Mymensingh to Dhaka Train Schedule| Ticket Price | Latest time table

Mymensingh is approximately 109.7 KM away from Dhaka. If you traveling by train it can take up to 2-4 hours. Every day lots of traveler traveling Mymensingh to Dhaka or Dhaka to Mymensingh by train.

 If you are a traveler then, you should need to know the Mymensingh to Dhaka train schedule. The train journey is always very enjoyable and relatable than another journey on the route.

So, if you want to make your journey enjoyable and memorable here, we will provide you all the correct information about Mymensingh to Dhaka train schedule according to fare. Stay connected, lots more know.

Mymensingh To Dhaka Train List :

According to the Bangladesh Railway authority, there is no selective train which only travels for Mymensingh. There have many intercity trains or mail trains that cross over Mymensingh district and take the break to get a passenger. Two different categories of train run on Dhaka to Mymensingh or Mymensingh to Dhaka. These are: 

  1. Intercity Trains
  2. Mail Trains

List of Intercity trains are:

  • Tista Express
  • Brahmaputra Express
  • Jamuna Express
  • Hawr Express
  • Aghnibina Express
  • Mohongonj Express

List of Mail trains are:

  • Dewangonj Commuter
  • Jamalpur Commuter
  • Bolaka Commuter
  • Ishkhan Express
  • Mohua Express
  • Vawal Express

Mymensingh to Dhaka train schedule 2024:

All the intercity or Mail train start their journey from komolapur railway station and after half an hour these trains come to Dhaka Biman Bandar Station. Take the passengers from these stations with their preference. Now, here we have Mymensingh to Dhaka intercity train schedule

  • Mymensingh To Dhaka Intercity Train Schedule
  • Mymensingh To Dhaka Mail Train Schedule

Mymensingh To Dhaka Intercity Train Schedule.

Check the Mymensingh To Dhaka Intercity Train Schedule 2024 From Wiki Of Info. Below we have added the Mymensingh Intercity Train Schedule for the peoples.

Train No Name Off Day From Departure To Arrival
707 Tista Express Monday Mymensingh 10:23 Dewanganj Bazar 12:40
708 Tista Express Monday Mymensingh 17:10 Dhaka 20:25
735 Aghnibina Express No Mymensingh 13:55 Tarakandi 16:45
736 Aghnibina Express No Mymensingh 20:02 Dhaka 23:00
743 Bhrammaputra Express No Mymensingh 21:30 Dewanganj Bazar 23:50
744 Brahmaputra Express No Mymensingh 09:10 Dhaka 12:40
745 Jamuna Express No Mymensingh 20:10 Tarakandi 22:55
746 Jamuna Express No Mymensingh 04:30 Dhaka 07:45
777 Hawr Express Wednesday Mymensingh 01:47 Mohonganj 04:40
778 Hawr Express Thursday Mymensingh 10:38 Dhaka 13:50
786 Bijoy Express Tuesday Mymensingh 20:30 Chattogram 05:30
789 Mohangonj Express Monday Mymensingh 17:25 Mohonganj 20:10
790 Mohangonj Express Monday Mymensingh 02:05 Dhaka 05:00

Mymensingh To Dhaka Mail Train Schedule.

At some time we need to know Mymensingh To Dhaka Mail Train Schedule, that’s way below we have added the Intercity Train Schedule of Mymensingh To Dhaka.

Train No Name Off Day From Departure To Arrival
37 Mymensingh Express No Mymensingh 04:22 B.B.East 09:20
38 Mymensingh Express No Mymensingh 07:20 Chattogram 21:00
40 Isha Khan Express No Mymensingh 14:00 Dhaka 23:55
43 Mahua Express No Mymensingh 12:35 Mohonganj 14:50
44 Mahua Express No Mymensingh 17:35 Dhaka 21:10
47 Dewangonj Commuter No Mymensingh 09:02 Dewanganj Bazar 11:40
48 Dewangonj Commuter No Mymensingh 15:33 Dhaka 19:25
49 Balaka Commuter No Mymensingh 08:40 Jharia Jhanjail 10:15
50 Balaka Commuter No Mymensingh 13:52 Dhaka 17:40
51 Jamalpur Commuter No Mymensingh 19:10 Dewanganj Bazar 22:15
52 Jamalpur Commuter No Mymensingh 07:33  Dhaka 11:15
55 Vawal Express No Mymensingh 00:10 Dewanganj Bazar 04:20
56 Vawal Express No Mymensingh 05:55 Dhaka 12:05
75 Dholessory Express No Mymensingh 12:40 B.B.East 17:00

Check: Dhaka To Mymensingh Train Schedule

Mymensingh to Dhaka Train Ticket Price 2024:

After knowing the details about Mymensingh to Dhaka train schedule now let’s know the details about the ticket and ticket price. For buying your ticket you have to go Bangladesh Railway ticket from the ticket counter at the station.

You can also buy or book your ticker online just like other route tickets. According to the different types of seat category, there are different price ticket you can buy.

Seat Category Ticket Price
2nd Class General 35 Tk
2nd Class Mail 50 Tk
Commuter 60 Tk
Sulov 70 Tk
Shovan 120 Tk
Shovan Chair 140 Tk
1st Class Chair 185 Tk
Snigdha 271 Tk
1st Berth 280 Tk
AC Seat 322 Tk
AC Berth 483 Tk

There will be a 15% vat charge that will be added with the price. Some times there will change the schedule base on the weather. Sometimes ticket prices also high occasionally which is not permitted from the government.

Train Ticket Booking Online.

If you want to book train ticket online? you can try here, we have provided direct link for buy trian ticket online, Just follow below button.

Tista Express:

Tista Express train code 707 and 708 runs from Dhaka to Dewan Ganj Bazar and halts on Mymensingh to get the passenger. Tista Express departs from Mymensingh at 05.10 PM. reaches Dhaka at 08.10 PM. It also departs from Dhaka at 7.20 AM and reaches Mymensingh 10.35 AM.

Aghnibina Express:

Basically, aghnibina express runs on Dhaka to Tarakandi route and on the way, halt on Mymensingh. If you want to travel on Aghnibina express, you should follow to Dhaka to tarakandi train schedule.

This train code no is 736 and they have no off day, runs seven days in a week. Aghnibina express departs from Mymensingh at 19.15 to Dhaka and reaches Dhaka at 22.35.

Brahmaputra Express:

Brahmaputra express train code 743 and 744. This train runs on Dhaka Dewangong Bazar route and there is a stoppage in Mymensingh. You can make your journey any day in week because they have no off day. departs from Mymensingh at 9.00 to Dhaka and reaches Dhaka at 12.40 .

Jamuna Express:

Just like others jamuna has no off day runs for seven days in a week. It’s also run on tarakandi route just like agnibina. It starts journey from Mymensingh at 4.20 AM and reaches Dhaka at 7.45 AM. This is Mymensingh to Dhaka train time.

Hawr Express:  

Hawr express is Runs Dhaka to Mohangonj route. This train is a service of Bangladesh railway and code is 778 and 786.It starts the journey from Mymensingh at 23.00 and reaches Dhaka at 5.00 AM. Thursday is off day, run for 6 days in a week. This train also runs for 6 days in a week and off day is Monday.

Mohangonj Express:

Mohangonj express is Runs Dhaka to Mohangonj route just like Hawr express.

Departs from Mymensingh at 4.35 AM and reaches Dhaka at 7.40 AM. It’s run very early in the morning, that’s why not many people make a journey from Mymensingh to Dhaka trough this train. Monday is the off day.

This way, if you know the exact information about Mymensingh to Dhaka train schedule, then the journey will be enjoyable.

This is all about Mymensingh to Dhaka intercity train schedule nowIt’s time to know about the Mail train schedule. These trains are regularly run Dhaka to Mymensingh and Mymensingh to Dhaka on the Mymensingh route. Now here list and details about Mymensingh to Dhaka train schedule (Mail train):

Train Name Off Day Departure Arrival
Isha Khan express (40) No 12:00 23:00
Mahua express (44) No 17:22 21:25
Dewangonj express (48) No 15:33 19:15
Balaka commuter (50) No 13:45 17:25
Jamalpur commuter (52) No 7:33 11:15
Vawal express (56) No 5:30 11:45

Isha Khan Express:

With the serial no 40 This train runs starts it journey at 12.01 AM from Mymensingh and reached at 23:00 similarly departs Dhaka at 11.30 AM reaches Mymensingh at 9.45 PM. Isha khan express runs from Dhaka to Mymensingh Route.

Mahua Express:

Mahua express runs from Dhaka to Mohongonj Route. starts its journey from Mymensingh to Dhaka at 5.22 PM with serial no 44 and reaches at 21:25 similarly leaves Dhaka at 8.10 AM.

Dewangonj Commuter:

Destination is expressed by name because it starts a journey from Dewanganj Bazar. Those people who is want to go early dewangonj commuter is the best choice. Runs from dewangonj at 3.33 PM and 5.40 AM from Dhaka. Approximately it takes six hours to reach the destination.

Balaka Commuter:

It is one of the fastest mail train services which run on the Dhaka Mymensingh route. Balaka commuters’ serial number is 50 and it takes almost four hours to reach the destination. It departs from Mymensingh at 1.45 pm and Dhaka at 10.30 AM.

Jamalpur Commuter:

With the serial, no 52 starts the journey to Mymensingh at 3.40 PM and It leaves at 7.30 AM. They no off day so you can travel any day you want.

Vawal Express:

Vawal express also runs on dewangong route. It takes almost eight hours to reach dewangonj, Mymensingh. Starts journey from Mymensingh at 5.30 AM and 9 pm from Dhaka station.

So, this is the almost full details about Mymensingh to Dhaka all train schedule. Remember If you know the perfect schedules there will be no trouble to travel. So, it’s very important to acknowledge about Mymensingh to Dhaka train schedule.

Final word:

Mymensingh to Dhaka or Dhaka to Mymensingh journey is not such a long journey but everyone needs a hassle-free journey. If the journey is not comfortable and enjoyable it will feel very dizzy or annoying.

So, it’s very important to the details about Mymensingh to Dhaka train schedule and also about the seat classification or ticket price. Make your journey enjoyable take the facilities and service of the Bangladesh railway provide. Every journey should be memorable, it may far or near doesn’t matter.

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