Skitto MB Offer | Skitto All MB Package List [Latest]

Skitto MB offer is specially designed for Skitto users. And,  as a sim for the internet, Skitto offers varieties of internet offers. But, if you’re a Skitto user or willing to become one. Then, you should know all of the latest SKitto Data offers. So, for your comfort, we have gathered all the latest data offers from Skitto here.

Click: Robi MB Offer

And, all the packs are available to use in 4G. So, let’s check out all the latest regular GP Skitto sim MB offer 2024.

Types of Skitto MB Offer:

Now, there are two types of Skitto MB offer. Firstly, one is the regular data pack. Which we have right above this paragraph for you. And, another one is Promo deals.

  • Skitto Regular Data MB Offer
  • Skitto Promot Deals MB Offer

But, within the regular data packs. And, the promo deals. Also, there are three types of packs available. And, they are.

  • Skitto Daily MB Offer
  • Skitto Weekly MB Offer
  • Skitto Monthly MB Offer

Skitto MB Package 2024.

Skitto is a digital product of Grameenphone. And, all the features of this sim are only available in the app. So, there is no Skitto MB offer code available in this sim. But, however, you can easily activate the Skitto Net offer from the Skitto app.

Link: Banglalink MB Offer

But, first, you should know what packs are available in Skitto. Hence, we have listed the regular Skitto MB Offer for you. Therefore, you can pick the package that suits you from this list.

60 MB3 Days3 TK
500 MB7 Days44 TK
1.5 GB7 Days89 TK
3 GB7 Days104 TK
2 GB30 Days229 TK
7 GB30 Days498 TK

Read More: Skitto Call Rate Offer

Skitto Regular Data Packs

Now, the GP skitto sim MB offer 2024 regular packs are divided into three sectors. And, it is according to the validity they offer. Also, these offers don’t change usually. Hence, they are called regular offers. Here, we are going to discuss them.

Skitto Daily MB Offer.

But, there is only one regular daily pack available in the Skitto MB offer. However, this pack offers you 60 MB of data. And, the validity of 3 days. Here, the details of this pack are given below.

60 MB3 TK3 Days

Skitto Weekly MB Offer.

Now, in the regular weekly packs, there are three packs available for you to pick from. And, they come with some high data volume. So, you can pick any package that suits your needs. Here, the weekly regular packages list is given below. Therefore, you can choose the pack that suits you from here.

500 MB44 TK7 Days
1.5 GB89 TK7 Days
3 GB104 TK7 Days

Skitto Monthly Data Package Offer.

Lastly, in the regular monthly packs. And, there are two packs available for you to choose from. And, they come with a lot of data. Here, we have listed the monthly Skitto MB offer. So, pick the pack that is suitable for you.

2 GB229 TK30 Days
7 GB498 TK30 Days

Skitto Promo Deals MB Offer.

To clarify, the promo Skitto Internet Offer keeps changing. But, you get the best deals in this section of Skitto MB offer 2024. And, for your satisfaction Skitto updates their promo deals almost every month. So, you get new promo deals every month. Here, we are providing you a list of the latest Skitto promo deals.

Check: Skitto Promo Deal Offer

3 GB51 TK3 Days
1.5 GB39 TK7 Days
3 Gb97 TK30 Days
8 GB193 TK30 Days
16 GB280 TK30 Days
23 GB377 TK30 Days

Now, these packs are also divided into three sectors. According to their validity. Moreover, you get more data at a low price. Mainly, Skitto is called the sim for data. As they offer such promo deals.

Skitto Promo Deals Daily Data Offer.

Meanwhile, there are only one daily promo deals available in the Skitto MB offer now. As a result, you don’t get the option here to pick any other pack. But, if you need a daily promo deal pack. Then, you can buy the 3 GB Skitto promo deal. And, you can find the details of this pack below.

3 GB51 TK3 Days

Skitto Weekly Promo Deals Data Pack Offer.

Similarly, now in the current promo deal section, there is only one weekly pack available. So, again, you don’t have any other option to pick from. Therefore, if you want to activate a weekly promo deal. Then, you have to buy the 1.5 GB pack of Skitto MB Offer. Hence, we have the details of this pack below for you.

1.5 GB39 TK7 Days

Skitto Promo Deals Monthly MB Offer

And, in this monthly Skitto MB offer section, there are four packs available. So, you have a few options to pick the best package for you. Here, we have listed all the four available data packs.

3 GB97 TK30 Days
8 GB193 TK30 Days
16 GB280 TK30 Days
23 GB377 TK30 Days

Now, these are the packs that are available for you in Skitto promo deals. And, all the packs come with a huge data volume. So, you can access the internet for a month. And, without worrying about your data pack.

Skitto Secret Offer MB Offer.

Now, this is one of the best features of the Skitto sim. In the Skitto app, there is an option named “Secret Deal” in the menu bar. There, you will find the Skitto MB offer. And, they are only available for you. So, go to your Skitto app to find deals that are made for you.

Skitto Free MB Offer 2024.

Skitto has a free Skitto MB Offer for you. But, to get this you have to follow some simple steps. Then, you can up to 20 GB of data. So, follow the steps below to earn some free data.

  • Step 1: First, download the skitto app. And, we have the link here.
  • Step 2: Then, log in to the app with your Skitto number.
  • Step 3: Now, go to the Hamburger menu. And, click on referral there.
  • Step 4: And, now click on the get invitation link. And, send the link to your friend.
  • Step 5: Finally, ask your friend to download the app from the link you sent. Then, log in to the app with his Skitto number.

Here, we have provided a picture of the process. So, you can understand it better.

Terms And Conditions

  • To clarify, the price of all the Skitto MB offer is inclusive of all VAT and SD charges. Hence, there are no hidden charges applicable.
  • Also, the packs are usable in any network form.
  • And, the validity of the pack will count from the exact time of activation.
  • However, once the validity is expired. Then, the remaining data will not be carried forward.
  • Lastly, these packs don’t come with an auto-renew feature.


Q: How do I buy Skitto data packs?

A: Now, to buy Skitto data packs. First, you need a smartphone. And, Skitto app. Then, you can activate any pack you want from there.

Q: How do I check my Skitto Internet offers?

A: Again, you need a smartphone. And, the Skitto app. Then, go to the promo deals section to check the internet offers.

Q: What is Skitto promo code?

A: Skitto promo codes are unique. And, you can use them to buy a Skitto sim. Also, you get an additional bonus if you buy using the Skitto promo codes.

Final Words:

Skitto sim is a sim for the new generation. However, we can call it a digital product. In other words, this sim is completely based on an app. Moreover, this sim provides you with some very affordable Skitto MB offer.

And, as this sim is based on an app. So, all the functions are very easy to use. Moreover, you get all the features in one place. Also, you can recharge and transfer the balance from the app. However, there are a lot of features of Skitto sim. And, we have written about some features on our site.

For example, you can find the Skitto internet transfer feature details on our site. Also, we have written about the Skitto recharge from the Bkash feature. So, in case, you want to know about them. Then, please check our website. That was all we had. Thank you for your time.

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