Do you travel from Dhaka to Laxmipur regularly? If you travel regularly on this route, you can enjoy The Easy Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Service. Basically, the buses that provide the best service on this Dhaka to Lakshmipur route are royal coach bus operator, econo bus operator and Miami air condition bus operator. Those who want to travel with the help of buses on Dhaka to Laxmipur route can manage bus tickets with 450 TK to 600 TK. Enjoy the article till the end to find out more details.
About Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Service
At the outset, let’s share some information about the location of Lakshmipur district and the information related to it. It is basically an important district of Chittagong division. On the other hand, no one can be found who does not know Dhaka as the capital of Bangladesh.
Different types of vehicles can be used on different routes to travel from Dhaka to Laxmipur. However, considering the low cost and reaching the destination in the fastest time, the help of bus operators has to be taken.
At present, several buses have become popular to provide Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Service. These buses are Himachal Express Bus Operator, Dhaka Express Bus Operator, Royal Coach Bus Operator, Miami Air Condition Bus Operator, etc.

The most important thing is that in the case of Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Service, those who want to enjoy non-AC bus service will have to spend 400 TK per ticket. But I think this prize selection is completely perfect in terms of distance and quality of seats.
I hope you won’t have a problem with this prize. And those who want to know about the schedule in the case of Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Service, I will say that it can take 5 to 7/8 hours to travel with the help of a bus on this route. This time will depend on the bus operator authorities. Stay with us to know the details.
Dhaka To Lakshmipur Dhaka Express Bus Service[Time Table, Ticket Prices ]
Experience comfortable and hassle-free travel from Dhaka to Lakshmipur with our premium AC and non-AC bus services. Our buses operate on a convenient time table, ensuring punctuality and convenience for our passengers. Enjoy affordable ticket prices and inquire about counter numbers for easy booking and information. Embark on a smooth journey with us today! So, let’s check the Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Service as a Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Time Table, Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Ticket Price, Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Counter Number and more form Wiki Of Info
Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus List
Now let’s talk about the Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Service List. At present, the Quality Service Provider with security is working as a bus operator with 6 buses. Each of these 6 buses provides regular service on the Dhaka To Lakshmipur route. The buses are:
- Econo Bus Operator
- Royal Coach Bus Operator
- Jonaki Service Line
- Himachal Express Bus Operator
- Dhaka Express Bus Operator
- Miami Air Condition Bus Operator
- Al-Arafah Express Bus Operator
Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Ticket Price
Those who want to enjoy the services of the buses we discuss today should have an idea about the Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Service Ticket Price. In this case, you can focus on the price details below. I feel the importance of keeping one thing in mind before discussing the prize. In the chart shared below, however, we have just shared Dhaka To Lakshmipur’s Non-AC Bus Ticket Prize. Hopefully, according to the budget, your Dhaka To Lakshmipur journey will be 100% successful and safe.
Bus Name | Ticket Price |
Dhaka Express | 450 Tk |
Royal coach | 600 Tk |
Himachal Express | 450 Tk |
Dhaka Express | 450 Tk |
Al-Arafah Express | 450 Tk |
Econo Bus | 450 Tk |
Al-Arafah Express | 450 Tk |
Dhaka To Lakshmipur AC Bus Ticket Price
You know about non-AC bus tickets. In this section of the article, we will share information about the Dhaka To Lakshmipur AC Bus Service Ticket Price. Dhaka To Lakshmipur AC Bus Service Ticket Price is:
Bus Name | Ticket Price |
Miami Air Con | Platinum 700 Tk |
Royal coach | 600 Tk |
Econo | 550 Tk |
Dhaka To Lakshmipur Dhaka Express Bus Service[Time Table, Ticket Prices ]
Experience comfortable and hassle-free travel from Dhaka to Lakshmipur with our premium AC and non-AC bus services. Our buses operate on a convenient time table, ensuring punctuality and convenience for our passengers. Enjoy affordable ticket prices and inquire about counter numbers for easy booking and information. Embark on a smooth journey with us today! So, let’s check the Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Service as a Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Time Table, Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Ticket Price, Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Counter Number and more form Wiki Of Info
Bus Name | Bus Type | Starting Point | End Point | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Travel Duration | Seat Type | Ticket Price |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 12:40 AM | 04:30 PM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 01:40 AM | 05:30 PM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 02:40 AM | 06:30 PM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 03:40 AM | 07:30 PM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 04:40 AM | 08:30 PM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Ac | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 05:10 AM | 09:00 PM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 650 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 05:40 AM | 09:30 PM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 06:10 AM | 10:00 PM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 01:10 PM | 05:00 AM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 01:40 PM | 05:30 AM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 02:10 PM | 06:00 AM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 02:40 PM | 06:30 AM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 03:10 PM | 07:00 AM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 03:40 PM | 07:30 AM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 04:10 PM | 08:00 AM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Ac | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 04:40 PM | 08:30 AM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 650 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 05:10 PM | 09:00 AM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 05:40 PM | 09:30 AM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 06:40 PM | 10:30 AM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 08:10 PM | 11:30 AM | 15.33 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 08:40 PM | 12:30 PM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 09:40 PM | 01:30 PM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 10:40 PM | 02:30 PM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
DhakaExpress | Non AC | Tongi Counter | Raypur | 11:40 PM | 03:30 PM | 15.83 Hrs | E-Class | 550 Tk |
Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Schedule
Now we will know about the exact time schedule of Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Service. By following this time schedule, you will also be able to travel by bus on the Dhaka To Lakshmipur route. Himachal Express, Dhaka Express, Econo Bus, Al-Arafah Express, Maximal Buses of Royal Coach serve the Dhaka To Lakshmipur route from 4.30 am to 11.30 pm.
Dhaka To Lakshmipur Online Ticket
To enjoy the Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Service, you can buy a ticket at home if you want., several websites called Bus BD and Bus Tickets offer online ticket selling services. If you want, you can also buy bus tickets from these websites, the preferred bus operator company serving the Dhaka To Lakshmipur route. Dhaka To Lakshmipur Online Bus Service related websites are:
- Bus BD
- Bus Tickets
Dhaka To Lakshmipur Distance By Bus
Those of you who want to travel by living on the Dhaka to Lakshmipur route want to know about how long it will take to cross this route. Basically, if you take the Dhaka To Lakshmipur Online Bus Service, you will have to travel 401.6 Km on the Dhaka To Lakshmipur route.
Waring Up
For those of you who want to travel at a low cost on the Dhaka to Laxmipur route, this Dhaka To Lakshmipur Bus Service related article will help to some extent. Keep in mind that just as the bus transport system has reduced our daily commuting costs, it has also made arrangements to reach the destination in less time. In this case, the bus operators have ensured maximum security measures. But you also have to ensure your own safety. Take maximum precautions while traveling by bus. Ensure a safe bus ride. Thank you for being with the whole article.
More Bus Services:
- Himachol Express
- Dhaka To Noakhali Bus
- Star Line Bus Schedule Dhaka To Feni
- Dhaka to Gazipur Bus Service
- Dhaka To Narayanganj Bus Service
- Dhaka to Chittagong Bus Schedule