If you are searching Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Bus Schedule with Ticket Price information. You are in right place. In the article you will know all about details of Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Bus Services. Anyway, Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Bus Distance is 577 Kilometers that’s why it takes around 14 Hours to reach destination.Â
Well, Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Bus Ticket Price Range is 1600 Taka. The Buses depart from their counters as per company schedule, So as per our data collection we say that, Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar buses depart from the counter from 9 AM. The Note is Like Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Bus Schedule Is 7:00 AM To 9:00 PM
So, let’s check the full details of Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Bus Services with bus Bus Names, Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Bus Schedule, Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Bus Ticket Price, time schedule, travel duration, bus counters, bus types, seat types, and more from Wiki Of Info.
Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Bus Schedule With Ticket Price In 2024
There are several bus services in the Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Route. For your information, Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Bus Services Name is Desh Travels, Shyamoli Paribahan, Silk Line ,Econo service,SaintMartin Paribahan,Shanti Paribahan Ac,Relax Paribahan,Green Line Paribahan,S.Alam Service,,President Travels and Approximate Travel Duration 14 Hours. It is Non AC bus service, The Bus Starting Point is Dhaka Counter and End Point is Teknaf Counter, Seat Type – AC/Non AC and E-Class. Anyway, below check the table about Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Bus Service in 2024
Bus Name | Bus Type | Starting Point | End Point | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Travel Duration | Seat Type | Ticket Price |
Super sony | Non AC | Meherpur | Kolatoli Counter | 07:15 AM | 03:15 PM | 8.0 Hrs | E-Class | 1600 Tk |
The Note Is: As per process is some cases the bus schedule may be changed by the company procedure.
Well, check the short information about traveling from Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar by bus:
- Ticket Prices: The bus ticket from Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Costs 1600 Taka (BDT)
- Travel Duration: The journey by bus from Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar takes Approximately 14 Hours.
- Bus Availability: Buses departing from Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar are available at 9 AM to 14 PM.
- Bus Companies: There are many bus companies operating on the Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Route, and it is Desh Travels, Shyamoli Paribahan, Silk Line ,Econo service,SaintMartin Paribahan,Shanti Paribahan Ac,Relax Paribahan,Green Line Paribahan,S.Alam Service,,President Travels.
- Number of Buses: Many buses run from Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar , Anyway, our research says One Bus is  currently running on Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Route. Here, one thing should be noted that the number of buses may be less or more, depending on the service of the company
Know More : Shyamoli Paribahan
Know Quick Information Before Going To Cox’s Bazar From Kushtia By Bus
What Is The Distance Between Cox’s Bazar And Kushtia?
The distance between Teknaf and Dhaka is approximately 577 Kilometers, making it an 14 Hours bus journey.
What Is The Price Range For Bus Tickets From Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar?
A: The ticket price for buses from Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar typically ranges from 1600 Bangladeshi Taka (৳).
When Do The Buses Depart From Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar?
Buses from Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar generally depart at 9 AM  from their respective counters.
What Types Of Buses Are Available On The Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Route?
You can find both AC and Non-AC buses operating on the Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Route.
What is the Average Travel Duration For The Journey from Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar by bus?
The average travel duration for the bus journey from Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar is approximately 14 hours.
How Many Bus Companies Operate On The Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Route?
There are several bus companies providing services on the Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Route. Some of the notable ones include Desh Travels, Shyamoli Paribahan, Silk Line ,Econo service,SaintMartin Paribahan,Shanti Paribahan Ac,Relax Paribahan,Green Line Paribahan,S.Alam Service,,President Travels .
What Are The Seat Types Available On These Buses?
The seat type commonly found on buses from Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar is AC/Non AC and E-Class.
Do These Buses Have Specific Counters For Departure And Arrival Points?
Yes, the buses have designated counters at their respective starting and ending points for ease of boarding and alighting passengers.
How Can I Book A Bus Ticket from Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar?
You can book a bus ticket from Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar through various online ticketing platforms like bdtickets.com or by visiting the bus counters directly.
Are There Any Discounts Available On Bus Tickets For The Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Route?
Discounts on bus tickets may vary by company and promotional offers. It’s recommended to check with the specific bus company or ticketing platform for any available discounts.
What Is The Cancellation Policy For Bus Tickets from Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar?
The cancellation policy for bus tickets from Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar may vary by bus company. It’s recommended to review the terms and conditions of your ticket or contact the bus company directly for more information on their cancellation policy.
Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Bus Online Ticket BookingÂ
If you buy your ticker through the online, you need to how to get Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Bus Service Ticket, In the part we have shared Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Bus Online Ticket Booking Website which helps to know these websites name. So, Let’s Check the Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Bus Online Ticket Booking Website are
- https://www.bdtickets.com/
- https://www.shohoz.com/bus-tickets
- https://busbd.com.bd/
- https://ticket.jatri.co/
Final Words
Hope you can understand all about details of Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Bus Schedule with Ticket Price information from Wiki Of info. Our Main motto is provides true information which helps people will benefited by reading the Kushtia To Cox’s Bazar Bus Services Article.
Anyway, if you know further more information, please let me know, our team will give feedback. Thanks for your time being. Sharing is Caring.
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