Nowadays, there are so many travelers who travel on trains from Rajshahi to Khulna. So, as a traveler, you must know the Rajshahi to Khulna Train Schedule. Therefore, we are here to let you know about Rajshahi to Khulna Train Schedule and Ticket Price. Well, both Rajshahi and Khulna are two major administrative cities of Bangladesh.
Besides, Rajshahi is an urban, commercial, and metropolitan city and also the educational center of the country. On the other hand, Khulna is the third-largest city of Bangladesh. So, the Railway route of Rajshahi to Khulna and Khulna to Rajshahi always remain busy. Let’s check the Rajshahi to Khulna train time schedule, Khulna to Rajshahi new train schedule, and Rajshahi to Khulna train ticket price 2024.
Rajshahi To Khulna Train List.
Before knowing the Rajshahi to Khulna train schedule, let’s see the list of Rajshahi to Khulna coming and going trains. The distance between Rajshahi and Khulna is approximately 280 kilometers. Apparently, it takes nearly 7 to 10 hours in Rajshahi to Khulna train journey. There are three trains, that travel in Rajshahi to Khulna Railway route. Two Intercity trains and one Mail Express train. Here are the names of the trains.
Intercity Train :
- Kapotaksha Express
- Sagordari Express
Mail Express Train :
- Mohananda Express.
Check: Train Tracking BD
Rajshahi To Khulna Train Schedule 2024 [All]
For traveling from Rajshahi to Khulna, you need to know Rajshahi to Khulna train time schedule. The Kapotaksha Express, Sagordari Express, and Mohananda Express travel from Rajshahi to Khulna in multiple times. So, it is quite important to know the schedule of these trains. Because you can choose your traveling train according to the schedule. Here is the time table of Rajshahi to Khulna train schedule 2024.
Train Name | Train Number | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Off Day |
Kapotaksha Express | 716 | 14:15 | 20:10 | Tuesday |
Sagordari Express | 762 | 06:40 | 12:10 | Monday |
Mohananda Express | 16 | 08:15 | 16:40 | None |
Go To: Dhaka To Rajshahi Train Schedule
Rajshahi To Khulna Intercity Train Schedule.
Well, we know there are two Intercity trains that travel from Rajshahi to Khulna. Apparently, Intercity trains are confined with modern features and facilities. Besides, Intercity trains are quite fast and secure. There are Air Conditioned compartments, prayer zone, canteen service and so on. So, you can enjoy a comfortable and enjoyable journey in Intercity trains. Here is the time table chart of Intercity trains according to Rajshahi to Khulna train time schedule.
Train Name | Train Number | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Off Day |
Kapotaksha Express | 716 | 02:15 PM | 08:10 PM | Tuesday |
Sagordari Express | 762 | 06:40 AM | 12:10 PM | Monday |
Rajshahi To Khulna Mail Express Schedule.
In Rajshahi to Khulna Railway route, there is only one Mail Express train named Mohananda Express. Probably Mail Express trains do not provide any modern services. Besides, there are no Air Conditioned compartment and canteen facility. Moreover, Mail Express trains are not as fast as Intercity trains. It takes so much time to reach the destination station if you travel on Mail Express trains. But, the ticket’s prices of Mail Express trains are quite cheap. So, poor passengers can afford it easily. Here is the time table chart of Mail Express trains based on Rajshahi to Khulna train schedule
For traveling from Rajshahi to Khulna, you need to know Rajshahi to Khulna train time schedule. The Kapotaksha Express, Sagordari Express, and Mohananda Express travel from Rajshahi to Khulna in multiple times. So, it is quite important to know the schedule of these trains. Because you can choose your traveling train according to the schedule. Here is the time table of Rajshahi to Khulna train schedule 2024.
Train Name | Train Number | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Off Day |
Mohananda Express | 16 | 08:15 AM | 04:40 PM | None |
Rajshahi To Khulna Train Ticket Price
![Rajshahi To Khulna Train Schedule | Ticket Price [2024] 2 Rajshahi To Khulna Train Schedule | Ticket Price [2024]](
Now, let’s see the Rajshahi to Khulna train ticket fare. Probably, the ticket fare depends on the varieties of seat categories. Probably, the ticket’s price of Air Conditioned seats is a bit costly. On the other hand, the fare of Non AC compartments is quite cheap. So, you can choose your seat according to your comfort and budget.
Moreover, you should know that Bangladesh Railway has included VAT with the ticket’s price. You can buy your desired train tickets from the ticket booths of Rajshahi or Khulna Railway Station. Otherwise, you can also book your train tickets from the Bangladesh Railway E-Sheba website. For both buying tickets from counters and booking on websites, most importantly, you have to know the Rajshahi to Khulna train ticket price. Here is the price chart of Rajshahi to Khulna train ticket price
For traveling from Rajshahi to Khulna, you need to know Rajshahi to Khulna train time schedule. The Kapotaksha Express, Sagordari Express, and Mohananda Express travel from Rajshahi to Khulna in multiple times. So, it is quite important to know the schedule of these trains. Because you can choose your traveling train according to the schedule. Here is the time table of Rajshahi to Khulna train schedule 2024.
Seat Categories | Ticket Price (BDT) |
AC Seat | 615 Tk |
Snigdha | 515 Tk |
First Class Seat | 410 Tk |
Shovon Chair | 310 Tk |
Shovon | 260 Tk |
Rajshahi to Khulna Train Ticket Online
![Rajshahi To Khulna Train Schedule | Ticket Price [2024] 2 Rajshahi To Khulna Train Schedule | Ticket Price [2024]](
If you want to buy Rajshahi to Khulna Train Ticket Online, please follow our instruction, below we have added a button for the buy online train ticket, you can just click the button and by the following the procedure to booking your seat.So, let’s click the online ticket booking button and get your seta. Thanks
Rajshahi to Khulna Distance
![Rajshahi To Khulna Train Schedule | Ticket Price [2024] 2 Rajshahi To Khulna Train Schedule | Ticket Price [2024]](
As per Bangladesh Railway Authority Direction, the Rajshahi to Khulna Railway Distance is 307 km and Rajshahi and Khulna by road Distance is 273 km.
So, Hopefully, the information is clear to you, now you will share the information with others.
Know More: Bangladesh Railway Train Schedule
Kapotaksha Express.
The Kapotaksha Express is a popular Intercity train that travels both from Rajshahi to Khulna and Khulna to Rajshahi. The train code of Kapotaksha Express is 716, when it runs from Rajshahi to Khulna. Besides, this train starts from Rajshahi Railway Station at 02:15 pm. Then, it arrives in Khulna Railway Station at 08:10 pm. Kapotaksha Express does not travel from Rajshahi to Khulna on Tuesday.
On the other hand, the Kapotaksha Express holds the train code 715, while traveling from Khulna to Rajshahi. It leaves Khulna Railway Station at 06:30 am. Then, it reaches in Rajshahi Railway Station at 12:20 pm. The Kapotaksha Express does not run on Saturday, from Khulna to Rajshahi.
Sagordari Express.
The Sagordari Express is the second Intercity train, travelling both in Rajshahi to Khulna and Khulna to Rajshahi Railway route. Apparently, the train code number of Sagordari Express is 762, when it runs from Rajshahi Station to Khulna. The Sagordari Express departures from Rajshahi Station early in the morning at 06:40 am. Then, it arrives in Khulna Railway Station in the noon at 12:10 pm. It does not travel from Rajshahi to Khulna on Monday
On the other hand, the Sagordari Express travels every day except Monday, from Khulna to Rajshahi. It holds the train code number 761, when it travels in Khulna to Rajshahi route. Besides, the departure time of Sagordari Express is 04:00 pm. And, it’s arrival time in Khulna Railway Station is 10:00 pm.
Mohananda Express.
The Mohananda Express is one and only Mail Express train that travels from Rajshahi to Khulna every day. But, it does not travel from Khulna to Rajshahi. It leaves Rajshahi Railway Station in the morning at 08:15. On the other hand, it arrives in Khulna Railway Station in the afternoon at 04:40 pm.
You May Need: Bangladesh Railway Ticket Prices
Khulna To Rajshahi Train Schedule.
There are travelers who also travel from Khulna to Rajshahi. Besides, those passengers who have travelled from Rajshahi to Khulna, they travel back from Khulna to Rajshahi. So, you should also know the Khulna to Rajshahi new train schedule.
There are only two Intercity trains that travel from Khulna to Rajshahi. The Kapotaksha Express and Sagordari Express. So, there is no Mail Express trains from Khulna to Rajshahi Railway route. The Mohananda Express travel from Khulna to Chapainawabganj. Here is the time table of Khulna to Rajshahi new train schedule.
Train Name | Train Number | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Off Day |
Kapotaksha Express | 715 | 06:30 | 12:20 | Saturday |
Sagordari Express | 761 | 16:00 | 22:00 | Monday |
Click: Dhaka To Rajshahi Bus Schedule and Ticket Price
Final Words:
Thus, it is all about the Rajshahi to Khulna train schedule. There are many attractive and historical places to visit in Khulna. Moreover, Khulna has Mongla seaport and many national business companies. That is why people need to travel for plenty of purposes.
Moreover, you can also visit Khulna to see The Sundarban. Therefore, we have given all the necessary, latest, and updated details about Rajshahi to Khulna train schedule and ticket price. Hopefully, it will be a handful for you in your train journey from Rajshahi to Khulna and Khulna to Rajshahi. Wish you get a safe journey.
Further Reading:
- Tungipara Express Train Schedule
- Dhaka To Kolkata Maitree Express Train Schedule
- Dhaka To Lalmonirhat Train Schedule
- Dhaka to Natore Train Schedule & Ticket Price
- Dhaka to Joydebpur Train Schedule