Dhaka To Rajshahi Bus Schedule 2024| Ticket Price | Online Tickets {Latest}

If you are going to Dhaka to Rajshahi for the need, you need to know Dhaka to Rajshahi Bus Schedule and Ticket Price for reach destination. Rajshahi is one of the famous districts in Bangladesh.  Many purpose lots of people run in Dhaka to Rajshahi Bus route in every day. For the people helps, we would like to share Dhaka to Rajshahi bus time schedule and ticket price. You can check the Dhaka to Rajshahi online bus tickets process with an AC bus schedule or non-ac bus schedule from Wiki of Info.

Dhaka to Rajshahi Bus Schedule 2024

Rajshahi is the largest old divisional city in north North Bengal, The town situated on the banks of the river Padma. Rajshahi city, another name, is the City of Education. It is a significant divisional city and peoples form from outside every day. For various reasons, peoples run to Dhaka To Rajshahi, and they need Dhaka To Rajshahi bus Schedule, ticket price, counter contact number, counter address, online bus ticket, etc, for their need. So, please you can check the below bus schedule and take in facilities.

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Dhaka to Rajshahi Bus List

There are many transportations services in Dhaka to the Rajshahi route. Around 10 Bus run in the road, including Dhaka to Rajshahi AC Bus Schedule. Well, now we will show Dhaka to Rajshahi Bus List, you can follow which helps your journey will be safe and comfortable. So, let’s check some bus services for Dhaka to Rajshahi Division:

  • Hanif Enterprise
  • National Travels
  • Desh Travels
  • Tuhin Elite
  • Grameen Travels
  • Shyamoli Paribahan
  • Akota poribahan
  • Keya Paribahan
  • Aqib Paribahan

Dhaka to Rajshahi Bus Service Details.

Use Road: Dhaka-Rajshahi highway

Approximate Time: 6h 5 min (249.6KM via N4)

Distance: Distance between Dhaka and Rajshahi is 249.6 km.

Dhaka to Rajshahi Ticket Price

Rajshahi is a population city, more about 850,000 peoples live in Rajshahi. If you want to travel Rajshahi by bus, you need to know Dhaka to Rajshahi Bus Ticket Price, So, let’s check the ac and non-ac busses ticket price and choose your one.

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Bus Name AC Tickets Price Now AC Tickets Price
Hanif Enterprise 1000 480
Grameen Travels 1000 480
Desh Travels 1000 480
Shyamoli Paribahan – 480
Akota poribahan – 480
Keya Paribahan – 480
National Travels 1000 480
Aqib Paribahan – 480

 Dhaka To Rajshahi Online Bus Tickets

If you are traveling Dhaka to Rajshahi bus, you need tickets. There are many bus counters available in Dhaka, you can go there to buy tickets. Better you can choose the nearest stands. If you wish to purchase online bus tickets as well as Dhaka to Rajshahi Online Bus Tickets, you can select online bus tickets websites such as shohoz.com, busbd.com.bd, paribahan.com, deshizdeshiz.com, and bdtickets.com and more.

Bus Counters Contact Number and Address : 

Below we have added Dhaka to Rajshahi all are Bus Counters Contact Number and Address, which helps to know the travel guide and contact detail from the wiki of info.

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Hanif Enterprise

Destination: Dhaka-Rajshahi

First Trip: 6.30am

Last Trip: 12.00pm

Head office: House No. 11, Mirpur Rd, Dhaka 1207

Contact: 01713-049559

National Travels

Destination: Dhaka-Rajshahi

First Trip: 10.45 am

Last Trip: 12.30 am

Head office: Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmed Ave, Dhaka 1205

Contact: 01727-545460

Desh Travels

Destination: Dhaka-Rajshahi

First Trip: 7.30 am

Last Trip: 12.45 pm

Head office: Dhaka 1207

Contact: 01762-684431

Tuhin Elite

Destination: Dhaka-Rajshahi

First Trip: 7.30 am

Last Trip: 11.00 pm

Head office: Counter-5, Mohakhali Internal Bus Terminal, Dhaka 1205

Contact: 01708-425930

Grameen Travels

Destination: Dhaka-Rajshahi

First Trip: 8.30 am

Last Trip: 12.30 pm

Head office: Technical, Darus Salam, Nandarbag, Mirpur, Dhaka 1216

Contact: 01734-721574

Shyamoli Paribahan

Destination: Dhaka-Rajshahi

First Trip: 6.00 am

Last Trip: 11.00 pm

Head office: 15/2, Aricha Highway, Gabtoli, Dhaka 1216

Contact: 01865-068926

Akota poribahan

Destination: Dhaka-Rajshahi

First Trip: 6. 45 am

Last Trip: 11.30 pm

Head office: Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmed Ave, Dhaka 1205

Contact: 01875-073300

Keya Paribahan

Destination: Dhaka-Rajshahi

First Trip: 6.30 am

Last Trip: 12. 45 pm

Head office: Gabtoli, Dhaka

Contact: 01193-255944

If you wish to choose train for go Rajshahi So, you can buy Dhaka to Rajshahi train tickets, click here.

Check: Dhaka To Rangpur Bus Schedule

Dhaka to Rajshahi Bus Distance:

Dhaka to Rajshahi Bus Distance is more about 198 kilometers.  Now we would like to share Dhaka to Rajshahi Bus Route Map for easy understanding. You can go there by bus, total time consuming is 5 to 10 hours.

Dhaka to Rajshahi Bus Route Map

Final Thoughts:

Hopefully, to understand the Dhaka to Rajshahi Schedule information like Counter Address, Contact Numbers, Buses list, Online Bus Tickets process, ticket prices, etc. from Wiki of Info. If you want any query, please comments on the blow. We will answer. For more updates, visit www.wikiofinfo.com and connect via social media, which helps to get the latest updates. Thanks for visiting.

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