Comilla To Rangamati Bus Service | Schedule| Ticket Price [2024]

If you are going to wish Comilla to  Rangamati for your need.  If want to know bus services of Comilla To Rangamati  and Rangamati  to Comilla. In the article we will shared Comilla To Rangamati Bus Services with Comilla To Rangamati AC Bus Services, Comilla To Rangamati Non-AC Bus Services, Bus Schedule and Ticket Price 2024. So let’s read the full article from Wiki Of Info which helps to know Rangamati To Comilla Bus Schedule With Ticket Fare.

Rangamati To Comilla Bus Service

Comilla To Rangamati Bus Service

There are luxuries transports running in the Comilla To Rangamati Routes. The Bus Name is SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS. AC and Non Ac both services available in the Rangamati Comilla Road. Rangamati to Comilla bus ticket price is 850 (Non-Ac) and 1700 (AC). The Buses provides good services.  So, Let’s check the list of Comilla To Rangamati Bus Services with bus ticket price, time schedule, road map, online ticket booking, Starting Point, End Point, Departure Time and Arrival Time etc.

Comilla To Rangamati Bus Schedule and Ticket Price

Now check the Comilla To Rangamati Bus Schedule and Ticket Price from below. The provided information is latest.  So, you can accept the Comilla To Rangamati Bus Service details without hassle .

Bus Name


Departure Time

Arrival Time

Ticket Price

Shyamoli NR Travels

5703-RANG-DHK Non AC

Starting Point: Rangamati

End Point: Gabtoli Terminal

8.00 PM

4.30 AM

850 Taka

Shyamoli NR Travels


Starting Point: Rangamati

End Point: Gabtoli Terminal

8:45 PM

5:00 AM

1700 Taka

Comilla To Rangamati AC Bus Schedule and Ticket Price

For the user helps, we have added Comilla To Rangamati AC Bus Schedule and Ticket Price in below. Just check and enjoy lovely bus services .

Shyamoli NR Travels


Starting Point: Rangamati

End Point: Gabtoli Terminal

8:45 PM

5:00 AM

1700 Taka

Comilla To Rangamati Bus Service Ticket Online

If you wish to buy your ticket by online. But you have to maintain some procedure.  As per procedure you have to website which provides online bus ticket, well, below we have listed Comilla To Rangamati Bus Online Ticket Booking Websites. The websites are


Comilla To Rangamati Bus Road Map

Here, We have added Comilla To Rangamati Bus Road Map, You can check the road map of Comilla To Rangamati Bus services which helps to get clear idea on the road every stations.

Comilla To Rangamati Bus Road Map

Final Words.

We hope to understand details of Comilla To Rangamati Bus Service with Schedule and Ticket Price. We make sure regal information for the all. If you have more things, please let me comments by below box or email us. We come back to you and reply very soon. Thanks for the reading the article.

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