Gausia Market Off Day | Weekend | Opening Times [Full Details]

Do you want to know about Gausia Market Off Day? If you want to know, then today’s article is only for you. At the beginning, let us tell you that 1 day of the week has been selected as Gausia market off day. This day is basically Tuesday! Dhaka gausia market is also closed for another day that means Wednesday until half day. It’s not just about the gausia market off day! Stay with us for more detailed information about this market.

Gausia Market Off Day Dhaka

Gausia Market is one of the most popular markets in Dhaka. Because of which everyone knows this market by one name. There is a main road in front of this market. As a result, there is always a crowd in the market. 

Traders also try to keep almost all the necessary products in stock keeping that in mind. The biggest advantage of shopping from this market is that you can go to the market through any road in Dhaka. 

That is, it is very easy to go to Gausia Market from any road in Dhaka. We all know that Nilkhet and Sciencelab are two of the busiest areas in Dhaka. Basically the location of Gausia market in the middle of these two areas. 

Gausia Market Off Day is Tuesday Full Day and Wednesday’s Half Day

ঢাকার জনপ্রিয় গাউসিয়া মার্কেটের সাপ্তাহিক বন্ধের দিন হলো মঙ্গলবার এবং পরবর্তী দিন অর্থ্যাৎ বুধবারেও এটি হাফ ডে অফ থাকে

About Gausia Market Dhaka

Did you know that Gausia Market has been recognized as the largest market in Asia? Basically, the activities of this market have been performed for 3 decades. Buying and selling goes on all day long. 

In this market, the highest sale is gaj cloth, and every year there is a lot of zakat cloth sold on Eid. In the case of clothes, you can buy any dress like printed cloth, than cloth, cotton cloth, three-piece, veil, shirt-pants, etc. in the market. 

Not just that! In this market, you will also find photocopies, cyber cafes, printing and printing, tailors, photo binding shops, and various computer workshops. 

There are more than 200 shops in the entire market complex of Dhaka Gausia Market. There are some other small shops along the road in Dhaka gausia market. Together these shops are called city corporation markets. 

Food are sold in some markets of this city corporation. Printing services are offered in other markets. The rest of the shops serve as grocery stores. 

Customers from different parts of the city, including Dhaka, Chattogram, Rajshahi, Bogra, Sirajganj, Gazipur, Sylhet, Barisal, Tangail, Mymensingh, Bhairab, Rajshahi, Faridpur, Tongi, come to this market every day.

If you want to see all the information related to the Dhaka gausia market together in one chart form then you can focus on the chart below:

Name Dhaka Gausia Market 
Established Year1954
Location Dhaka, 1205 


Weekly Off DayTuesday, Wednesday (Half Day)
Address 3, 1 Mirpur Rd, Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh
Contact Number +880 1417-863464
Facebook /Gausia-Market /2936642806
Contact Details
Retail Number200

Dhaka Gausia Market Weekly Off Day

If you want to do your essential shopping from dhaka gausia market in the capital then you need to know about dhaka gausia market weekly off day. 

Otherwise, you can go to the market on the off-day by mistake and get in problem. But before that, let’s talk about an important fact to select the off day of bulta gausia market. 

Basically, we all have ideas about the traffic jam of Dhaka city. Again, due to the need, the number of markets in Dhaka is very high. For this reason, the Government of Bangladesh keeps different markets of Dhaka closed at different times of the week. 

The same rules have also been followed regarding The Dhaka Gausia Market. However! Tuesday has been selected as the weekly off day of vulta gausia market. There is also another day of the week on Wednesday’s Half Day.

Gausia Market Off Day is Tuesday Full Day and Wednesday is Half Day

ঢাকা গাউসিয়া মার্কেট বন্ধের দিন হলো সপ্তাহের মঙ্গলবার পূর্ণদিবস এবং বুধবার অর্ধদিবস

Weekly Schedule Of Dhaka Gausia Market

The Dhaka Gausia Market is closed for 1 day and half a day of the week, but the rest of the week is open. If you want to buy your favorite product from this Dhaka Gausia Market, then you have to know about the Weekly Schedule of Dhaka Gausia Market. 

By doing this, you will be able to know about which day of the week the market opens and goes off. Focus on the chart below to find out the Weekly Schedule of Dhaka Gausia Market.

DayOpening TimeClosing Time
Saturday 10 a.m.9 p.m
Sunday 10 a. m.9 p. m.
Monday 10 a.m.9 p. m. 
Tuesday Off dayOff Day
Wednesday 10 a.m.2 p. m.
Thursday 10 a. m.9 p.m
Friday10 a. m.9 p.m

This was our chart-based info about the Weekly Schedule of Dhaka Gausia Market! Hopefully this chart will be of some benefit you to shopping from the market.

Holiday Of Dhaka Gausia Market

Do you know about the holiday of Dhaka Gausia Market? There are usually different types of product sales in this market. So the number or amount of holidays in the market is not very high. This market is closed for 2 days of the year. These are: 

  • Eid-ul-Fitr 
  • Eid-ul-Azha

If the Dhaka Gausia Market is closed on Eid 2 of the year, there is a lot of buying and selling in the market on the day before Eid. At this time, the market is crowded till midnight.

Dhaka Gausia Market On Google Map

This part of our article is categorized for Google Map users. Those who want to find Dhaka Gausia Market on Google Maps can focus on the image below:

Gausia Market On Google Map

Warming Up

We hope you’ve already understood about Gausia Market Off Day. Those who want to shop from this market can focus on the timing of our article. 

You can also follow this article for an address or any important information about this market. That’s all today. Stay well until our come back with the next article. Happy shopping!

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