Dhaka To Dinajpur Train Schedule 2024 | Ticket Prices | New Time Table

If you are looking forward to making a journey from Dhaka to Dinajpur by train then you have to know the Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule. After schedule, you must know the train names, seat categories and ticket expenses. If you are planning to travel from Dhaka to Dinajpur then say goodbye to all your worries because we are here to let you know all the latest information about Dhaka to Dinajpur railway time table and ticket booking service. To make train journey easy, its very important to make a plan previously. Now you will get to know the train names, timing and ticket prices which will help you to reach station or terminal at the exact time, to have the comfortable compartments and to book the affordable seat of your choice.

Dhaka To Dinajpur Train Schedule 2024

In Bangladesh, travelling by train is the most popular way. People of this country consider train journey as the most pleasurable and reasonable one.

Dhaka is the capital city and Dinajpur is one of the largest districts of Bangladesh, so many people travel from Dhaka to Dinajpur route for many purposes.

Check: Dhaka to Rangpur Train Schedule

There are two ways for travelling on this route, one is by bus and the other is by train. As Bangladesh has traffic jam problems that’s why most of the people prefer train journey. In this route, Bangladesh Railway Train Services provide two types of trains:

  • Intercity Trains
  • Mail/Express Trains

Intercity Trains travel both from Dhaka to Dinajpur and from Dinajpur to Dhaka railway. But mail/express trains travel only from Dinajpur.

We are giving the information about the train names, timing and ticket prices. Hope it’s gonna be beneficial for you.

Dhaka to Dinajpur Train List

There are two Intercity and nine Mail/Express Trains from Dinajpur to Dhaka and Dhaka to Dinajpur, if you need to the list and wish to know this train schedule, we have added in below………

  • Ekota Express
  • Drutajan Express
  • Dolonchapa Express
  • Uttarbonga Mail
  • Kanchan Commuter
  • Ramsagar Express
  • Dinajpur Commuter
  • Panchagar Commuter-1
  • Panchagar Commuter-2

Dhaka To Dinajpur Intercity Trains Schedule

If you are going to travel then you must know both Dhaka to Dinajpur and Dinajpur to Dhaka train schedule.

Know More: Dhaka To Lalmonirhat Train Schedule

Bangladesh Railway provides two Intercity trains from Dhaka to Dinajpur route. Here is the Intercity train schedule from Dhaka to Dinajpur

Train NameTrain NoDeparture TimeArrival TimeOff Day
1. Ekota Express     705    10:1019:00Tuesday
2.Drutojan Express     757    20:00  06:10Wednesday

Ekota Express:

Ekota Express is the first Intercity train that leaves from Dhaka for Dinajpur. Its serial number is 705. It leaves from Dhaka at 10:00 am and arrives at Dinajpur station at 07:00 pm. This train is not available on Tuesday.

Drutojan Express:

Drutojan Express is the second Intercity train that leaves from Dhaka for Dinajpur. Its serial number is 757. It leaves from Dhaka at 08:00 pm and arrives at Dinajpur station at 06:10 am.

The Ekota Express and Drutojan Express travel also from Dinajpur to Dhaka. Here is the schedule :

Train NameTrain NoDeparture TimeArrival TimeOff Day
1. Ekota Express70623:0008:10Monday
2.Drutojan Express75809:1518:10Wednesday

Ekota Express:

The serial number of Ekota Express which travels from Dinajpur is 706. It starts at 11:00 pm from Dinajpur and reaches Dhaka at 08:10 am.

Link: Dhaka to Dewanganj Train Schedule

Drutojan Express:

The second Intercity train from Dinajpur to Dhaka is again Drutojan Express. Its serial number is 758. It leaves from Dinajpur at 09:15 am and arrives at 06:10 pm.

Dhaka To Dinajpur Mail/Express Trains Schedule :

Dhaka to Dinajpur is a long route. That’s why Bangladesh Railway does not provide any mail train services on this route. Only intercity trains come and go on this route.

Dinajpur is situated on northern part of Bangladesh. There are nine Mail trains that travel from the Dinajpur station to other stations of northern part.

Here we are giving the mail trains schedule from Dinajpur :

Train NoTrain NameFromDepartureToArrival
7Uttarbonga MailDinajpur18:10Panchagar21:30
8Uttarbonga MailDinajpur12:50Santahar22:40
41Kanchan CommuterDinajpur08:49Panchagar11:45
42Kanchan CommuterDinajpur15:55Parbatipur16:50
60Ramsagar ExpressDinajpur14:50Bonarpara21:45
61Dinajpur CommuterDinajpur10:25Birol10:40
62Dinajpur CommuterDinajpur11:20Lalmonirhat14:50
Panchagar Commuter-1Dinajpur16:00Panchagar18:20
Panchagar Commuter-2Dinajpur2045Parbatipur21:35

All these mail trains are available on every day of a week.

Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule 2024

We have discussed there are two trains and nine trains run on the Dhaka to Dinajpur to and Dinajpur to Dhaka. Now we have added image for easy understanding which helps to know Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule 2024and make a good tour and safe journey.

Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule 2020
Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Schedule 2024

Dinajpur to Dhaka Train Schedule 2024

In previous we have discussed and added Dinajpur to Dhaka Train Schedule with ticket priced in chat table, however, we have added image for easy understanding the dinajpur to dhaka train schedule which helps to know latest info. Hope the information make your journey easy and comfortable.

Dinajpur to Dhaka Train Schedule 2020
Dinajpur to Dhaka Train Schedule 2024

Dhaka To Dinajpur Train Ticket Prices 

Travelling on train is not so enjoyable until you get a comfortable seat. There are varieties on train seats and classes. Bangladesh Railway mainly features three types of classes : Air Conditioned Class, First Class and Second Class. Second Class is divided in three sub-classes : Shovon Chair, Shovon and Shulov.

All Intercity trains have the best quality features including air-conditioned compartments, padded leather seats and berths, pantry car and power car. Passengers can have sheets, pillows, blankets as well as meals and refreshments.

The ticket price of train varies according to the quality of seats and compartments. If you know the ticket price of train service it will be easy for you to buy tickets of your demanding seats.

Here we are giving the railway ticket prices list:

Seat TypePrice (BDT)
Shovon Chair430
First Seat570
1st Birth855
AC Seat983
AC Birth1478

Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Route Map

According to Bangladesh railway authority, we inform you that, the Dhaka to Dinajpur train distance 342 Kilometers also route map you can see in below

Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Route Map
Dhaka to Dinajpur Train Route Map

Dhaka To Dinajpur Train Ticket Booking Online

In modern time Bangladesh Railway provides online ticket service. Now you can easily book your train tickets via website. You can easily pay the ticket price through your bank cards. The high-quality Intercity trains are very comfortable and always remain filled. Online ticket booking helps you to grab your demanding seats very easily as soon as possible.

Buy Tickets Online


Dhaka to Dinajpur and Dinajpur to Dhaka is a long way journey. If the journey is not comfortable and enjoyable it becomes annoying and boring one. By knowing the Dhaka to Dinajpur train schedule and ticket prices, your journey will be easier than ever before. If you have no idea about the timing, seat categories and ticket prices you may face unwanted troubles and tensions. So make your journey easy, enjoyable and memorable one by having the features and services provided by Bangladesh Railway and make a great experience on Dhaka to Dinajpur and Dinajpur to Dhaka route.

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