enterprise bus counters.
- Gabtoli : 01882-004521
- Technical : 01882-0045230
- Kallyanpur : 01882-004524, 01882-004525
- Shyamoli : 01882-004526
- Asadgate : 01882-004527
- Savar : 01882-004528
SR Travels :
Here we have given the contact numbers of SR Travels Buses. So, you can confirm SR Travels bus schedule, by calling in these numbers.
- Kallyanpur : 02-8013793, 01711-394801
- Abdullahpur : 01711-944023
- Gabtoli : 02-8011222
- Kakrail : 02-9351211
- Mohakhali : 02-8834833, 01552-315831
- Gaibandha : 01712-579545
- Gaibandha Municipal Bus Station : 01732-678071
- Rangpur : 06445390058, 01193-009310
Manik Express :
For instance, Manik Express is another common bus for travelers of Dhaka to Rangpur route. So, you should have the contact numbers of Manik Express counters.
- Gabtoli : 01993-339726
- Mohakhali : 01957-165978
- Kallyanpur : 01993-339825
- Bagura Sathmatha : 01978-245040, 01978-245041
Final Words :
Hence, it is all about Dhaka To Rangpur Bus Schedule and Ticket Price . Moreover, all the information of Dhaka to Rangpur bus schedule is updated and latest. So, you can get to see the bus list of Dhaka to Rangpur route. Besides, we have given the price chart of Dhaka to Rangpur AC and Non AC buses. Therefore, you can book your bus tickets at your own choice. Lastly, and most importantly, you can use Dhaka to Rangpur bus counters contact numbers for your inquiries. Thanks for being with us.
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