Dhaka To Chandpur Bus Service | Schedule| Ticket Price| Distance & More.

Welcome to this new article on The Dhaka to Chandpur Bus Service. Those who regularly travel on the Dhaka to Chandpur route can take the bus service as a transportation system.

Tisha Service Bus Company, Al Arafah Bus Company, Padma Bus Company, Saudia Paribahan Bus Company and various bus operators provide regular services on these routes. Several bus companies have continued their services on the Chandpur-Dhaka road.

We will discuss these bus companies in detail today. So those who do not want to miss the full information stay with us till the last part of the article.

Dhaka To Chandpur Distance By Bus
Dhaka To Chandpur Distance By Bus

About Dhaka To Chandpur Bus Service

Since Chandpur is a district in the south-eastern part of Bangladesh, many people have to travel from Dhaka to Chandpur due to the need. In this case, everyone should know the details about the Dhaka To Chandpur Bus Service. This makes it 100% easier to travel on this route.

Some AC and non-AC buses of Tisha Service Bus Company, Al Arafah Bus Company, Padma Bus Company, Saudia Paribahan Bus Company serve the Dhaka To Chandpur route. However, to go to Dhaka to Chandpur, the river route is taken most seriously as a transport system.

However, several quality bus operators also provide services on the by-route. Stay with us if you want to know the details.

Dhaka To Chandpur Bus Service List

Now letโ€™s talk about the Dhaka to Chandpur Bus Service List. At the outset, many buses provide services on this route. So if your choice, time and budget are consistent, any bus operator can enjoy the service of the company.

So for your convenience, I have shared a primary list of Dhaka To Chandpur Bus Service. Where 4 popular bus companies of Bangladesh have been told about quality buses. You can check:

  • Tisha Service Bus Company
  • Al Arafah Bus Company
  • Padma Bus Company
  • Saudia Paribahan Bus Company

Dhaka To Chandpur Bus Ticket Price

If you have already decided to enjoy Dhaka To Chandpur Bus Service, then you need to know about The Dhaka To Chandpur Bus Ticket Price. And today we will know about the ticket price of a total of 4 bus operator companies.

However, I will not tell you how much ticket price has been fixed for passenger transportation across Bangladesh. Weโ€™ll just tell you more about the Dhaka To Chandpur Bus Ticket Price. Letโ€™s find out the detailed information:

Bus Name Ticket Price
Tisha Service Bus Company 350 Tk
Al Arafah Bus Company 350 Tk
Padma Bus Company 350 Tk
Saudia Paribahan Bus Company 350 Tk

Dhaka To Chandpur Bus Schedule

If you are a resident of Dhaka, you may need to come to Chandpur for some reason or the other. There is a BSCIC industrial city in Chandpur where many big industrial factories are coming up. Apart from this, there are many businessmen in Chandpur who do different types of business for their livelihood.

There is also a 250-bed general hospital in places like Chandpur. If you need to get a Dhaka To Chandpur Bus Service, then know about The Dhaka To Chandpur Bus Schedule.

Bus Name Bus Leaving Time Bus Arriving Time
Tisha Service Bus Company 5:30 AM 9:30 AM
Al Arafah Bus Company 6:10 AM 10:30 AM
Padma Bus Company 6:55 AM 10:50 AM
Saudia Paribahan Bus Company 7:30 AM 12:30 AM

Dhaka To Chandpur Ac & Non Ac Bus Service & Ticket Price 

Many people are serious about Ac and Non-Ac Bus Service in the case of Dhaka To Chandpur Bus Service. Some people select non-AC bus service due to budget constraints. Again, in the case of travel, some people try to enjoy the bus service that has an AC seat.

Letโ€™s know about Dhaka To Chandpur Ac & Non Ac Bus Service & Ticket Price.  Price tisha Service Bus Company, Al Arafah Bus Company, Padma Bus Company, Saudia Paribahan Bus Company each bus operator charges TK 400 as ticket price for AC bus. And for non-AC seat tickets, they charge 250 TK.

Dhaka To Chandpur Bus Service Online Ticket 

If you want to enjoy the Dhaka To Chandpur Bus Service, you must buy a ticket. In this case, you can buy tickets using any field offline and online. However, those who want to buy Dhaka To Chandpur Bus Service tickets online at home, know about some important websites related to this:

Dhaka To Chandpur Distance By Bus

Now letโ€™s talk about Dhaka to Chandpur Distance by Bus. According to the bus on the Dhaka to Chandpur route, the distance is about 145 KM meters. Although this distance is the same in the case of AC buses, there may be some exceptions in the case of non-AC buses.

And it takes 10/12 hours for bus operators to complete this route. Many people may think of this time too much. In fact, the reason for the extra time is that the bus operators stop at different stations on the way.

Warming Up

Hope our shared bus list will help you enjoy The Dhaka To Chandpur Bus Service. It is also requested to be careful about safety while enjoying the bus service. Help yourself and your family to take the highest precautions. Wishing you a successful Dhaka to Chandpur bus tour after you, I am saying goodbye like today. May everyone be well and enjoy the transportation service safely.

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