Abdullah Paribahan: Online Ticket Price | Counters Number [2024]

Are you looking for the best bus service? If yes, then you can check out Abdullah Paribahan’s service to get the best experience. Abdullah transport provides their bus service in Bangladesh included some districts and divisions. You can also collect the ticket both online and offline.

In this article, I will share with you the most updated information and let you know the online ticket price and address for easily buy the ticket. So, without delay, let’s get started with the article right now.

What is Abdullah paribahan?

Abdullah transport is a transport which provides 1st class bus service around in BD. The bus is suitable for family and local people to use. They provide the ticket from both online and offline. There are couples of facilities you will discover from this transport.

Abdullah Paribahan Ticket Price

From this section, you will get a complete idea and a time schedule for this bus service. So, let’s check out the below timetable and ticket price before buying the ticket.

DhakaBarguna300 TakaDhaka
BargunaDhaka300 TakaBarguna
DhakaPatuakhali300 TakaDhaka
PatuakhaliDhaka300 TakaPatuakhali
DhakaBarisal300 TakaDhaka
BarisalDhaka300 TakaBarisal

Abdullah Paribahan Online Ticket Price


You may already know that the ticket price of this transport. But if you have not enough time to get the ticket offline, then you should collect the ticket online. How? Let me explain.

First of all, you need to go to busbd.com.bd or sohoz.com to get the ticket. After entering the website, you need to use the search bar and search the bus name, and you will get detailed information to get the ticket. So, without delay, purchase your ticket righ

Check: Shah Fateh Ali Paribahan

Dhaka Bus Counter

If you want to get the Dhaka service, you can check out this section to get the number and counter location. The number and counter location is most updated, and you can easily get all of the detail to call them.

Counter NameMobile Number
Saydabad Counter01700625809, 01912428790, 01928137142, 01714662732

Bogra Counters

I found 4 counter locations in Bogra of this bus service. However, you can get this service without any issues. So, let’s check out the bus service and its number or location from the below table.

Counter NameMobile Number
Mohiskata Counter 01929056375, 01734423966
Barguna sadar Counter01915844526, 01914424687,
Durakata Counter01929737980
Amtoli Counter0192509119, 01734423966

Patuakhali Bus Counter

This is the final zone of the Abdullah bus service location. In Patuakhali, you will get 4 counter locations and numbers to contact. However, let’s check out the below section to get the number and location without any delay.

Counter NameMobile Number
Khepupara Counter01925095118, 01739909274
Patuakhali sadar Counter01929056376, 01734423966
Mohipur Counter01925095116, 01734423966
Kuakata Counter, Kuakata, Patuakhali—-
Barisal Sadar Counter, Barisal—-

FAQs (Frequently Ask Questions)

Q: Is Abdullah Paribahan Safe for women?

Ans: Of course, they maintain all of the safety features, especially for women. If you have any complaints, they take action right now and solve your issues as soon as possible.

Final Verdict:

It is true that Abdullah paribahan doesn’t have much counter and authority supports, but they provide accurate and awesome support for their users. You will always get the first-class service from this bus company. I hope that you can understand whatever I say to you about this article.

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