A journey by bus is always very enjoyable if you know the correct schedule. If you want to go the Sylhet from Dhaka then you must to know the details about Dhaka to Sylhet bus schedule. The bus schedule will help you know the details about the current ticket price and the exact counter number. Depending on the road condition the average duration of a 5-6 hours journey. Bus ticket price is always depending on the bus operator types. The ticket price range is starting from 400 and ends to 1200 taka.
Check: Dhaka to Khulna Bus Schedule
Nowadays Dhaka to Sylhet transportation system is very much updated and also modernized. If you want to travel by bus there are many buses, you just need to know the Dhaka to Sylhet bus schedule. If you want to know all in detail then you are in the right place, stay connected.
Dhaka To Sylhet Bus Schedule 2024.
Dhaka to Sylhet is a long journey the total route spread over 245.2 kilometers. With an average duration of a 5-6 hours journey, depending on the road condition. So, most of the leading bus operators in this route have a two-time schedule and that is day and night schedule.
The ticket price of the buses depending on the companies. The different buses have a different ticket price. The AC buses will cost you a little more than the other coaches.
Dhaka To Sylhet bus ticket price 2024 depends on the bus operator types. The bus ticket price for this route ranges is BDT 400 to BDT 1200. Non-AC ticket price average is BDT 400 to BDT 500 and AC ticket price average is 950 BDT to 1200 BDT all depends on bus company and there Dhaka to Sylhet bus schedule.
Know More: Dhaka To Rajshahi Bus Schedule
Dhaka to Sylhet Bus List:
In Dhaka to Sylhet route, there are plenty of Buses are available. There are lots of companies that have multiple buses, that start from multiple places in Dhaka. So, you can easily get the buses from the bus terminals. Many have both types of bus AC or Non-AC; you can choose what you prefer. Choose your preferable bus and get the information on Dhaka to Sylhet bus schedule.
- Green Line Paribahan
- Ena Transport
- SaintMartin Paribahan
- London Express
- Golden Line Paribahan
- Unique Service
- Shyamoli Paribahan
- Shyamoli Paribahan(NR)
- Ena TransportAl Mobaraka
- Mamun Enterprise
- RP Aliganch
- Al Mobaraka
- Hanif Enterprise
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Dhaka To Sylhet Bus Ticket Price
For a traveler its mandatory to know the exact schedule. So, if you want to travel Dhaka to Sylhet by bus then first you have to know the correct information on Dhaka to Sylhet bus schedule. Without correct information, you may miss the bus and secondly, another most important thing is to know the Dhaka to Sylhet bus ticket price.
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There are some wrong people may take extra money for their profit. Thirdly, and most importantly, you should know about the locations of Dhaka to Sylhet bus ticket counters, from where you will get the tickets. If you want to travel by AC bus then you can also get the Dhaka to Sylhet AC bus schedule online or their counter. Here the details of Dhaka to Sylhet bus schedule &ticket price.
Bus Name | Ticket price BDT (AC) |
Green Line Paribahan | 950 TK 1200 TK |
Ena Transport | 1200 TK |
SaintMartin Paribahan | 700 TK 900 TK |
London Express | 950 TK
1200 TK |
Golden Line Paribahan | 1000 TK 1200 TK |
Bus Name | Ticket price BDT (NON-AC) |
Unique Service | 470 TK |
Shyamoli Paribahan | 470 TK |
Shyamoli Paribahan(NR) | 470 TK |
Ena Transport | 470 TK |
Al Mobaraka | 400 TK |
Mamun Enterprise | 400 TK |
RP Aliganch | 470 TK |
Hanif Enterprise | 470 TK |
Dhaka to Sylhet Bus Counter Number:
When you know about Dhaka to Sylhet bus schedule it is also very important to know the counter number or the bus companies contact number.
Because if you face any kind of harassment or want to get any information you will contact them. You can also book your ticket in advance with this number. Despite all of these bus shyamoli paribahan Dhaka to Sylhet is most popular and well known for its services.
Need to know: Dhaka to Netrokona Bus Service
Here the details Dhaks and Sylhet counter and contact number on the below table:
Bus Name | Counter and contact number in Dhaka division | Counter and contact number in Sylhet division |
Green Line Paribahan | Rajarbagh Counter, Dhaka Phone: 02-9342580, 02-9339623Arambagh Counter, Dhaka Phone: 02-7192301, 01730-060009
Fakirapul Counter, Dhaka Syedabad Counter, Dhaka Kala bagan Counter, Dhaka Kalyanpur Khalek Pump Counter, Dhaka Kalyanpur Sohrab Pump Counter, Dhaka Uttara Ajampur Counter, Dhaka Uttara Abdullahpur Counter, Dhaka Badda Counter, Dhaka NORDA Counter, Dhaka BRTC International Bus Terminal Counter, Dhaka Golapbug Counter, Dhaka
| Sylhet Subhani Gate Counters, Sylhet city Phone: 01730-060036Mazar Gate Counters, Sylhet city Phone: 01970-060034
Kadamtali Counters, Sylhet city Humayam Rashid Counters, Sylhet city
Ena Transport
| Mohakhali Bus Terminal Counter, Dhaka Phone: 01760-737650, 01619-737650, 01869-802725Airport – Counter, Dhaka Phone: 01760-737652, 01869-802726, 01872-604498, 01872-695911
Uttara BGB Market Counter, Dhaka Tongi Station Road Counter, Dhaka Fakirapul bus stand Counter, Dhaka Mirpur Counter, Dhaka 11/5 City Club Abdullahpur BusStandard Counter, Dhaka Manik Nagar Bissho Road Counter, Dhaka Fakirapul Counter, Dhaka Modhy Badda Counter, Dhaka Kuril Bissho Road Counter, Dhaka Mirpur 10 Counter, Dhaka Kanchakshat Counter, Dhaka Chittagong Road Counter, Dhaka Sayedabad Highway Counter, Dhaka TT Para Counter, Dhaka Shonir Akhra Counter, Dhaka Mirpur-11 Counter, Dhaka Ciora Counter, Dhaka Bonoshree Counter, Dhaka Kacpur Counter, Dhaka
| Sylhet bus terminals Counter, Sylhet Phone: 01760-079986, 01760-079987, 01619-737650Mazar Gate Counter, Sylhet Phone: 01611-950750
Sobhani Ghat Counter, Sylhet Goala Bazar Counter, Sylhet Biyani Bazar Bus Stand Counter, Sylhet
SaintMartin Paribahan | Arambagh Counters Office, Dhaka Phone: 01762-691341, 01762-691339.Fakirapul Counters Office, Dhaka Phone: 01762691350,01762-691342.
Panthapath Counters Office, Dhaka Kalyanpur Counters Office, Dhaka Chittagong Road Counters Office, Dhaka
| None |
London Express | Arambag Counter, Dhaka
Phone: 01701-220011 Kalabagan Counter, Dhaka Uttara Counter, Dhaka
| Humaion Rashid Chattar Counter, Sylhet
Phone: 01701-220055 Sobahani Gate Counter, Sylhet Dorga Gate Counter, Sylhet
Golden Line Paribahan | Dhaka Counter
Phone: 02-8052622, 01755-522211 Kalyanpur Counter, Dhaka Nabinagar Counter, Dhaka Rayer Bazar Counter, Dhaka Bou Bazar Counter, Dhaka Rajoir Counter, Dhaka Teker hat Counter, Dhaka Gulistan Counter, Dhaka Sayedabad-2 Counter, Dhaka Section of Golden Line Transportation- To know any complaints, suggestions, information, etc. of the Golden Line transport –
| None |
Unique Service | 240 / A, Bagbari, north side of Gabtali bus terminal,
Abdul, Majid Khan under the tower. Phone: 0290027710, 01963-622223 15, BTRC Market, Kalyanpur. Assad Gate, (previously in the passenger shelter at the side. 13/12 Ayesha Complex, Pantha Path, Sukra bad. Fakirapul, (under the footstep of Hotel Assar) Below the Fakira Pool T & T Colony Mosque. 36 Kamala Pur, nearby the BRTC Counter. 60/1 otish Dipankar Road, north side of Mugada stadium. Golapbagh Stadium Market Saidabad, nearby the house gates. 10/1-C, Sayedabad. 33, Sayedabad Highway Road (janopoth mor Road) 88/4, North Jatrabari (beside Uttara Bank) Chittagong Road (release memorial) Office of kocuket Mirpur 10, Dhaka. Nardda Booking Office
| Mazar Gate -1
Phone: 01963-62245 Mazar Gate-2 Sobhani Ghat Kadamtali Humayun Chattar
Shyamoli Paribahan | Technical Counter, Dhaka
Phone: 01865-068922. Asad Gate Counter, Dhaka Kollyanpur-1 Counter, Dhaka Kalyanpur office, 12 South Kalyanpur, Mirpur Road Kalyanpur-2 Counter, Dhaka Kalabagan Counter, Dhaka Arambag Counter, Dhaka Sayedabad Counter, Dhaka Sayedabad Counter, Dhaka Counter of Sayedabad 3 Counter, Dhaka Counter of Sayedabad 7 Counter, Dhaka Fakirapul Counter, Dhaka Malibag Counter, Dhaka Uttara Counter, Dhaka NORDA Counter, Dhaka Abdullahpur Counter, Dhaka KP BRTC Counter, Dhaka Gabtoli Counter, Dhaka Gabtali Counter, Dhaka Gabtali Counter, Dhaka Gabtoli Mazar Road Counter, Dhaka Gabtali NS Counter, Dhaka Gabtali VIP Counter, Dhaka Panthapath Counter, Dhaka Panthapath office, Russell Square bend Kamalapur Counter, Dhaka BRTC Bus Depot, Kamalapur Counter, Dhaka
| Kadamtali No 1 Counter
Phone: 01716-036687 Kadamtali No. 2 Counter Suburban counters Humayun Rashid Chatar Mazar Gate
Shyamoli Paribahan(NR) | Assad Gate counters
Phone: 01714-619173 Kalyanpur-1 counters Kalyanpur-2 counters Kalyanpur BRTC counters Sohrab Pump counters Technical counters Gabtali-03 counters Gabtali NS counters Gabtali VIP counters Gabtali-5 counters Gabtali-06 counters Gabtoli Mazar Road counters Panthapath counters Fakirapul counters Arambagh-01 counters Arambagh-02 counters Kamalapur counters Syedabad-01 counters Syedabad-04 counters Syedabad-07 counters Abdullahpur counters Uttara counters NORDA counters Malibag counters Narayanganj-01 counters Narayanganj-02 counters Narayanganj-03 counters
| Sylhet Counters, SYLHET
Phone: 01716-036687, 01729-538185 Sunamganj Counters, SYLHET Darya Counters, SYLHET Moulvibazar Counters, SYLHET Biani Bazar Counters, SYLHET Srimangal Counters, SYLHET
Al Mobaraka | Dhaka Counter
Phone: 01610-801024 Fakirapul Counter, Dhaka Narayanganj Counter Chittagong Road Counter Belanagar Counter
| Sylhet Counter
Phone: 01730-877848, 01610-801031 Mazar Gate Counter, Sylhet Rashidpur Counter, Sylhet Tajpur Counter, Sylhet Goala Bazar Counter, Sylhet Sherpur Counter Aushkandi Counter, Sylhet Sayestaganj Counter Hotel Counter, Sylhet
Mamun Enterprise | Sayedabad
Phone 01783-877565 Phone 01748-640840
| Sylhet
Phone: 01716-469070, 01783-877570 |
RP Aliganch | None | Sylhet
Phone: 1767546266
Hanif Enterprise | Kalyanpur-1 Counters, Dhaka
Phone: 01713-049540, 01713-049541, 02-9010212. Kalyanpur-2 Counters, Dhaka Kalyanpur-3 Counters, Dhaka Kalyanpur-4 Counters, Dhaka Shyamoli Ringrod-1 Counters, Dhaka Shyamoli Ringrod-2 Counters, Dhaka Gabtali Counters, Dhaka Technical Counters, Dhaka Kalabagan Counters, Dhaka Fakirapol Counters, Dhaka Arambagh Counters, Dhaka Savar Counters, Dhaka Nabinagar Counters, Dhaka Panthapath Counters, Dhaka Syedabad Counters, Dhaka Uttara Counters, Dhaka Abdullahpur Counters, Dhaka NORDA Counters, Dhaka kachpur counter Counters,
| Humayun Rashid Chatar Counters, Sylhet Phone: 01711-924420, 01711-924415Dargah gate Counters, Sylhet Phone: 01711-924419Sobhani Gate Counters, Sylhet Phone: 01711-922421
Kadamtali bus stand Counters, Sylhet Maulvibazar Counters, Sylhet Srimangal Counters, Sylhet
Dhaka To Sylhet Bus Ticket Booking:
Travelling one place to another is always very enjoyable when all the circumstances in your hand. There are a lot of online providers where you can get Dhaka To Sylhet Bus Ticket Booking system. So, let’s check the Dhaka To Sylhet Bus Schedule article.
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You can also contact to counter number where their reserve ticket for you. If you know the Dhaka to Sylhet bus Schedule makes it easy to decide when you want to go. After knowing about the Dhaka to Sylhet ticket price 2024 it will be easy to booked ticket without any trouble.
Final words:
Our busy life always wants to save some time and do work as shortly as possible. Here we will try to save a traveler’s time. To give you the proper Dhaka to Sylhet bus schedule and all detailed information make your travel easy. It’s all about Dhaka to Sylhet bus schedule and ticket price.
Sylhet is full of mother nature beauty and every traveler’s travel destination. This article will make your journey happy and relax.
Just see the Dhaka to Sylhet bus schedule then choose your schedule and which service you want AC or non-AC it’s all up to you then go for it. We provide every single information in your hand.
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