Robi Internet Loan |Jhotpot Internet Balance Code [Updated]

Besides emergency balance, you may also need a Robi internet loan to browse your regular work. You may know that every SIM company provides emergency balance and internet loan service so that you never fall any emergency problem. There are two methods you need to apply for getting an emergency internet loan. What is the process? Well, let me explain the below section so that you can hassle-free take the loan.

Check: GP Internet Balance Check Code

Today, I am sharing with you the top methods so that you can easily take the Robi emergency internet loan. If you are a verified Robi SIM user, surely this article is suitable for you. So, without delay, let’s get started with the content right now.

Robi Emergency Internet Loan Details.

Internet loan is an important thing which every user must know. If you want to get an emergency internet loan, you need to follow this section. In 2024 Robi provides its user internet loan in two ways SMS and dialing USSD code. Here, I discuss two methods in updated information so that you can easily take the internet loan. So, let’s break down the methods.

Go To: Emergency Balance Code

Robi Internet Balance Loan Code.

Now it is time to clear the internet loan USSD code so that you can apply it and easily take the internet. Whatever you need to dial *8811*11# and follow the instruction. Now you can see different internet loan services; just follow it and subscribe to getting the service. I hope that this USSD code helps you a lot to get an emergency loan without any issues.

Link: Robi Postpaid Balance Check Code

Service NameDial Code
Robi Internet Loan Code*8811*11#

Internet Loan Via SMS.

So many people found the USSD code invalidate because of network issues. So, they wanted to know other methods that they can apply. However, the SMS system is truly well enough, and you can take an emergency loan with this package on your own. So, let’s check out the process below and get the Robi Internet Package Loan.

  • Step 1: Go to your SMS body option.
  • Step 2: Type “START
  • Step 3: Now, you can choose your internet loan (50/100/200/250).
  • Step 4: Now send the SMS 8811, and you can get the loan.

Note, you need to pay 50 MB at 15 Taka, 100 MB at 15 Taka, 200 MB 20 Taka, and 250 MB 25 Taka included all of VAT, SD, and sure charge. I hope that this section helps you a lot to get an emergency internet loan from Robi.

Other Info About Robi Internet Loan.

You will also get 25 MB Robi emergency balance for 2-days. You need to send an SMS for getting this service. However, you need to type “START 25” and send 8811. Or you can also dial *8811*11#.

How to Check the Robi Internet Loan?

If you want to check out the emergency balance, you need to dial *3#, and after that, you will get a pop-up SMS. The pop-up SMS shows you that your current internet loan balance. On the other hand, you can also know your loan validation. Overall, you will get a clear concept of your internet loan.

Service NameDial Code
Robi Internet Loan Check Code.*3#

Terms and Conditions.

  • The internet SMS loan service validates only for 1-day.
  • You can also take the loan when your internet balance and main balance 0.
  • You can get the loan via the USSD and SMS method. Others method is not applicable.
  • To check the loan, you need to dial *3#.
  • Included 15% VAT and other charges.
  • No limitation to use the data with any kinds of sections.
  • You will get the next loan when you pay the previous one.
  • Both prepaid and postpaid users can get this service.
  • You must have a verified account.
  • Dial *811*11# to check out the internet loan service.

When you meet the upper information, you can take the internet loan. If you think that it doesn’t meet your requirement, you can avoid the service. I hope that you can understand whatever I say to you.


Internet loan is an important element of our day to day life—this why you can also get a Robi internet loan which comes from Robi. I already provide you two methods so that you can easily choose any of them. If you think that you need more information to get the loan, you can let me know in the below comment box so that I can solve your issues as soon as possible.

Link: Robi Number Check Code BD