Teletalk Internet Package | Teletalk Data Packages List [Latest]

Teletalk has a different internet package for its users. Teletalk internet package provides the user with money-saving and full speed internet. If you are still confused about which package is suitable for you as a Teletalk user, surely you are coming to the right place.

Here, I discuss all of the internet packages for you so that you can easily find out your desire package daily, weekly, and monthly. So, what can you do to take your desire internet package from Teletalk SIM? Surely you need to complete the process for your desire package. Don’t worry; the processes are very simple and easy.

Without delay, let’s get started with the internet package of Teletalk in 2024 with updated methods.

Teletalk Internet Package 2024.

In 2024, Teletalk provides their user with different internet packages such as Youth, Agami, projonmo, and some others. If you are a user of any of this package, you need to apply the most updated USSD or other methods. Due to CVID-19, Teletalk also changes some methods, terms, and conditions. Whatever change or method you need, I explorer here.

Teletalk Regular Internet Package List.

Before we jump down the special internet package, I think the regular package is also very important to know. Here I provide you a chart which helps you to know the Teletalk regular internet package. So, let’s look out the chart below.

VolumePriceUSSD CodeValidation
1 GB27 Taka*111*27#7 days
1 GB49 Taka*111*49#30 days
2 GB93 Taka*111*93#30 days
3 GB44 Taka*111*44#5 days
3 GB66 Taka*111*66#10 days
10 GB97 Taka*111*97#10 days
25 GB198 Taka*111*198#10 days
30 GB344 Taka*111*344#30days

So, if you want to get any kind of Teletalk internet package, you can choose any of the charges. First of all, you need to recharge and then apply the code. You will get a confirmation SMS, which helps you to know that your internet package is activated.

Some Important Code:

  • To Know Teletalk Internet Usage, press*152#
  • If you want to know Teletalk internet Settings, send SMS set to 738
  • If you wish to register Teletalk internet package, send SMS to 111 with the package keyword (D1/F1)
  • For More Query, to dial 01550157750 (prepaid) or 444 (postpaid)

Check: Teletalk Number Check

Teletalk Weekly Internet Package.

However, if you want to get the Teletalk weekly internet package, you may find here the best option. Teletalk provides its user with regular, weekly, and monthly base internet package. Now the chart shows your weekly base internet package. So, if you need a Teletalk internet package, surely you can follow the below section of the Teletalk weekly internet package.

VolumePriceUSSD CodeValidation
1 GB27 Taka*111*27#7 days
1.5 GB29 Taka*111*513#7 days

Teletalk only provides two data package system for the weekly package. If you want to choose a weekly internet package, you need to dial the USSD code to get the service.

Click: Airtel Internet Package BD

Teletalk Monthly Internet Package.

Well, there are lots of monthly internet package you will get from Teletalk. If you are looking for a monthly base internet offer, surely this section is helpful for you. So, without thinking more, you will check out the list below about Teletalk internet package.

VolumePriceUSSD CodeValidation
500 MB26 Taka*111*503#30-days
1 GB49 Taka*111*49#30-days
2 GB93 Taka*111*93#30-days
3 GB139 Taka*111*531#30-days
5 GB201 Taka*111*532#30-days
10 GB301 Taka*111*550#30-days
20 GB498 Taka*111*552#30-days
30 GB344 Taka*111*344#30-days
45 GB849 Taka*111*554#30-days

I hope that the chart helps you a lot to get a monthly package with your own budget. All are the code updated in 2024. So, without any issue, you can choose any kind of package and enjoy yourself.

Teletalk Agami Internet Package.

Well, you are an Agami user and wanted to know the internet package, surely you can check out the below chart for getting the Teletalk internet package. It would help if you remembered that Agami SIM-only used for SSC students who get GPA-5.

DataPriceUSSD CodeValidity
1 GB22 Taka*111*600#7-days
1 GB45 Taka*111*601#30-days
2 GB81 Taka*111*602#30-days
3 GB55 Taka*111*603#10-days
5 GB91 Taka*111*605#15-days
10 GB177 Taka*111*610#30-days

To check out the internet balance, you need to send an SMS such as type your SMS body “U” and send 111. You will get instant SMS for your current internet balance.

Teletalk Youth Internet Package.

If you are a Teletalk Youth user, you need to know the Teletalk internet packages, which are truly well enough. Within mind, I collect a list for you, which helps you to get a budget-friendly internet package with your own. So, without delay, let’s check out the chart below.

VolumePriceUSSD CodeValidation
100 MB9 Taka*111*501#5-days
500 MB26 Taka*111*503#30-days
1.5 GB39 Taka*111*513#7-days
3.5 GB78 Taka*111*511#10-days
5 GB201 Taka*111*532#30-days
3 GB139 Taka*111*531#30-days
10 GB301 Taka*111*550#30-days
20 GB498 Taka*111*552#30-days
30 GB649 Taka*111*553#30-days
45 GB849 Taka*111*554#30-days

I hope that the information is helpful for you to choose the right Teletalk internet package. However, if you want to check the internet balance, you need to do something like Agami. Type “U” and send 111.

Another Post: GP Internet Package

Teletalk Bornomala Internet Package.

Teletalk Bornomala is an awesome creation of the Teletalk company. This service comes with several benefits at a lower cost. Today I will share the Bornomala internet package with you, which helps you choose the right Teletalk internet package and save your money.

VolumePriceUSSD  CodeValidity
1 GB24  Taka*111*611#7-days
1 GB46 Taka*111*612#30-days
2 GB83 Taka*111*613#30-days
3 GB62  Taka*111*614#10-days
5 GB96 Taka*111*15#15-days
10 GB186 Taka*111*16#30-days

For getting the service, you need to dial the number after recharging the balance. If you want to check out the balance, you need to dial “*111#,” or you can send an SMS such as type “U” and send it 111 number.

Teletalk Oporajita Internet Package.

This is Teletalk, another important feature that also comes with variable internet packages. So, for knowing the updated Oporajita package, surely you need to consider the below chart.

VolumePriceUSSD CodeValidity
1 GB8 Taka*111*8#7-days
1 GB19 Taka*111*19#3-days
2 GB38 Taka*111*38#7-days
10 GB156 Taka*111*156#15-days

If you don’t want to dial the code, you need to recharge the same amount for getting the service. For checking the internet balance, you need to dial *111# or send an SMS. For sending SMS, you need to type your SMS body option “U” and send 111.

Teletalk Combo Internet Package.

Well, if you want to know the Teletalk internet offer combo package that means included minutes, SMS, and data, then this section is suitable for you. However, for purchasing the combo package, you need to check out the list of Teletalk internet package.

Offer NamePriceSMSDataMinutesUSSD  CodeValidity
Smile 1212 Taka1060 MB16*111*101#3-days
Smile 5050 taka50500 MB55*111*102#7-days
Smile 100100 Taka1001.2 GB100*111*103#10-days
Combo 1991991002 GB250*111*199#30-days
Combo 2992991003 GB380*111*299#30-days

If you want to choose a combo offer, surely you can go for any kind of package. I hope that you can understand whatever I say to you about this section.

Know More: Banglalink Internet Package

Teletalk 4G & 3G Internet Package.

You can use all of the Teletalk internet packages for your 3G and 4G package. Don’t worry; the SIM company doesn’t take any charges for using 3G or 4G SIM. Without any worries, you can use the package for your 3G and 4G SIM.

How to Check Teletalk Internet Balance (Free Cost) ?

After buying the Teletalk internet package, you need to check the balance sometime. There have two methods you can check your internet balance. First of all, you can check out the balance via My Teletalk App. You just need to follow the step below.

Step 1: Download the app and signup.

Step 2: After sign up, you need to long-in

Step 3: Then, you need to check the internet balance option.

Step 4: Now, you can check out your current data package.

On the other hand, you can apply another method to check the internet balance. You just need to dial *152# or write “U” and send 111 for knowing the internet balance.

I hope that both methods are easy to check out the current internet balance. It is also free of cost, so you never need to pay any money for it.

How to Purchase Internet Package?

If you don’t like any regular packages and are already included in Projonmo, Agami, Bornomala, Youth, and some other Teletalk internet package, this section is surely beneficial for you. So, let’s break them down without delay.

Terms and Conditions

  • All of the packages included VAT, SD, and SC charge.
  • Have not any hidden charges
  • Both prepaid and postpaid users use the packages
  • Checking balance, you never need to pay any extra money
  • After the date expired, the code automatically de-activate


I hope that the above underline;”>Teletalk internet package helps you a lot to choose your desire package. You just need to apply the Teletalk internet package code or USSD code, which is already provided. What next? If you want to know more data about this topic, surely you can let me know the below comment box. So, without delay, purchase your package right now.

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