Robi Postpaid Internet Offer 2024 | Package List [Updated]

You may know that Rpbi offers its user prepaid and postpaid service. There have some differences which you know. However, if you are a postpaid SIM user and wanted to know about the Robi Postpaid internet offer, surely you are coming to the right place. Though Robi postpaid internet service is limited, I think you will love it and find your desire one after reading this content top to bottom.

Check: Robi MB Check Code

In this review, I will try to inform you most important and updated data. So, you can not find any problems when you are going to buy the internet offer. There are couples of the package you will achieve from the below content. So, let’s get started with the content right now.

Robi postpaid Internet Offer 2024 .

Now in 2024 , we are more updated like before. Robi’s postpaid offer changes so many things. So, if you are postpaid SIM users, you just need to know the most updated data for getting the internet. In addition, if you also know the offer, you can surely choose the right one for your daily, weekly, and monthly internet solution. So, let’s check out the offer below.

You May Need: Robi Free Internet Offer

Well, I found some new postpaid internet package which is now so popular. Here, I discuss the USSD code so that you can hassle-free buy it and enjoy yourself without any issues. So, without delay, let’s check out the Robi Postpaid Internet Offer list below and buy your desire one.

If you are looking for a regular internet package that supports your postpaid, of course, you need to check out this section without wasting your time here and there. So, let’s check out the Robi Internet Offer, which comes from postpaid.

Click: How To Check Robi Internet Balance

71 MB26 Taka*8444*71#24-hours
200 MB55 Taka*8444*81#24-hours
1 GB275 Taka*8444*85#30-days
3 GB450 Taka*8444*84#30-days
5 GB650 Taka*8444*83#30-days
8 GB750 Taka*8444*750#30-days
20 GB649 TakaRecharge the exact amount28-days

I hope that the package is suitable for you to use the right internet package. So, without delay, let’s check out the package and enjoy yourself.

Postpaid 1 GB Internet.

If you want to purchase a 1 GB internet package from postpaid SIM, this offer is surely suitable for you. However, to choose this pack, you need to dial *123*102430#. You need to pay 175 Taka for 1-day, which means you can use this pack 24-hours without any issues. With this package, you will get a 500 MB bonus internet. I think this package is suitable for you can easily purchase the package.

1 GB175 Taka*123*102430#24-hours

Robi 2 GB Internet Package.

Well, I think you are unhappy with the 1 GB internet package, which is why you are coming here. However, if you want to purchase 2 GB of the internet, you need to complete a simple process like others. To get this package, you need to dial *123*204830#. Note, to get this service; you need to pay 264 Taka for 24-hours without any issues. So, if you think that this package is suitable for you, of course, you can buy this internet package from Robi Postpaid Internet Offer.

2 GB264 Taka*123*204830#24-hours

Pospaid 3 GB Internet.

This is another package which comes from Robi Postpaid service. However, 3 GB of the internet is an awesome choice if you use the internet heavily. The package is not complicated, so you can easily buy the package without any issues. To get the package, let’s follow the below process.

To Know: Robi Monthly Internet Package

First of all, you need to dial *123*307230#. When you dial the number, it cuts down 377 Taka for 24-hours. I hope that the package is suitable for you and you can easily buy the package without any helping hand.

3 GB377 Taka*123*307230#24-hours

Robi Postpaid Internet Balance Check Code.

If you want to purchase the internet balance, you may already find your answers. But what can you do if you need to check your internet balance? Well, you need to dial *3# for knowing the balance. After dialing the code, you will get a pop-up SMS, and you will easily know your current internet balance status.

Go To: Robi Goongoon Code

Service NameDial Code
Robi Postpaid Internet Balance Check Code.*3#

Terms and Conditions:

  • All of the packages included VAT, SD, and sure charge.
  • The upper packages are suitable for only postpaid users.
  • You can purchase the package only dial the USSD code.
  • They don’t come with an auto-renewal service.
  • The recharge system is not available for this package.


Finally, I hope that you can understand whatever I say to you about this topic. Robi postpaid internet offer allows you to know which offer is suitable for you. You may know that each of the SIM company provides little service of postpaid. So, without any issues, you can buy the upper internet package. If you think that the package is not suitable for you and you wanted to know more, you can let me know in the below comment box about Robi Postpaid Internet Offer 2024 .

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